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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. WASSUP MAMA!!! LONG TIME NO WHIP!!!! Here are a couple of short vids to show ya ya aint missed much around here = Just normal ol boring times with no YamaMama to keep us whipped into shape.. No idea what happened to everyone else,, been pretty slow.. Aint seen the likes of those old days for ever sister,, place has really thinned out... I aint no "Bookie" (aka Facebooker) cause I cant stand the joint but I know the last time I checked over yonder VR had a fairly good sized group of lop eared varmints hanging out over there.. Ya might try joining up on Facebook (if you havent already) and checking it out - ya may find some oldie but goodies over yonder...
  2. EXACTLY- NO TRUER WORDS HAVE EVER BEEN SPOKEN!! That, along with, IMHO, stating they were going to turn the touring world upside down with it - an act of tugging on the heart strings of all the actual remaining touring riders out there (not just Venture riders but also Goldwing and Beemer riders were anxiously waiting to see this expectedly superior performer to come to be).. Its happened before = short story.. Back in 72 I was heavy into Semi Pro MX. Racing heavily modded Yamaha's and doing fairly well with them.. The guy who owned the Honda Shop I was working at (Honda had NOTHING to compete on the track with at the time) came to me and filled me in on the new CR250M Elsinore being released to the dealers in January of 73.. Made a few calls,, did some fanagling and ended up with the 1st one in Michigan early Feb of 73.. IT ROCKED = HONDA CHANGED MX HISTORY WITH THAT BIKE = SHOULDA SEEN THE HUGELY ADVANCED PORTING = SHOULDA SEEN THE FLYWHEELESS POINTS IGNITION SET UP = Honda really truely did turn the dirt world upside down.. I wore out the 73 in one year of racing it and bought another in 74!! Then, 2 years later, the same boss in the Honda Shop came to me,, KNOWING I was also using my Elsie's for woods racing (Enduro and Hare Scrambling) and announced Honda was doing it again - that they were using the same Technology in 3 new woods bikes - the MT250, 175 and 125 Elsinores.. What the heck I figured,, why not,, Honda Elsinore had PROVEN itself - I ordered a brand new 175 Elsinore.. Same scenario - 1st in Michigan BUT - this time - 1st in Michigan to find out I had been HAD!! I wont go into detail but will tell ya - there was NOTHING "Elsinore" about these new bikes.. Old school Piston Port induction (YUCK), NO reed valve (YUCK), cheap Elsinore look alike suspention.. Sold the fake Elsinore 3 weeks after it showed it face - absolutely NOT an Elsinore.. Along about that time is when I went back to Yamaha and then on two Kawasaki when they came out with the KIPS Valve on the Exhaust (something very similar to the EXUP on my R1)..
  3. A short performance review, new vrs old... New 113 inch Vtwin = 1st gear rev limit = 30ish MPH, 2nd gear rev limit = 45ish MPH, 3rd rev limit = 60ish MPH - test done 2 up with empty bags. Old 74 inch V-4 = 1st gear red line = 50ish, 2nd gear redline = 70ish, 3rd gear red line = 90 ish.. Test done 2 up with fully loaded for travel. Hope these two comparo' vids help in providing some kind of info...
  4. @VanRiver,,, Riv - I have NO idea how on earth I missed this post - INDEED - WOWZY is that AWESOME!! If I were back a few years where I felt I had many moons left out goofin off CTFW I would definitely be interested in purchasing one - almost brings tears to my eyes thinking of all the bead busting I did thru the years with 2x4s n cars rolling over em, C-Clamps, 16 inch Channel Locks, great big sludge hammer in one hand and a huge heavy busting bar in the other and then,, finding my HF Bead Breaker that works OUTSTANDING but is just to big to haul on the scoot.. Indeed my brother - I LOVE what you found there!! I bid you ALL the very best in figuring one out and building it - YOU are my kind of folk = ol Puc is mighty proud of you - MIGHTY proud!! Now get out there in that garage,, cut some steel and fire up the wire feeder,,,, get er done and then take some pics of road side tire changin with NO bead breakin sweat rolling down and burning the eyeballs!! Got my :thumbsup: Riv!! ur ol buddy Puc
  5. @VanRiver,,, Riv - I have NO idea how on earth I missed this post - INDEED - WOWZY is that AWESOME!! If I were back a few years where I felt I had many moons left out goofin off CTFW I would definitely be interested in purchasing one - almost brings tears to my eyes thinking of all the bead busting I did thru the years with 2x4s n cars rolling over em, C-Clamps, 16 inch Channel Locks, great big sludge hammer in one hand and a huge heavy busting bar in the other and then,, finding my HF Bead Breaker that works OUTSTANDING but is just to big to haul on the scoot.. Indeed my brother - I LOVE what you found there!! I bid you ALL the very best in figuring one out and building it - YOU are my kind of folk = ol Puc is mighty proud of you - MIGHTY proud!! Now get out there in that garage,, cut some steel and fire up the wire feeder,,,, get er done and then take some pics of road side tire changin with NO bead breakin sweat rolling down and burning the eyeballs!! Got my :thumbsup: Riv!! ur ol buddy Puc
