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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. WOWZY brother Texas Hero of mine = what a trip!!! Looks like the Lord blest you folks with an AWESOME trip despite the pot holes my friend = CONGRATS!! THANK YOU for sharing the pics John - DEFINITELY an inspiration to get back at it - GORGEOUS out there!!! Your ol buddy Puc!
  2. WOW Mike - soo sorry to hear about all this your family is going thru brother!! Our thoughts, prayers and condolences are with you folks as you work thru it all!! Grieving with you! Tip and Puc
  3. Sooooo,, :scratchchin:Skidders got a screw loose,,,,, oppsss - my bad - shoulda wrote Skidders got a bolt loose..
  4. I did a fair amount of delivering bikes I had built and sold back when I had my shop - both truck and trailering.. Also did a LOT of hauling during my MX days.. Personnally I would lean toward a stout little single place trailer before I would truck haul. The ease of loading and unloading off a low to the ground trailer compared to a truck bed would be HIGHLY beneficial IMHO.. Plus, if (heaven forbid) an accident did occur - not having 900 pounds of motorcycle wanting to come inside the truck with me would be hugely beneficial.. Something to consider is that Sport bikes are amazingly light (my 1000cc R1 is under 400 pounds dry).. Modern day dirtbikes are even less.. The weight of a full sized touring bike like our Ventures can easily work against you during unloading and loading.. Case in point - I remember reading rbig1 's story about loading his RSV into his Van - caused me pain just reading it.. Rodney - back me up here.. Gary,,if you do end up truck hauling - make sure your ramps are stout!! Make sure they fasten securely to the truck BEFORE you put any weight on them even if you have found a good raised spot to unload/load on as suggested.. DO NOT trust the ramps to stay put without being strapped or pinned down!! If the bike starts to get away from you DO NOT try to stop it = let it fall!! What ever you folks decide - be safe and HAVE A BLAST OUT THERE!!
  5. :scared::scared::scared::scared::scared: WHAT IN THE WILD WORLD OF CRUNCHIN MOTORCYCLES!!!! :95::95::95::95::95::95::95: @BrakePad = MIKE,, SOOOOOOOOOO GLAD YOU ARE OK BROTHER!!!!! Wowzy,,, stepped away for a few days to play with the grand son, come home to find this -- sorry to read this brother!!! I know (and LOVE) that area surrounding Kanab Utah very well = love it out there!! Where were you guys when this happened? Zion? Headed to the north rim? Going over to Page? Good grief brother = what a nightmare!!! Yea,, that area does get HEAVILY traveled by tourist - including LOTS of foreign travelers.. No excuse though..... Brought tears to my eyes seeing you laying in the hospital... Prayers Up for you in your recovery - also hoping you found someone to help with getting the bike trailered in.. WOW -- makes me sick to my stomach just reading this.. My gosh,, Prayers Up Puc
  6. Back at cha Grubs!! You ever see a sticker covered beat up ol 83 Yamaha Venture beatin her poor little 74 inch V-4 heart out trying to get the 2 people riding on her back back to civilization PLEASE feel free to chase er down and point its riders in the right direction = be a Hot Dog and a can of Pop in for ya if ya do!! *** Hint for easily surpassing all those miles you spoke of,,,,, written above is a detailed explanation of how it happened.. ,, sorry bout that Leland = back to that GORGEOUS scoot of your sons!! WOW that is GORGEOUS!! Just noticed its "custom" wheels.. Sort of has a HD CVO look to em... Wonder if those are stock on the "Elite"?
