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Everything posted by cowpuc

  1. bump.... and NO excuses,,, like "we east coast and Canuckian people are still using 110 and 35mm camera's and are waiting for the pharmacy to develop our pics and mail em to us" either!!!
  2. ahhh ohhhhh,,,, see,, ya REALLY can learn something new everyday or,, even an old dog really can learn new tricks!! Condor,, in my memory,, I haven never seen that newer version of the updated stator cooler.. Not to long ago,, somewhere back in VR history,, @Flyinfool had commented about some kind of a wire sticking out of the hole in the new rotor bolt on the Stator update.. Unknowingly, I didnt support that comment in a following comment to his.. OOPPSSSSSSSSSSSSS - my bad!! Now I gotta go back and find that post and correct that... It all makes sense too,, I have replaced more than one stator that eventually failed similar to this one - burnt coils on the top - even with the "1st" update in place for stator cooling... Now I wonder if the MK2 oil coolers and rotor bolts are the 2nd update models with the "wire" that Jeff and now you point out? Always something,,,, another adventure is on the horizon!!!! Thank you @Condor and THANK YOU FlyinFool for keeping your ol buddy on the straight n narrow - good lop eared varmints ye be = both of ya:bowdown::bowdown:
  3. WOWZY WOW WOW WOW,,, CAN NOT WAIT TO SHOW OFF MY SUMMERS WORTH OF CTFW TAN!!!! If Puc aint down yonder playing with his new grand son he WILL be there!! Same time,,, 9ish EST??? Hot Dogs for everyone Fool BUT - toss some xtra Anchovies and Pine Apple on the south end of that North Bound pizza too will ya Mama?? Sounds like FUN!!!
  4. +1 ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON!!! and us folks with the faster 1st Gens PROMISE not to pick on ya'll like we have done and do with the slower 2nd Gen owners,,,, = NOT!!
  5. I hear ya Case but,, an this is just the opinion of a beat up ol V-4 Yamaha guy,,, its not there for me... I was totally sold out on and in total line for (both emotionally and financially) the new Venture that was gonna turn the touring world upside down.. Its really hard to explain but,,, I sat there in the front row seat at Americade with over a million miles under my belt on the 1st Gens, our 6th 83 having carried us faithfully to the big unveiling, an echo in my mind of KNOWING first hand what those folks at Yamaha were capable of and - having waited many years for this moment just to be completely caught off guard. Nahh,,, I think I am gonna just finish out my days aboard the ol has been,, enjoying CTFW at my wifes rev limited 100 mph out there in Gods country on those far off places where 135 degree tarmac is normal and where air cooled scoots fear to actually tour... When it comes time to really really need to go faster or pull harder than a beat up ol 74 inch 1st Gen V-4 can do it - gonna lay across the back of my teeny motored 60 inch R1 and watch the world disappear.. On the same token though,,, I still got a little bucketlisting going on,,, if the charm and of Maggie the R1 does slow up some,,, ya may see a 1700cc V-Max in my garage next to our 1st Gen
  6. HEAR HEAR = EXACTLY MIKE!! Its almost like Mom Yam wants to proactively pursue HD but does not want to lose the small market it already has with us V-4 Venture riders or V-Max riders,, a sort of having their cake and eating it too so to speak - all IMHO of course.. It's interesting if a person pays special attention to the video found in the thread about "Mom Yam firing back" = found here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?131825-Yamaha-fires-back-on-why-they-didn-t-use-the-vmax-v4-engine One may notice that at the beginning of this attempt at justifying why they did not use the mighty V-4 and shaft drive in the new one, Mom Yam openly promotes its extensive high RPM/high horse history with the saying "Yamaha Rev's The Heart" and then again,, right at the very end they clearly fall back on that same iconic notion.. Way cool and totally TRUE but any one who watches the video and/or who has actually ridden one of these new ones OR any push rod V-Twin equipped motorcycle has to ask himself,, what in the world are they thinking? What has "revving" got to do with anything herein,,, Mom Yam - you may not realize it but you done threw allllll that sell point out with the baby in the wash = ,,, IMHO of course....