  6. Absolutely, positively no doubt about it,, I KNEW that Snype BUT - ya gotta admit,,, it was pretty dog gone crafty how I spun your comment into a perfect opportunity to show off one of my kids :big-grin-emoticon:
  7. I am sure your Dyno op is wayyyy more with it with this stuff than I will ever be but the way I have always tuned carbs was from this understanding that I came to years ago.. Throttle shut, engine idling,, tune engine with low speed jet/air screw.. Get it spot on.. WOT = main jet sizing = get it spot on.. Anything in between is Metering Rod function.. The metering rod is tapered to produce multiple air/fuel mixes throughout the range from the moment the rod unplugs the main jet itself at idle all the way to the point the metering rod leaves the emulsion tube at WOT - then its job is done.. There are lots of metering rod tapers available - us old 2 stroke dirt bike guys (especially early KTM people) can probably remember going thru bags of those little suckers trying to get the right one so it the motor would perform cleanly and perky but not so much that she'ld burn down from mid range leanness... Ok,, probably getting way hard to follow again... Think you oughta just follow your Dyno guy but if it were me,, I would still raise the needles and retest it just for kicks..
  8. Because Crud was,, well,, Crud because he had a lot of miles on him (still REALLY flew), was very tired and I had a chance to make some :mo money:on him.. Then,, out of no where came along this dork waddy,, nasty Cancer bug thing which tried to kick my butt but it lost but it brought me to bucket list time.. Tip has known that an R1 has been on my bucketlist for ever, when the Oncologist mentioned the bucket list stuff - Tip and I looked at each and pretty much said "R1" at the same time. I ALWAYS wanted one of these totally naughty,, 5th fastest production motorcycles in the world, flip over backwards at 170 and grind your face into the pavement, totally precision race bikes but was always to busy raising kids and having to be somewhat responsible to continue putting food on the table for my family that I knew the R1 would have to wait.. Besides,, I was involved pretty deeply in racing dirt bikes and simply couldnt afford to do it all.. The V-Max (including that new 1700cc V-Max) is fast but NOTHING even close to the R1.. The early V-Max had to stretch to see a true 150 mph,, my R1 will see that + wayyyyyyy easily in 3rd gear AND do it with more precision than one can imagine - its like the difference between a surgeon trying to do surgery with a scapal instead of a sharpened butter knife.. Even the big V-Max is no match for a liter bike.. The lop eared little motored 5 valve varmint will pull 105 in 1st quicker than you can say "that dont look smart" IF you good enough with throttle/clutch control so it dont body slam ya... As far as being hunched over like a dog ,, well put Sonshine ,,, some strange things happen when ya get over 150,,, the wind tends to lift your body and its kind of like riding on cloud - sort of weightlessness thing starts happening.. Above 160 and you simply would NOT want to even raise up there into that hi speed wind - seriously,, I stuck my hand out there once at higher speed like that and it about ripped my arm out of the shoulder socket AND I was almost unable to draw my arm back in - trust me Son,, that strange looking ride position is absolutely necessary on a high speed race bike like this - unless you have a streamliner kit like you see on the Bonneville scoots but thats more like an actual Rocket than free airing the stuff like I am LOVING doing.. Another point,, I did take a friction cruise control off one of my old Venture Frames out back (you know what those are? Its one of those cheapy little clamp on devices where ya snap it down to lock the throttle ) and tittled with it and got it working on Maggie the R1 - I got one of the few actual liter race bikes with cruise that I know of .. Because your ol Dad is,, well,, Old,,,, his back cant take just putttzying around all crumpled up like that for more than an hour or so at a time and this bike is extremely well balanced (I can easily stand on her pegs and coast for hours on her no handed), I can lock the throttle at 70 in 6th gear, set up and steer with my knees and go for miles and miles and miles on the highway just like that,,, you would be SHOCKED at how well Maggie handles bumps and highway deformation all on her own.. Nah,, quite frankly,,, a V-Max is boring compared to this teeny motored thing,, this thing is DEFINITELY worthy of a Pucs Bucketlist...... Back at cha.. Dad P.S. - here is something else you might find interesting,, I sure do.. Maggie is spect at 87 Octane fuel and she LOVES the stuff!! Also,, throttle locked, cruising 75,,, that snot nosed little Widow Makin thing will nock down 47 mpg - and its CARBURATED!! UNREAL,, just UNREAL!!!!