  7. ""scratch one ISIS soldier"" = BINGO!!!!!!!!! ""thank you to our military for their services."" = DOUBLE BINGO!!! = a HUGE thank you to ALL those folks out there fighting to keep the free world FREE!! IMHO - one of the things that having taken full advantage of our countries 2nd Amendment rights thru the years has taught me (and obviously others) thru a life time of shooting experience is just how difficult it becomes to score a hit as the range increases.. I personally have shot out to 1000 yards with a 7 mag, thru an 18 power scope and gotta say - everything has to be perfect just to keep your ammo from bouncing off the rocks in the canyon floor between you and your target on the mountain side your shootin at.. To folks not familiar with attempting such a thing,, trying to explain to them simple things like just the affect of touching the trigger on the weapon and seeing your heart beat in the scope is hard to understand - and this is thru a measly 18 power scope shooting 1000 yards.. Cant even begin to imagine +2 miles thru optics powerful enough to show a kill zone and not be computer assisted somehow .. 1760 yards x 2 (2 miles) is a longggg ways.. One thing for sure - regardless of how that Canuckian sniper did it (and I am PROUD of him for doing so - HATS OFF TO YOU MY BROTHER!!) - I sure am glad he is on our side!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK OUT THERE!!!!!
  8. Not me,,, I been out playing with the new grandson for a whole week - what a hoot!!! Got new tires waiting for me mount and high hopes of hitting the road in a westerly direction - LOOK OUT WORLD = Tip, Tweeksis and Puc comin outa chute nine!!! Hey DanL' - Kevin's probably doin some CTFW of his own,, probably cant hear ya over his pipes,,, try this = WASSUP @AKRefugee
  9. Glad all is well and you folks made it home safely brother!! Been out of town for a while too - baby sitting the new grand kid - so I missed a lot here on the site.. Got a LOT of catching up to do - including checking out your ride!!
  10. Not me baby - if I were gonna spring for one of those gorgeous scoots I would HAVE to have those iconic swoopy fenders,,, probably Cream and Willow Green in color and even a really nice set of white wall tires like I KNOW you share in a deep love for too :rasberry:
  11. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW - THAT IS GORGEOUS!! If I had me a great big gorgeous motorcycle like that you would have to catch me at a gas station filling it up with fuel to catch a still shot like that - any picture beyond that would just be a quick shot of the shadow of my Indian and me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS to your son Leland!!!!:thumbsup:
  12. THATS MY CHAMP RIGHT THERE!!!!! I just KNEW if anyone would come up with a fix it for those Chicken Strips it would be you Coff:dancefool:!!!! Tip, Tweeks and I tried to follow you up Mt. St. Helens where no Chicken Strips are allowed :big-grin-emoticon:,,, talk about AWESOME memories Sonshine!!! Sure am thankful to the Lord for bringing you safely home Coff!! THANK YOU again for your service Tech Sargent Coffey!!:usa:
  13. Awe,, thanks Kretz for loving ANY of my posts my friend! You dont ever have to worry even one bit about Puc even having a naughty book - I always figure with as much , and that I do around this place (I love needling people - especially folks that I love and I know love me) that ANY form of or or I get I am SURE I somehow deserve it Puc da Geezer
  14. Very informative post Davin = thanks!! Looking at your gun collection = NICE - gotta ask,, what is that rifle in the forefront of your safe? The black one with the multi round magazine sticking out of it? Looks like maybe a 7.62x39 or maybe .223 rifle,, maybe even larger = .308 NATO? Cant see the action on it but that sweetheart sure looks Semi Auto to me? IMHO - Making it illegal to own a semi auto or full auto is a partial ban,, to some folks here it may also be considered a ban... Speaking of mass murder,, a few years ago in the State of Wisconsin very near a small town of Fon Du Lac a young man driving a car decided to go bowling for bikers. A large group of riders from my home state - Michigan (included a few buddies of mine that I knew real well) - were on their annual ride around Lake Michigan when they met their demise at the hands of this mass murderer.. He took the whole group out with his car - killing a bunch and maiming for life others. One of my neighbors was part of that attack and, fortunately survived thru it but is a paralized from the shoulders down for life.. Because it did not involved a gun and massacring people by using a vehicle seems to be more politically correct - public outcry for more Auto control was zilch. An interesting study into what I am talking about happening here in the States might not be a bad idea BEFORE changes to our Constitutional rights take place.. Little things like banning the use of Alcohol or Drugs in Public might not be a bad idea.. I am not sure of this but I have a hunch that the loss of life or permanent injuries due to Auto accidents involving alcohol useage is probably substantially higher than the same involving guns. Another interesting study would be one of the same in countries such as Canada or even your homeland where zero tolerance to public use of Alcohol is not applied... I know,, what I am talking about sounds rediculous because,, well,, because telling people they will no longer be allowed to consume Alcohol outside of their homes is serious business.. On the same line of thought though - it might be important to remember that there are people in the U.S. who also take altering or changing our Constitutional rights - including the right to keep and bear arms - as very serious business too..
