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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. That what that is bongo?,, a missle silo? Those things was poppin up all over the place out there on the open praire,, so many of em i nicked named em desert daisies.. file it all under the heading of what it cost to keep all americans free i reckon,,, definitely a deterent in its day. Been told that whole process of planting those daisies began only 15 years after ww2,, you know,, that dreadful war when our great country supplied russia with the arms necessary to stop hitler from taken over the planet.. amazing how quickly they turned on us after the fact.. makes one wonder why the world hates freedom so much... one thing for sure,, there is nothing cheap or easy about protecting and maintaining our way of life.. And yea,, they named a mountain after me! Only thing is they should have put the word "Ol" in front of Bald LOL.
  2. Been a while with no cell and no puter BUT = one who enjoys the simplicity of a really really grand Chasing of The Front Wheel dares not to squabble about the simple things = WOWZY what an awesome ride.. FINALLY got the ability to post a couple pics.. Lets see if I can make this thing work,, @Condor,, I DEFINITELY see a scoop or two of Banana Nut at Leatherby's in my future my friend!! @CMCOFFEY - we never did get far enough south to completely melt our tires completely off - worked out for the best though as I just ordered another rear tire tonight - will definitely let you know if/when our return trip finds us down there but more likely to return on more northerly CTFWing - only cooler by a few degrees but even that is appreciated but this rickety ol bod.. @Flyinfool,, if these pics work = ,, if they dont = ,, anyway (nahhh nahhh dee boo boo = I saw what you tried to do with that mountain snow up there BUT it didnt work ) @videoarizona = THANKS David for trying.. We still have no phone service either and are currently at my daughters home in Wilton California.. Thinking these little 10 dollar trac phones may only be worth 5 dollars Nite ya bunch of lop eared varmints!! Puc
  3. Tablet does not do smaller pics, will have to send on trac phone. Found out about flaming gorge from fellow rider. Spent day on it yestrday. Plenty of mountain riding, bad rains later in day, rode thru magic hour and found small shooting range with lean 2 in mountains. Put tent in lean 2, woke up to local mountain ma coming to site in his 7mm ultra mag. Super suprer nice guy. Really liked tweeksis horns. Had a blast. Collected empties for soveniers. Even found some 45,70 gov empties. Made some awesome collections for my grandsons, they r gonna freak. That 7mm ultra mag is amazing. Spent till late morning playing there, man cant survive on just motorcycles, must have things that go bang too. Mountain man told us about another amazing trek from west side of flaming gorge over to provo. Follows the bear river jup to mirror lake. Said the three of us would love it. Even says there are moose, yes, i said mooses, mup there. Back tire getting down there. Just under 3k miles of hot tarmac an heavy load is taking its toll. May jjust head up to bonneville for quick pass and on to kids in sac to swap on next new tire. Maybe, maybe not.. Great trip, meeting some awesome people,, none as nice as you lop eared varmints though,, except fool, he has ice in his veins lol. Low batt, tips knawing at the bit n tweeks is getting nervous parked next to those 2 fancy wings in micky dees p lot. Roads caling, get out n ride. Luv Puc Ps, will try to send pics to david with cell,, if we have signal. Ps, ps , saw a cannonball rider with his old bime on trailer, is cannonball run comjng up.?
  4. All well,fingers still wayyyy to fat 4 tips little tablet thingy.. never did figure out how to shrink pics so i could post while on the road,, nah nah dee boo boo @Flyinfool, u will have 2 write tickets n mail them 2 me, wont get mail till august though so pay will be late. If @videoarizona or 1 of you other lop eared varmints would text me if you think u could take a picure from ur phone an figure out how 2 post it here i would try and send one 2 u from my trac phone.. Went missle silo exploring ,, wowzy,,,, slept in medicine bow mountains last night next 2 a cell tower,,, any of u more intellegent than me varmints know why the have propane tank and occasional flame thrower sound happing inside cell tower building? Think they may be using propane refrigeration to cool puters in there? Beautiful weather, xspecially if ya like riding necked in the heat, awesome sunshine n NO snow except for those mountai s wayyyyy over there. Tip is living on 100 proof sun screen, shes no injun like me. Tweeksis LOVES the heat n the sun! She is one longgggg legged scoot like is common with her kind, loves 90 up,, dont fret, speed limit is 80, got passed at 95 by leo, he smiled n waved,, freedom n personal responsibility still seem to reign in this part of our gorgeous country,,, lots of cowboys with snake killing pistols on their sides 2.. a bad guy wouldnt stand a chance out here LOL. Speaking of being naughty,, i think i found the perfect souvenier for my 2 grandsons in california. Last time we saw them my daughter got mad at me for teaching them how to throw n stick a machete into a log,,,,, their dad wouldnt let us shoot his new 40 cal so we hadda use a machete. They r 3 years older now,, time for THROwing nives, real ones! Daughter oked it! Tip is waiting, gotta run,,, tweeksis says wassup, tip ends love n me 2. Get out n ride, winters coming n u know fool is plannin somethin.. Puc