  7. One of the few things that the Star Techy's out at Sturgis were open and clear about was the top end and crank assembly of this new one, it does in fact share components with the Strat/Roadliner/Raider motor - there is a vid floating around here of the cutaway new motor showing its internal components if you wanna see whats going on in there.. That said,, and something else that has been tickling my "why did mom yam do that" button is the sales history of the 113 (and all Metric and domestic V-Twins other than HD for that matter). Like everyone else,, Mom Yam has been chasing the HD market for years,, with LOTS alarming lack of success.. While I REALLY like that great big beautiful 113 inch Strat motor = it never did sell worth a hoot and (at least in the mid west) had an extremely poor resale value.. Fact is,, I have passed up more very nice $3500 dollar 113 inch Strat motor scoots thru the years than I care to mention.. They just didnt work around here.. Also,, thinking back on the days when those machines sat on the Show Room floors,, the dealerships had a VERY hard time getting rid of left overs of all models even though they were 1/2 price (or less in some cases) of a comparable HD model - while the HD models were, at the time,, moving out the doors of HD dealerships like penny candy from a neighborhood candy store... The stuff just did not sell!! Now,, lets talk resale on comparable model years of the V-Max - those puppies have at least held their own on the open market,, even the most ardent HD rider will tell you that as far as Muscle Bikes go - the mighty V-Max stands tall as THE benchmark and,, even in these soft market days - they are one of the scoots that has solid footing = V-4's are bad to the bone,,, I still druel when thinking what could have been done with this new Venture,,,,, getting side tracked again... When I toss that transparency over the fact that Polaris just closed their Victory production (those were air/oil cooled, big twin scoots = 106 inch) because,, get this,, they simply did not sell (they are STILL sitting in warehouses with left over Polaris Indians waiting for new owners) and,, get this,,, those Victories had a sell point at much less than comparable HD models too - they simply could not shake the HD folks free from the HD tree.. Now, both Polaris with their air cooled Indian repop and Mom Yam with her air cooled Venture repop are going toe to toe with HD again only this time they are doing it with MSRP numbers too??? What in the wild wild world of motorcycling history is happening out there - has the whole place gone nuts?
  8. I had a hunch that you of all people would be intriqued with what was going on in that vid.. Personally I am always amazed as how healthy the little 1200cc 74 inch v-4 truly is in its honest torque delivery (saying that after many years of sitting on the back of one with NO second gear and watching it lovingly drag 2 of us and GOBS of gear up mountains while flying by other machines staring at us wondering what the heck that was that just chugged by em)- one of these days ,, maybe sooner than later if someone actually buys one of the new ones, we will get to see the other half of the real world comparison between the two Yamaha Ventures - new against old, machino' to machino'.. Ya know what,, while out CTFW this past summer and being able to just occasionally read here on the forum I thought I remember reading that one of our members, @VentureFar , may be coming into a chance to have one of these new ones around to play with??? If I read what I think I read and wasnt having some form of Prairie hallucinations while out CTFW,,, this could get very very interesting...
  9. I just noticed your name here @Motus005 and got to ask,, do you ride one of those new Motus scoots?? Saw one at a small rally a while back = WOW what a machine!! Got an invite to shoot over to our area's Motus Dealership and take it for a spin - 1/2 a Chevy 350 V-8? Looks awesome - I aint been home long enough (to much riding,,, is that possible?) but hope to test ride em soon!! If you ride one,, got any pics, ride review and all that you wouldnt mind sharing? If not and I am bothering you,, sorry about that,,,, just saw the Motus name and couldnt resist... Puc
  10. Fair schmare - Mom Yam should have thought that before she went and named that thing a Venture if she didnt want it compared to a Venture... Should of named it a Stratolounger or something IMHO... Besides,, the 2nd Gen isnt a fixed fairing touring bike like the new one - trying to stay apples for apples as much as possible...
  11. Lets try this,,, ohhhh great fabricator of all things steel,,, we call upon you @Carbon_One to solve yet another great mystery Hmmm, the accessory book for the new one that I picked up in Sturgis shows the heal shifter @103 bucks.. At any rate,, here are a couple pictures of which these varmints speak Larry = (even someone as intelligent as my buddy Larry needs something to work with IMHO)..
  12. cowpuc


    Hearing that,,, I loaded this up on You Tube to send to my kids and @VanRiver (wassup Riv) sent me a message on there to let me know that NASA says NOT to use anything below a #14 weld lense = the Sun that makes life possible on our Planet is one bright varmint THAT is for sure!!!!