  15. Or,, do that:thumbsup:!! I did that before and found out me and Murph just aint that close:255: BUT - I do know people who seem to have a pretty good relationship with the ol boy = DEFINITELY AN ALTERNATIVE:thumbsup:!! My biggest problem with Murph have always been that he waits till I get out in the middle of no where - like crossing Death Valley - before he decides to let me know I should have remembered that little section of gas line to attach to my tank vent to blow into and force fuel into my carbs when he decided it was time for my fuel pump to go on a vacation of its own..
  16. Prayers Up my brother!! Wish we were closer I would come over and pick up sticks and debris.. Praying that the Lord will provide decent weather for the Rally Or!!
  17. I really like this David = especially the part about the sparking floorboard thingy's... That right there is almost enough to make me start searching for one .. and someone called me a geezer - NA NA DEEEE BOO BOO!!
  18. Goodness gracious,, where to begin.... 1st n foremost = !!!! Glad you found us Mark!! The suggestion of printing off the membership list is a good one - as many have found, that list and the knowledge found around our club will probably serve you better than any form of extended warranty on a new bike ever possibly could.. The only thing is, I believe you have to become a full dues paying member of our club in order to have access to the list,, not sure but I am almost positive that is the case.. Our dues are only 12 bucks U.S. a year - definitely well worth the cash IMHO.. BUILDING BOBBERS IN A SHED??? For absolute positively SURE = YOU are my kinda folk Aussie!!! You sound like just the type of person who can and WILL fly to the States, take one of these ol 83's and totally enjoy a really fun tour of our country!! That said,, here are some random thoughts that may help - what I would do in your shoes: 1. Pull the cover on the cover over the air box (open the tank fill lid - one small screw in there to remove = slide the cover forward and its off). On top of the battery is the main fuse panel = check it carefully, if at all questionable I would - at a minimum pick up some GM style fuse holders and splice em in = do away with the fuse panel = thing is problematic at best.. I would also double check battery condition including post corrosion = these bike LOVE fresh batteries and having a good battery is the best protection for starter issues IMHO. 2. Check air filter for mice nests and make sure its clean - leave air filter out so you can see into carbs. 3. Remove side covers and fairing bottoms so you can access carb covers. 4. Left side under side cover on frame rail will probably be a terminal where the 3 wires from the stator join the main harness (wont be there is someone has already hard wired it). That terminal has caused more problems than its worth for a lot of us 1st Genners.. I learned a long time ago that the best solution to over come possibly problems is just to clip it and hard wire those three wires = problem solved.. If you decide not to do so = at least pull it apart, check it for melting and corrosion, clean it real good and dielectric grease the thing - you know the routine if you have been building Bobbers.. In process of doing this = grab an ohm meter and ohm out the coils on the stator. The terminal you are looking at houses 3 white wires coming from the 3 phase stator. If memory serves me correctly - 3 to 6 ohms is spec BUT - whats really important when checking the stator is they all ohm out the same.. Just check across the wires (1-2, 1-3, 2-3) and make sure ya get the same reading.. Also check all three to ground for short.. 5. Carbs been rebuilt? Any idea by who and what that terminology means to the person who did it? Personally I would at least pull the little covers over the slides (totally accessible without removing the carbs), pull the diaphrams and check them real good for holes.. Check around the area where the diaphram meets the carb body.. These bikes run amazingly well on 3 cylinders and holes in the diaphrams is one of the main ways to make em have to drag a jug BUT = covering the distance you are talking about covering you really want the old girl to be hitting on all four all the way up to redline - make sense? If you find the fabric along the edge of on the main part of the diaphram worn very thin and not torn really bad they can be repaired very easily. I have tried a LOT of different things for repairing these but the best so far is YamaBond #5 . Clean em up with carb cleaner - dry em - lite smear of #5 , let er cure and she'll be good for THOUSANDS of miles.. I have also patch some major rips using #5 and a small piece of an old diaphram but thats not best - better to pick up new if its that bad.. When ya put the slides back in, make sure they move easily in and out - if sticky = clean them and carb hole with rag and carb cleaners till they do.. Should be REAL easy slide in and out.. 6. Drop in some new plugs - buy standard NGK DPR's - gap em at 30 thou so your at the tight end of the gap spec so they have room to grow a little from running em hard .. Unscrew the plug caps from the wires = clip 1/4 inch off end of the wires and screw the caps back on. 7. Put er back together, close the choke and start er up, spit test the pipes while she's warming up to make sure she's alive on 4. May take a bit as these scoots can be cold blooded.. As it warms a little - you should get sizzle on all 4 pipes (like mama used to check a hot iron) - dont be fooled if she doesnt - again they do run remarkably well on 3 - if its running on three figure out why.. 8. Running on 4 - look at carb throats thru air cleaner hole - wick it up and watch slides with pen light on them - make sure they are dancing in unison.. 9. Replace Air filter and cover on air box. 10. Hook up Sync gauges and sync carbs. 11. Idling - check volt meter on dash = 12 volts,, twist the throttle = should bounce to 14 voltsish. 12. Spoon on those new tires = yes BUT in the process,, plan on checking the locks over real good on the bags - both locksets - one that secures the bag to the bike and one that keeps bags closed.. Also grease the gears between the wheel and the pig.. Lots of folks pull the drive shaft and do the splines - I dont make a habit of it and have yet to have problems BUT some have had problems there - your choice.. When you pull the rear wheel watch carefully where the washer placement is between the caliper mount and the swing arm - narrow washer goes outside between caliper and swingarm = thick spacer goes inward against bearing in wheel - you'll see.. Tip wheel over so gear face is facing you. Notice protrusion hub with snap ring on it? Take a sharp screw driver or snap ring pliers and pull ring = lift up and drive hub pins will come out on hub = grease em up.. Also grease up inner needle bearings.. 13. Remove rear pads, run rear caliper pistons out to new pad distance (careful - you dont wanna push em out to far) - use new pad width to judge safe distance to force pistons out with rear pedal.. Rip a clean rag in width of piston clearance and long enough that you can wrap rag around piston and pinch it between your finger and thumb to form a cleaning tool for piston. Soak rag good with brake or carb cleaner and tightly move rag back and forth around piston to clean it really well.. (do same with front brakes when replacing pads up yonder). Force pistons back in and then out to same spot with pedal - examine for drag lines - reclean until no drag marks.. This will keep you from developing a stuck brake in the pouring rain on a mountain side in the mountains of Utah:big-grin-emoticon:. Also, the rear wheel can easily be removed without having to take off the small frame work from the left side by putting the bike on the center stand and then rocking it up on one stand leg at a time and slipping a two by four under the center stand. This also works good for doing the front wheel BUT - when messing with the front wheel be VERY careful not to put rearward pressure on the bike to the point that the center stand folds up and the whole thing comes tumbling down.. 14. The early 1st Gens came with a plastic water pump impellar.. Only way to really know if yours has been updated to aluminum is to pull it down and check it. Personally I wouldnt do that. Instead I would judge it by the way it cools.. They normally run a needles width or two out of the red zone - appears running hot to some folks who arent familiar with them. If its not circulating well because the impellar has no blades left on it it will want to run in the red zone all the time.. Just a heads up. 15. On oil refill during change.. After draining the oil - turn the key on and let the computer run thru its tests. After it does you should see the little oil container symbol showing.. This symbol is driven by a float switch in the oil pan = that should go out as you fill the case with oil.. Make sure you get new o-rings for the canister with the new filter and replace them - this will keep oil leakage at a minimum.. Only fill the engine to half way up window with filter full - over fill and she will aspirate to air filter can and will leak down on motor.. Here is a secret of mine - I run em hard and all of mine use a little oil when I do - you can keep a real close eye on your oil by hammering on it real hard in first gear occasionally (fun) - if its a quart down and time to add the little oil light will flash when the oil rocks back in the oil pan allowing the float valve to make contact and show the light - make sense? WOWZY - am I overwhelming you Aussie or is this the kind of info your looking for? More to come if ya want it?