  5. Superior game reserve was awesome. Dropped back down to manisteek for dinner, was late but big boy stayed open just for us. Crossin north consin. Rained hard, not as hard as new york or canada last month. New shinkos doin great, seem to like the rain. Tippy, tweeks an i dont care for it but all agree its better than snow lol. Stopped raining, gotta ride. California hereeee wee come.. Get out an get ya some ctfw time. Love Tip,tweeks n puc
  6. Trackin right there with Sticky = I ABSOLUTELY love those things!! Not sure if the Gear Up is the 2wd model but THAT is the one think I would REALLY have fun with = if nothing more than just scratching what little bit of snowmobiling ich I have = be a HOOT to go out and bust thru some of @Flyingfool 's snow drifts he leaves around here when the seasons change.. A few years ago Tip, Tweeks and I were out goofing off in Texas - gave a shout out to an ex club member who rides one of the Urals - he was busy working but told us about a HUGE Ural rally not to far from us.. Tweeks heard that and laid a burn out right to where they were suppose to be = turned out we missed seeing them by 2 days = BUMMER.. All that said - I KNOW they have a LOT of get togethers for em,, also a HUGE site called "sovietsteeds" full of great info about em if ya need assistance or wanna learn to speak Russian with a Ural accent.. Congrats! Gonna be looking for those pics cause =
  8. No antelope horns or stickers,,, wasnt Tweeksis... You ever see stickers, horns, pretty lady on the back with a homely bearded hiccup at the grips = PLEASE feel free to chase em down, wind em up and point em in the right direction before releasing their mainspring!!!
  9. One day quickly turns into the next day when your having fun getting the bike ready to head west....
  10. I have been doing this successfully for many years now only I refill the bowls thru the drains using a syringe - go to an ag store and pick up the 35cc animal syringes that vets use - cheap and VERY handy to have in the man cave.. What I do when refilling the carbs is remove the slide/ metering rod (makes no difference if its a CV carb like on our Ventures or a mechanical/cable operated) so I can see the opening of the emulsion/main jet tube. Then I refill with cleaner until the stuff just starts to trickle out into the throat of the carb - then close the drain and let it sit.. This allow the cleaner to get up into even the smallest of orvices into the throat of the carb - make sense? I have been told I am hard to follow sometimes so dont be afraid to correct me or ask me to explain farther. I have done a lot of experimenting with different products thru the years when it comes to bikes - its a flaw in my charactor but I like factual evidence proven by myself when it comes to stuff I use.. Years ago I did a test comparing Sea Foam, Chem Dip, regular spray carb cleaner (this was back when Auto Zone sold the GOOD stuff in the Yellow and red can = cant buy it any more) and GM injector cleaner.. I used a bank of 4 carbs off an old honda 750 for the experiment - all had the same collection of grub,varnish and old solidfied gas by products in the bowls and up into the jets/orvices.. Chem Dip came in first = 24 hour soak and the thing was spotless = even the brass jetting had a shine to it.. Regular carb cleaner took an extra day of soaking but came surprizinly clean with air pressure after 2 days.. GM injector cleaner took about 4 days to loosen the stuff up.. Sea Foam did NOTHING - absolutely positively NOTHING as far as cleaning.. Even using my thumbnail I was surprised that after a week of soaking the stuff was still gooey and some of it still rock hard.. I used regular carb cleaner as an injectent if I wasnt planning to remove the carbs and clean them properly after that.. I have used Chem Dip on a LOT of occasions though with dealing with a bike that I wanted to figure out what I had before dumping a lot of time and effort into figuring out whether it was going out for parts or gonna be a profit producing runner.. Inject em with Chem Dip - let em sit for 3 or 4 hours = suck the Chem Dip out of em, fill em with carb cleaner with the syringe to was out the Chem Dip, suck the carb cleaner out and then force it back in using the syringe as an agitator.. Syringe will fill with gook.. Fill with gas after the carb cleaner starts showing clean - drain the gas out once or twice - hit the starter to waken that beauty thats been sleeping for a long time!!!!!!