  9. Sup Raggy,,, thanks for the compliment,,, Tip says "HI" and me too,, you are welcome,, stop over sometime - you can take Maggie the R1 for a ride - you will be a changed person - I promise - heee heee
  10. You are certainly more than welcome Edbo and his Bride and THANK YOU for the words of encouragement!! If you have any other thoughts that come up and need more opinion (remembering,, thats ALL it is) about the new scoot or even touring,, feel free to ask and we would be glad to share.. We wish the both of you nothing but the GREATEST touring experience ever no matter what you choose to ride - the important thing in our opinion is that the two of you enjoy it together - like most things,, motorcycling could not be more fun than when your sharing it with your very best friend! God Bless! Tip, Tweeksis and Puc
  11. Wish I was out there goofin off on the west coast,, I would join ya just to hear your response.. Cant wait to hear about it on here any way!!
  12. OH NOOOOO,, hopefully the lop eared superman sidekick didnt swallow the 5 grand in cash I sent that the lady out in Sturgis gave me to give to you for loaning us the suit... GOT CHA!! Hope it cleans up well brother,, sorry to hear that,, dont be to hard on em - after all,, he's only a pooch!! Glad it made it ok Bob,, thanks for letting me know it got there!!
  13. Wasn't me,,, I'm as pure as the drifting sn,,, wait a second,, I aint sayin that word,, even if it means I end up getting blamed for this hijackin business that all those varmints been doin!!!! Hey Stang,,, HOPE YA HAVE A BLAST UP DAR IN YOOPER LAND BROTHER!! Ride safe and DONT FORGET THE PICS!!
  14. Anything is possible but the undertaking would be MASSIVE... Also,, concerning dropping the fly by wire and going back to cables.. They are completely different in every detail - it would me replacing the complete fuel system with either a throttle body or carb.. And then you would have to over come the brains of the complete outfit with some from of less intelligent ignition tuner.. Snype, these things have gotten so smart that you cant even remove one part of a bike and replace with the same part from another bike.. The devices actually know what bike they are suppose to be on and will not work without reprogramming.. Suckers are wayyy more intelligent than a guy like me will ever be - I cant even remember where I left my shoes half the time..:big-grin-emoticon: I do suppose though,, if folks like FLyinFool, Bongobob, YamaGrl, MarCarl and the like are still around when you decide to undertake such a project,, you may be able to do so with their help BUT --- dont come to me,, I KNOW NOTHING,,,, NOTHING:detective:
  15. :scared:,, oh heck yea I can imagine it = TOTALLY!!! As a matter of fact - it would, without a douby, literally TURN THE TOURING INDUSTRY UPSIDE DOWN (IMHO) --- ohhh,,, wait a second,,, thats what Mom Yam said they were gonna do at the unveiling of this one,, I remember now,,, its the very reason we went out to the unveiling = I KNEW they were gonna pull the covers back on the new Venture and it was gonna be EXACTLY what you just described ... Nope,, waits over Dog (at least 4 me),, aint gonna happen (IMHO),, those folks at Star Motorcycles done got caught up on the HUGE market that Harley owns and thats the only road they see IMHO.. The market that Honda owns with its Wing is just to blasted small,, fact is,, there are so few actual touring riders left (I think we are aging out and I also think the younger generation are doing their touring - hunting - fishing - racing cars - racing motocross - playing golf - going swimming -scuba diving - paddling canoes or what have you ON VIDEO GAMES in the cyber world and they aint ever coming back = wayyy cheaper, no speeding tickets, you can shoot someone and it dont hurt em and on and on...
  16. Here ya go @Edbo and anyone else who may be interested.. Tip reads thru Edbo's questions concerning being a passenger on this new one and in this vid,, she does her best to elaborate on the answers.. Keep in mind,, her answers are her own opinion and we dont necessarily agree to the answers thereof.. She's her own person that Tip (I LOVE her for that).. Hope this helps someone out there in some small way...
  17. Back at cha brother!! So when I broke my back back in 03, spent over a year in a body cast and the Neuro Surgeon who pinned me back together looked at my spine xrays and says "what on earth did you do to your spine - there aint a square edged vertabre in there" I had to admit to him = "I been racing dirt bikes since the late 60's and back then,, max rear suspention was 2 inches so we had to use our spines as shock absorbers when clearing the jumps - could that have something to do with what your seeing?".. He looked at me,, shook his head and said "I will fuse those two at the bottom - the ones at the top may heal enough to get ya into your 60's pain free (still did surgery up there and carring a great big lump back there to this day) but I gotta tell ya - YOU are a walking time bomb headed for a wheel chair if your not VERY careful".. To which I replied = "fair enough,, just get me out of this wheel chair so I can go back to enjoying what ever the Lord has left for here on this rock with a table top to clear":big-grin-emoticon:
  18. Testing the gearing and the delivery of the motor across that gearing on the big 113 inch V-Twin.. Rev limiter at 30 in 1st,, 45 in second and 60ish in 3rd....