  19. You made NO mistake,,,, well,, maybe a small one = trying to put together any form of logical sequence of events in following my twisted up ways This report was done way after the unveiling.. The pictures I posted in the report were pictures taken BEFORE the unveiling on the day I mounted the tire:banana::banana: Your fine brother = its me that is making it all difficult to understand = certainly not the first time THAT has happened
  20. Sick? What ever it is = Prayers Up for you brother!! Yea,, they nailed the guy who did the shootin - ended up taking him out from what I have heard.. Apparently one of the victims is still in critical shape, took a round thru the hip,, definitely not good!! THANK GOD one of the Congressmen had Police protection/Secret Service there or it would of/could have been a massacre cause they were cornered in a dug out on the baseball field.. IMHO, starting to get the feel of the 60's when they killed JFK, Bobby and Martin!!
  21. In a recent thread about Kenda tires, one of our club members ( WildBill1 ) made mention of something called a "Chicken Strip" in reference to the new tires I had just installed on Tweeksis.. I had posted some pictures of those tires that I had taken right after install in the thread along with a short story of how the tires had performed up to that point.. This term = Chicken Strip was new to me in speaking of tires and caused quite a discussion between my lovely bride and I as we ate dinner.. Both Tip and I both enjoy Chicken Strips (her more than I - I prefer to rip my chicken from the original chicken bones when I eat chicken - maybe a guy thing?) and for some reason we had a hard time getting beyond that reference.. After chasing my tail in my own thoughts something finally dawned on me = here is a video of what I came up with.. Hey Bill - am I close?
  22. Bill, I read what you wrote here,, went back and looked at the pics of the new tire I had just spooned on Tweeksis to try and figure out what you were referring to,,, reread what you had wrote to Tippy to see if she could figure it out,, then - after running "chicken strip" thru my worn out - beat up ol geezer brain a few hundred more times I ACTUALLY think I figured it out!!! I went out earlier and produced a video referencing what I think you are referring to as a "chicken strip" = wayyyyyyy cool!! Keep your eye out here in the water hole cause I am almost finished with a short story video explaining it all - check it out and let me know if I got it!!!! If I did :cool10:,, Hot Dogs for everyone and double for you brother!! If I didn't,, ,,, Hot Dogs for everyone and double for you still bout another 3 minutes on the You Tube upload!! PS = please keep in mind that those pics you are viewing here are of a tire that has not been ridden on yet - if I am correct, this "hint" may be important!!