  11. Hey Zude,, IMHO = yes and no ... Fact is,, I have dealt with enough diaphram issues thru the years to have experienced some pretty interesting scenario'.. I would say that 80% of the actual open tears as on the diaphram I show in the vid are actually surrounded by rubber that is still in excellent condition. What happens, again = IMHO, is that the diaphram develops little folds in its body and its those little folds are generally where the tears in the body will show up. Another very common malady, again = IMHO, usually occurs along the edge that meets the carb body. If you pull a diaphram you will probably notice it sets in a groove along the edge of the opening in the carb - its this edge that the cap captures when you tighten down those four little screws - am I making any sense = I know I am very hard to follow at times? Right along that edge where the diaphram is constintly in motion it can wear pretty thin and even tear = even when the rest of the diaphram appears remarkably healthy. You have to examine em closely at times to see this but I have seen that area worn so thin it looks like your looking thru a nylon.. I have also seen this same thiness appear on the folds I spoke of earlier.. All of the above I have repair very successfully using YamaBond.. I do have some REALLY nasty - almost crumbly dry - diaphrams that, IMHO, are probably like that from sitting in an unused carb set = I know for a fact that the ones I have sat for over 20 years outdoors in the carbset.. That malady is acutally quite rare from what I have seen.. Of course - there is also the diaphram that has just slid out of its captured spot on the ring down on the slide - completely fixable.. What you witnessed in my video if you watched it was the beginning of a typical Puc science experiment.. I actually havent even began the testing that I need to do BUT - again, IMHO - this E6000 has some really really unique charactoristics that I have never seen before and I have tried a LOT of products.. I have a hunch that even if the diaphram was of the rarer - dried up and crumbly type = I could still use it as a mold for shaping the finished product and come out with a surprisingly effective diaphram.. As far as the other maladies - I have a sneaking hunch that the E6000 will do even a better job then the YamaBond and, quite frankly = that stuff is gonna be hard to beat!! I get back from a summer of traveling now that I am feeling a little better I will DEFINITELY start the process and keep you informed here as to what I find.. In the mean time,, if you or anyone else wants to jump in and play with that stuff it is very inexpensive and found in many places - like I said, I picked it up at a local department store - very similar to Wally World.. If you do so, PLEASE post up what ya find so we dont double up on the science experiementing:301:.. PS - this reminds me of how I discovered "Red Kote" tank sealer.. Coated MANY tanks over the years using everything from my own home brew concoction derived from a mixture of Seal All and Acetone to that infamous white tank sealer called "Kreme Coat" that everyone has tried at least once in the life.. I now have fuel tanks out there that were sealed with Red Kote that are still as nice as the day I coated em and they have been in service over 20 years!!
  12. Here ya go my friend - check this out,, AMAZING stuff!!!
  13. :scared::scared: :178: Tip says,, "but we just did exactly what they are doing = downsizing".. Puc says,, "Yea but,, WOWZY = look at the bikes that need a home = poor things :cool10:" https://annarbor.craigslist.org/mcy/6183991673.html http://www.artspartsauctions.com/motorcycles/
  14. It sure sounds normal to me if its a MK1 (thats all I really know about on these Ventures).. I will say this though,, if it is a MK1 - might not be a bad idea to remember they came with the plastic waterpump impeller.. I have replaced a couple of those plastic ones with the aluminum updates thru the years and can tell you - if I my 83 was developing a tendency to run warmer than I liked - I wouldnt hesitate to pull the pump and check it.. If its plastic they LOVE to loose the impellar fins to degradation ending up with no more than a disc to try and move the coolant thru the system..
  15. NICE = really really nice Vaz!!!! Used to be I would just stop at Wally world while crossing the country and hitting the 3k mark in the process.. Run inside - grab 3 quarts of Super Tech 20/50.. Camp out behind their car garage with a borrowed oil pan and in a couple minutes have an oil change done.. Problem is,,,, no more Super Tech at Wally World (at least what I see any more).. Left me having to spend the big bucks at Auto Zone = not good.. Thats when I switched to Dollar General (or other Dollar Stores) oil.. Just did it locally = Dollar General 20/50 generic with no modifiers.. Been using the stuff for ions = DEFINITELY the oil for high desert temps like you and I both love to ride!! Your price here is better than mine though - think I paid 3 bucks a quart yesterday!! Now I gotta meander over to our Tractor Supply and see if they are carrying what you found.. Will also keep my eye out while crossing America this month - every 3 to 3500 miles brother - every 3 to 3500!! THANKS for heads up Vaz!
  16. If you continue to waste time watching these dorky vids Vaz you will notice that I DEFINITELY will not be running beads on this trip - balanced both front and rear the tradition home garage way.. The testing of the beads will have to wait,,, aint no way,, aint no how I wanna bounce my way to the west coast and back = not a good plan... These SHinko's appear AWESOME!! Far heavier then the Kenda I just removed.. Like you said,, it will be interesting to see how they wear - specially the rear!! Lotta miles twix here and "1" - LOTS of good miles but LOTS of miles none the less!!