  13. cowpuc


    ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT TY!!!:thumbsup: Here's another one for ya!! Keep your eye on the sky and never know what you might see brother!! AHHH OHHH,, THINK I JUST HI-JACKed (or is that wassup Jack?) another one of @Condor 's threads,,, sorry Jack = put it on my bill will ya my friend!
  14. It's actually not that bad to swap em out, the key is (IMHO) is to get em to fail while your somewhere in the vicinity of home where all the parts bikes are waiting to greet you with the pieces ya need to do the repair. Ya gotta stay on the throttle,, keep er moving at pace while your out CTFW that ol Murph can't keep up... Jeff,, this thing was bad enough that I could actually smell it (I KNOW you know the smell - that rancid electrical failure smell) on the screws when I was taking the stator cover off Tweeksis... Below are a couple crispy coil critter shots just for you brother!! YEP! Got the new tire on, balance beads in it, had er all packed up, got a new tent (cause our other failed on our next to the last night at Sturgis) and the works - quick trip around the block to make sure all was set and POOF:95:... :detective:By the looks of things I was SORELY missed too Bob = STILL AINT SEEN A PICTURE (not even one) OF THE RALLY ACTION IN NY:photographing:!!! One thing you can ALWAYS count on ol Pucster for brother and THAT is at least taking some pictures:missingtooth:!!
  15. cowpuc


    What a ball!!!
  16. and in this short vid Tip, Tweeksis and I do a torque pull to compare her little 74 inch V-4 heart against the new 113 inch Star Ventures massive torque.. The pull starts at 2 grand/35 MPH in top gear (5th) while fully loaded with her gear and riding two up. The fun begins at about 22 seconds in and she crosses the line of +70 at about 34 seconds... I did not get to do this on the new one at Sturgis as it was not the time or place (we were being carefully watched) but, given time I will probably get to do so, with recording for accuracy, if/when the new ones show up in our area for testing.. If anyone has a chance to do this test with one of them before I do I would be really interested in the results = be really interesting to see what REAL torque can do compared to the anemic torque of our little V-4's..
  17. Just happen to notice the Volt meter wasn't reporting in for duty like it should be... As we headed in with our volt meter showing 10 volts every time I pulled the front brake - I was telling Tip how happy I was that what I thought was coming didn't happen while out playing around at the Flaming Gorge area in Wyoming/Utah or Colorado... Why oh why do those gut feelings always gotta be so accurate.....
  18. Before you do this though,, if your gonna do it while your in motion,, might wanna make sure the scoot aint got no fork lock on the ignition switch and if it does,, be VERY careful ya dont lock the forks while in any kind of motion... Lock that puppy and you go down quicker than a frogs tongue returning with a fly = SPLAT!!! I know cause when I was a kid I locked one once while moving just to see if I was quicker than fate - WOWZY did I go down hard!!
  19. Many many years ago (sure hope my kids dont read that), when my kids were just lil varmints - way to young for bikin, Tip n I dropped em all into our 73 Sightseer motorhome and headed out to explore Disney World/Florida and Disney Land/California.. We got goofing off at Epcot Center where the kids got involved in the then upcoming Virtual Reality machines.. While watching one of my girls "hang glide" over seas and land I remember telling my wife that all things were about to change.. Fact is,, there is a whole new world of touring, flying, racing, driving out there now - a world where you can crash hard on a bike or in a car and NO ONE gets hurt.. A world where,, with a little practice - a person can get get everything that most of us geezers had to work very hard to obtain (material items) for the price of a modern day video game...
  20. I hope you KNOW you and I are on EXACTLY the same page here!! Its not the bike = the new Yam is AWESOME IMHO and I totally agree - I LOVE to see more competition in the community - quite frankly - its really really good for HD to have to stretch more to keep hold of their market ... It just should never have been marketed like it was,, it should have been marketed as a whole new breed, a real deal Roadliner Touring machine that was gonna shake up the HD world.. Fact is,, I think Mom Yam thought by placing the Venture name on it and spinning it as the bike that was gonna "turn the touring world upside down" - they probably thought they could bring in a couple oldies from that fairly small world and they didnt expect the back lash..
