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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Here ya go fellas http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=503
  2. Gees.....hope you are alright! That sounds so odd happening to a bike. First I've heard of actually. Any idea what happened? Bet that got the old ticker ticking at full pace!
  3. sarges46

    there is a god

    Holy smokes! All he had time to do was duck! And a good thing he did too! With all those bikes that could have been really really ugly. Time for a new seat and some sit down time with the big guy!
  4. My vote was 42. But it sure takes a big hit once I crack 70 mph! And yes your miles may vary...cause if I do the Manitoba speed limit I can get way better mileage!
  5. I find that to reduce the wind noise I have the IC volume around 14....I can still hear my passenger and dont get the wind noise. Passenger also adjusts their volume (daughter or son).
  6. Skunk If you get headsets from wingstuff watch out for the shipping fees. The price for the headsets is really good...I bought two sets this year. But the brokerage fees came to 50 bucks! If you have someone in the US that you can send em to that might be cheaper. They only ship UPS I believe and that adds up quick for us Canucks! Good headsets btw...not top of the line but good anyway. On my 1st gen I have a hand mike..it automatically transmits when I push the button on the mike....no bypass needed. Havent tried it on the 2nd gen but would think its the same.
  7. Changing topics quickly....Spud...I went to the dark side and got me a 05 RSV(midnight) this spring. Fell off it 6 miles from home last month coming back from Ft Collins. Bent a few things and scratched some others. Fell on my head so didnt get hurt! Road construction did me in! The 1st gen is still here waiting for a buyer, buddy from work is seriously waiting for permission from the finance department!
  8. Thanks. Oh we are fine....3565 dollars repairs. Should be going into the shop next week. Bike is still ridable so no real loss that way. Just dont so purty right now.
  9. Didnt get it done at FtCollins. Then crashed on way home. Waiting for the repairs to be done before I put it on.
  10. Our thoughts go out to the family. All the best to them as they deal with this tragedy. So sad.
  11. Arent the 1st gen tires all the same size no matter what year? http://www.venturerider.org/modules.php?name=History Check this history link...I just answered my own question...they do appear to be the same tire each year.
  12. I think he means levelling links....that raises the rear end slightly and yes does make it lean more on the side stand. When I do mine....soon...I will make sure to carry at least a side stand plate to throw down all the time....it might not be much but it should help. Travelled along way with Big Bob this year and he has his done....he gets on his bike from the right side by stepping on the floor board and throwing his leg over. He says its easier to get on that way and possible because of the levelling links....to him at least, another positive.
  13. I've been watching this closely as well. I have a question for Rick.....would this be adaptable for a 1100 vstar? It scares the heck outta me to watch Marilyn stop as she can and has locked the rear if stopping fast.
  14. Try here.....http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/product.asp?Item=RDYRS Also if you scroll down a little further you find some other posts on this subject. My Xm is mounted with the car kit dash mount right to my dash. The previous owner wired a new power plug and put that inside the faring outta sight. The antenea is mounted on the right master cover.
  15. Keep scrolling down on this page and you will see many many posts regarding tires. It seems the general consensus for the group is the Avon venom. I have em on my 89 and really like em. There are many happy with other brands as well. Read real good on the metz though....some are reporting chunks falling off!
  16. Remember....hand pumps only to air up the shocks. Get a good one ....like progressive or similar.
  17. I do too....it will cost shipping from Canada. I removed mine to put on the rivco adaptor.
  18. You could try removing your seat and moving your antenea wire slightly and see if that makes a differance. I would also check the connections.
  19. No complaints from my little passengers...but the driver sure knows when it's hot! Perhaps there's just enough breeze back there to avoid the hot engine thing.
  20. Good job Arnold. Man, we got some smart and talented people on this site!
  21. Bolt on either side just by the passenger grab bars. Ya gotta get down on your knees to see it. Take em right out and lift the seat out.
  22. Loose connections. Split the fairing and take each and every cable you find apart (one at a time) and put some dielectic grease after checking for corrosion. Thats my guess.
  23. I hate to say it guys...but it almost sounds like somethings broke....or not put together right.... certainly not normal.
  24. How much air have you got in the shock. And have you tried pumping that up to around 40lbs or so?
  25. Man, I could use you as a neighbor! That is very cool!
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