  17. Absolutely EXCELLENT point Bongo!!! Fact is - that stuff cures up AMAZINGLY flexible - like a very good rubber band type flexible only you cant hardly break this stuff AND when it does seperate - it does so with a "snap"!! Frankly - I am beginning to think a person could actually "pour" new diaphrams out of this stuff and they would work GREAT!! Its that good!!!!! I got a lot more testing to do (just like I did with the YamaBond) - right now it appears that E-6000 is also more adhesive to the rubber on the diaphram then even YamaBond (the 6000 IS an adhesive) so this probably will not be necessary BUT - I am thinking that my next testing will find me putting a dab of it on my index finger and dab on my thumb and them putting the diaphram hole between them and pinching = bascially sealing off the hole on both sides and forming a new diaphram around it.. Sooo much fun doing this stuff full time now,, I have discovered lots of non traditional stuff like this thru the years but now that I am officically retired - look out world!!!! Will let you guys know what I come up with = you do the same - OK?
  18. cowpuc

    Guy stuff

    Another GREAT find there brother!! That lil helicopter brings back some awesome memories from my younger years.. My best buddy in High School and I decided to join the Air Force so we could buzz around in those F-14 Phantoms.. We talked to the recruiters, all systems go on the "buddy plan" - no promises on Piloting though .. My buddies brother was a Staff Sargent in the Air Force at the time, stationed at Fort Walton Beach Florida = Eglin.. Dan's brother - "Z" (nicknamed after the awesome 68 Z-28 he drove and left behind for us to "borrow") - found out about our plans, wrote Dan and said "before you and Scooter sign anything, come down here and stay on the base for a month with me FIRST and then make your decision.. We jumped in my 67 Cougar (cool car,, 289 4 speed, hide away headlight and ohhh those AWESOME sequential tail light blinkers) and hit the road for Florida.. It was our second day on the base, while watching some drill sargent stand on the back of some new recruit while yelling at him to do a push out there on the HOT tarmac, all while we were standing in the shade eating ice cream - that Dan and I looked at each other and decided no joiny.. We spent the rest of our time down there partying with the Airmen at Eglin.. Water Skiing in the ocean, riding dirt bikes in the air plane cemetery and all that kind of fun stuff.. While out goofing off we ran across a "Benson Copter" (remember those being advertised in Popular Mechanics back in the day? WE FOUND ONE!!). We ended up strapping that Chopper onto the top of my Cougar (removed the rotors = 14 feet each) - strapped it all on and away we went.. On the way home, LOTS of folks stared!! An old Hill Billy came walking out of a Gas Station door - looked at the car, spit out his chew and says = "what you kids got on toppa dat cur"? Dan's dad had a 180 acre farm with an open 80 acre section perfect for lift off.. Put the Benson together, strapped her to the car, started the pull - got the rotors turning (this was NOT a powered Heli = NO MOTOR) and up she went.. Dan went about 60 feet of flight and nosed her down into the ground. Bent the nose of the Benson right over into a 90.. Oh well,, like you said Jack,, THAT is guys auction and me and Dan - we was definitely guys,, still am,, even though I am kinda getting worn out..
  19. Ya know,, even though the Swamp Cooler deal really has no application here in soppin wet Michigan air,,, looking more at those pics,,, THAT right there is a work of art to be admired.. You are my kind of a lop eared creative varmint Vaz - definitely a job well done!! THANK YOU for sharing it with us!! we should see if we could talk our club Pres into setting up an "Imagineering Award" thingy like we got for long distance travel or helping each other - you guys gotta know what I am talking about? If we had such a thing I would nominate Vaz right now for this one!!!!!
  20. You betcha Wildman Bill!!!!!!! I finish breakfast (sleepin in,, takin full advantage of this retirement business) and get Tweeks put back together,, may just take a ride down to Kalamazoo and see if I can beg a video and some more pics off the guy of that puppy!!! DEFINITELY a work of art worthy of admiration IMHO!!
  21. Good grief,,, I did a fair amount of work yesterday for a geezer biker dude... Not complaining though,, all in a day of fun!!!
  22. WOWZY those tatoes is smelling mighty fine!!! I get these vids OF yesterdays fun posted I'm gonna CHOW DOWN!!!
  23. Gotta tell ya,, this retirement stuff aint half bad,,,, sleeping in after working my tail off yesterday playing with Tweeksis getting her ready for summer fun.. Tips up frying breakfast tatoes while I'm laying in bed posting up more "way it happened to me" video's for you lop eared varmints
  24. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW - we DEFINITELY done got blessed by God himself with a GORGEOUS country didnt we brother? That Jackson Wyoming mountain storm pic is nothing short of FANTASTIC!! Those Tetons and that mountain range out there are endlessly BEAUTIFUL but, as proven in your amazing picture - totally unpredicable!! Makes my throttle hand twitch and heart throb to head that way my friend to my part in helping tame em... SOON,, very very soon!! Thanks or sharing your ride my friend! Ya done did good IMHO!! Puc
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