  19. and of course,, just like the old days of Motocrossing and Hare Scrambling for this geezer,, the fun always starts with a riders meeting just to get us all on the same track - even though its not an MX track at this point of my life..
  20. Couple more vids on the new Venture... Waiting for our turn to toss a leg over one,,, checkin em out and in pulls that dinky little new R1 with its tiny 60 inch motor.. My neighbors with their 117 big inch V-Twins HATE my teeny little motored R1 with a passion - personally I LOVE what Mom Yam did with that itty bitty little 1000cc motor,, always have,,, always will!! Cause of that,,, and you will have to pardon me for this,, my attention turns from the new V-Twin air cooled Venture to the R1 at the end of this vid...
  21. I am sitting here waiting on You Tube to finishing processing more of my testing of the new one.. It seems to me that something Star forgot on this new one is the smile factor that comes with riding a motorcycle that comes alive as the R's increase.. If your on a scoot and you wick on it a little,,, even if your an old geezer like me,, ya cant help but smile as you feel the thing get up and boogie.. THAT is something I have ALWAYS appreciated about my 1st Gens - they still have some of that 1st Gen V-Max (ya'll remember those dont cha?) sazzyness left in even though they got dehorned... Dont get what I am saying? Ok,, I will try this angle,, I have owned MANY V-Twins including a LOT of HD's.. I hang out with a LOT of HD riders to this day.. If what I am saying is not important, then why are all the HD riders around here constantly bugging me to help them to get their big twins to have more umphh? Why does it urk them that a beat up ol V-4 Yamaha can run circles around their bike in ANY situation = 1 up, 2 up, what ever? Its because EVERYONE loves to be able to twist the throttle and feel that motor come alive - the more it comes alive = the bigger the grin on the other side,, its that easy!! If what I am saying wasnt real, HD wouldnt have a HUGE Screamin Eagle Performance catalog and a HUGE following of that stream.. Consider that when you consider this,,,,, the new Star Venture has the performance similar to an 88 inch HD IMHO,,, rode em both and thats the way I am calling it till I see different on actual dyno sheets.. Thinking 70 horsish.. Another point,, the guy in the vid mentions going V-Twin because of narrowness... After riding them both,, I would like to see actual measurements across the tanks... Going by memory only here and maybe I am wrong but I gotta say - I honestly believe that my 1st Gen Venture is considerably narrower on the legs then this new one.. Also,, as far as keeping the weight low,, this guy seems to have forgotten about the Yamaha Venture (not the 2nd Star Venture)carrying its fuel under the saddle - the Vmax the same.. Fact is,,, if some of those folks who worked for Yamaha followed them over to Star - there is no way they can convince me that they couldnt have produced a real shaft drive fixed fairing cross country touring bike using a detuned 1700 Vmax motor with a turbo to push the torque wayyyy out of site if thats what the Star Rider Venture riders wanted and ended up with a Touring bike that would have made even the most ardent R1 Sport Bike rider grin from ear to ear.. Ya gotta remember something here folks,, IMHO,,, just because ya got it does not mean ya use it all the time - but it sure is nice to have it when ya want it!! The words I said at the unveiling still stand - ohhhh poop! Puc
  22. Actually,, I got to meet the group of "Star Riders" who were the actual advisors on the new one during the unveiling out at Americade in June. They were all 2nd Gen Star Venture riders (still watercooled, shaft drive V-4's back then though) and,, I am still unclear of why on this one,, those folks clearly wanted air cooled over water and belt drive over shaft.. They stood on the stage at Americade and made this perfectly clear.. I am sure that some of the decision to go air cooled push rod motors came from monitoring Rally's like Sturgis (where the whole "touring" idea has long since gone by the way side - dont believe me? Next years rally, go set on the side of the Interstate and count the number of scoots being trailered in compared to those being ridden in from any distance) but quite frankly,,, it is my understanding from following the whole process in person that, indeed,, it was the group of Venture riding "Star Riders" who Star/Mom Yam listened to very closely on the design and engine direction change on this one...
  23. WAYYYY COOL!!! Ohh my gosh,,, my beat up tired ol body totally misses strapping on the mx boots and rippin up the track,,,,, bouncing the bars off my KX on the tight single track,,,, the feeling of tossing it sideways of a 100 footer,,,,,,, cookin hot dogs at the trail heads up in Northern Michigan and out in the Piute Mountains of California..
  24. Taint no BS,, here's a vid with the one who gave me that name as a little girl (she earned the biker name "Cappy" on that same trip wayyyy back when) after we arrived safely out at her place in California..
  25. Talk about talent = IMHO - this guy was GOOD - REALLY REALLY GOOD!!
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