  21. Hey Jack,, not to let cha down brother but I gotta a sneaking hunch even that analog speedo is a wanna be - nice stuff but I think its digital - may be wrong but when riding the thing it sure didnt act analog.. My friend,, IMHO,, you, once again NAILED IT = and I gladly link arms with you on what your saying here!! We have all experienced the voo doo that is happening out there in the real world with people on phones/texting while driving a car.. Talk about stupidity in action.. Now we are having this stuff put in front of on a MOTORCYCLE ,, and it is being given STAR BILLING therein ,,,, what has the modern day scoot rider become:icon_smile_question:icon_smile_question.. My neighbor,, who is like a brother to me,, see's me go by on my R1.. He is into HD's big time and has been for years - comes down with an AWESOME Carbon Fiber Helmet - hands it to me and says HERE = WEAR THIS when your riding that thang - GOOD NEIGHBOR!! Then he points to a blue tooth device on the side of it and says that particular one quit working but if I wanted a different one so I could listen to music while riding my R1 he had a bunch of em of which he would give me one.. I thanked him for the hat but at even the thought of being distracted on my bike.... Thankfully,, and this goes for all the brands selling this stuff with their new rides,,, all that stuff comes with an "off" switch so the rider can choose whether or not he/she wants to be distracted with the stuff..
  22. Not me baby,, I LOVE the Rally,, I LOVE riding to and from,, I LOVE the spirit of the motorcycle,, I LOVE sharing the trails with the few other left over screw balls who REFUSE to trailer those gorgeous machines out n back.. My mind is still filled with days of yesteryear when Flatheads, Knuckleheads, Pans and PanShovels were plentiful out there and that rowdy bunch would stand and talk about my AMF Lowrider like it was a metric,, good grief I miss that era.. There are still parts n pieces of it out that time out there,, ya just gotta sort thru modern day times to get find it.. Personally,, I have found that the best time to find it is to attempt it in the evenings when the shows are happening - that sorts out alot of non-bikers.. Then hit main street, look for a small group of guys standing around a beat up old Knucklehead or,, even a VERY well built custom,, and stand back and listen,,, take some time to get drawn into the real gear headed discussion about bike stuff - it's still there - just gotta know where to look - IMHO..
  23. Drive safe out there Casey,, lookin forward to your thoughts on the comparison.. Something just occurred to me.. I love bikes,, all bikes,, for that cause I LOVE surfing the net and following the "news" thereby of bikes coming and going.. Back when HD brought out the new Walkee 8 I was intriqued with the amount of internet traffic surrounding that motor.. I recall one site I had been on that within a couple short days, had over 50 PAGES of responses in ONE thread concerning the motor = good and bad responses = YES, but still = 55 pages????? Compare that to the interest one see's on a site like ours about all this.. I know,, lots of the old time followers of the machine and the life style have moved on to other interest but the fact is - it doesnt take a mental heavy weight to see the obvious that the interest (and,, even more so to a corporation like Star Motorcycles, the MONEY) lies with HD air cooled V-Twin motorcycles at this time and one cant blame outsiders like Mom Yam or even Polaris for that matter, for trying to get a little of that pie.. Sorry for the ramblins,,, got side tracked...
  24. HEAR HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap2: OHHH NOOO,, SAY IT AINT SOOOOO... PLEASE Duey,,, PLEASE dont shut up about it... You and I and a few others are alone in this,, we NEED to be able to share in your well written, easy to follow thoughts and passion about motorcycling (especially the Yam V-4). Personally,, I am not letting it die. These Yamaha V-4's have stood by me thick and thin, have carried my carcass thru some of the nastiest motorcycling adventures possible with a beloved family member in tow and have waved bye bye to 90% of the bike that they have shared the road with in the process - I for one aint shuttin up and spittin on my V-4's history and I really wish you wouldnt either.. We may be a dieing breed brother but we dont have to accept it without a fight I said it at the unveiling when I knew us Yam V-4 lovers had been sold out,, and I said it again when we test rode em = ohhhh poop... I am gonna keep saying it cause I just cant get my arms around what coulda/shoulda been:Bunny2:
  25. Both of them Case or just one? They both play fine on my end but maybe thats cause I posted the vids on You Tube,, I will retry here: 1ST the new one: I double checked its settings,, it is set for "public" use.. I will try posting it a couple ways here: Please let me know if either or neither of these work...
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