  23. Hey Comp,,, there's a KTM Adventurer with those pannier side cases on it for sale down the street from me.. I know nothing about it but I do know those are pretty neat scoots as far as Adventure bikes go as I use to have buddies that had em.. If you would like I can get you a phone number if I see it outside again (it was down by the lake - not even sure what house right now) - just give the word.. I am bucket listing and picked up an, always wanted to have R1 Yamaha.. Wayyy fun!! I could go on for hours with how impressed I am with it and how glad I am I grabbed one.. Been riding 1st Gen's for many years now for most of my touring needs and will probably end up with another one after I finish wearing out this latest one. I have had many scoots thru the years and LOVE old school stuff. Not to long ago sold my war bike (42 WLA) to help with medical bills - wow was that a fun machine with TONS of rich history.. Not real sure that another is in my future,, have owned lots of Harley's (LOVE EM) with numerous Shovels under my belt.. Built numerous Chops and still LOVE the long bike ride. Did have a 59 magneto XLCH Sporty I chopped using an old 10 over Grass Hopper front end and a Amen frame I reworked to rake match the forks - came out nice.. Had a 16 over Cali Springer I stuck on an old Santee Softride frame I reworked for that fitment - WOW was that a fun bike - probably the best rider of all the Chops I ever built or owned - rode it to Sturgis numerous times = there is NOTHING like a real good Springered long bike on the open road!! That one was 71 SOHC 750 Honda motored and it ran great!! Thinking about your question,, I seriously have no for sure direction on my future bike purchase.. There is some desire inside,, possibly bucket list,, for a V-8 powered scoot = Boss Hoss... Beyond that, possibly do another ground up Chop,,, maybe using a crunched new Sporty 883 converted to a 1200 so I get the good gear ratio's.. I have always built off swap meet stuff,, maybe this time by a brand new Paucho 18 over narrow Springer and have a frame jig built to match it.. Do a Soft Tail mono on air so my back can handle it.. Dont know.. For sure I am gonna have to get tired of this R1.. To old to go back to single trackin or MXin on a KX500,, probably wont be threatening no kids in the woods... Hmmmm,, good question,, good thread!! Cant wait to see what others post up..
  24. Speaking about ABS brakes = short but accurate Puc story: My neighbors wife goes out and buys a brand new Honda Silverwing Scooter.. Things amazing!! 600cc water cooled scoot!! Comes with all the whistles and bells including ABS.. As always, we are gathered around for a usual Fenner Rd Hot Dog roast and we are sampling each other bikes,,, there's Harleys, Hondas, Yams, dirtbikes, mopeds and scooters = even a couple two wheelers from as far away as China.. I climb on the Silver Wing and go scootin down the road..What an amazing piece of machinery that thing is!! IT FLY"S!!! Got right in front of their house,, all my buddies watching me,, grabbed the clutch lever on the left bar and gave er a good yank to down shift and,,, instantly was reminded that the Silver Wing is an automatic and the clutch lever was actually a brake lever.. I was doing about 70 probably when I found my nose just touching the windshield of the scooter as the back wheel was going "sqwauk - sqwauk - swauk" as the ABS system did its job perfectly to bring the bike to the most amazing INSTANT stop it could without skidding the rear wheel... After a couple hours of harrassment by my friends who called me everything from loser to rookie to wannabe biker and enduring countless undeserved humiliation - I walked over to the little black Honda scooter and declared it to have the BEST brakes I have ever found on any motorcycle!!
  25. and there's the rub,, they certainly are not gonna make those changes without force of some sort.. May sound crazy but remember the discussion a bit ago about guns and the need of people to have them? We in the States have noticed some pretty interesting things here.. There may be evidence that, like days past,, the ruling class still does not appreciate the idea of the common man having access to squirrel guns.. A while back we had a leader or two who tried with all their might to get rid of our 2nd Amendment = the right to keep n bear arms.. Shortly after realizing that was gonna be more difficult that appeared - "we the people" started noticing the ammo supply to use in the arms we have the right to house disappearing from our store shelves. Literally, ammo shelves starting appearing as consistently empty.. Because we are also a supply and demand (market based) society - prices for that stuff SKY ROCKETED! Little boxes of "22" shells that I used to pay .45 cents for now sold for over 7 dollars a box!! Obviously, those tricky buggers who were suppose to be protecting our way of life found another way of tossing a wrench in the system.. We, as a nation, are still healing from that one BUT - we are strong and we will find our way..
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