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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Man that looks good! Congrats!
  2. Ouch! And thanks for that update!
  3. I was wondering the same thing Don. But, this is the first time I've ever heard of that happening. I guess one could attempt to get how many accidents happened for the same reason or excuse, then try and compile how many feel their light probably saved them from a pull out or left turner. I pulled out on a turn signal while we were at Gary's VIP this Sept. on my bike. I was watching thank god and kept turning right onto the shoulder as the guy kept on driving straight through. He was slow and weaved all over so was probably impaired a little. Bottom line there...no excuse for me trusting those turn signals....I learned that along time ago and knew better. I had bikes with the modulators on follow me in my cage and while they annoyed the heck out of me.....I sure knew they were there! Perhaps driver inexperiance has taken our friends life and badly injured another. Yes it is her fault....
  4. What about getting clear lens and red bulbs?
  5. That piece can be fixed I believe. Read this thread for some ideas. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=9902&highlight=plastic+repair A lot cheaper and if the bikes parked for the winter lots of time to play.
  6. Thanks for the update. Our concern needs to be with Gary now. I am concerned as it sounds like he is not out of the woods yet.
  7. Marilyn and I are just shocked and terribly saddened by this news. We met both of them at Colorado this year and he lent us a jack and tools to get Marilyn's tire off of her bike. What a terrible thing to happen and they just started out on their newest adventure/holiday trip. Hang in Gary...we are here for you to lean against! I hope your injuries heal. Man what a year it has been......
  8. We have several members out that way. Most will be at work right now....hang in there someone will pipe up. A word for her.....there is no need to rush this. Take your time and learn the right way before going out on your own. I have lived and biked in Vancouver. It can be nuts there as well as having great areas to ride in. Winter there is rainy all the time and not much fun for a beginner rider either. One member if he speaks up I've met is StuD. Nice fella. Former membe StevieMac pops in now and then and now owns a wing. He and his wife are great folks as well. Thats who I've met from the greater Vancouver area. There are others.
  9. I had mine done at the dealership. I also had them check the clearances whilst there (valves). That is the main reason I had them do the seals. The owner said he never heard the tech use so many colorful words during the time he was doing those gaskets! Type in gaskets in a search here and you will find more info on this topic. Or just scoll down to the bottom of this page and you will see other posts on this matter.
  10. I hope your bud is gonna be ok. Thats a rotten trick to pull on anyone 'specially a biker. Sometimes ya cant win for losing! (referring to the motions made by bike cops to get the attention of those they are trying to pull over)
  11. When I was a kid I saw a (presumely) drunk biker stop at a light and fall over...didn't even put his feet down....just kinda slow motion fell over. Still wonder and smile at that....but also wonder if he got his foot caught in the shifter or something and couldnt get it down....now that is a sick feeling....I think!
  12. Yes they do make a yamaha spoiler. Cheapest I've found is here. http://www.yamahasportscenter.com/eshopprod_cat_2858-6666-4199_product_330178_keyword_spoiler.TRAVEL_TRUNK_WING_WITH_LIGHT.htm
  13. Just check the back (or maybe front) (look for the little circle) of the jug of oil. If it says energy conserving, dont put it in your bike. Amsoil is finally available at Canadian Tire here in Brandon.....14 bucks a litre!!! I dont think so TIM!! I get my oil by the gallon whenever I'm in the states or whenever someone I know can bring me a jug of it. Its 48 bucks a gallon for mobil here....got 4 gallons down south for 20 bucks a gallon.....thats a huge savings. BigBob from Saskechewan runs diesel engine oil in his 05...no problems and he has from day one.
  14. Russ Pass on our regards and that we think of them all the time and wonder how things are going.
  15. We applaud and envy you and all those who can do that! That is a dream that is slowly coming to fruit as Marilyn and I get closer to retirement.
  16. Two birds and way too many close calls with deer at night. Man their eyes are big!
  17. Scroll a little further down and you will see some posts on extra lighting. The idea of extra lights is a popular discussion with many members coming up with brilliant ideas. I have harley rear lights added as many do. And there are a variaty of led bars you can add.
  18. Read this article in the tech section by Freebird. It seems to be a handy idea! http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=516
  19. Big tip I learned here getting this beast off of her foot! Turn the wheel as far to the right as you can. The bike will almost stand up on its own. As far as mounting.....I get on and go...wife has her own ride! But...when she did ride with me, I would get on and stand bike up and she would ask if I was ready and then she would just put her foot on her foot rest and climb on. Worked for us...dismounting the same way.
  20. Yep....three trailers and in that order. The BC one matches my 1st gen and is going with the bike. The plan is as you said....get a hitch for Marilyn's vstar and hook up the piggy. (Lets see if Marilyn can beat me now...her with the trailer and me without of course!!)
  21. Cant help you Denis, but could I ask what risers you got? I am getting a set as well and dont want the same problems....or I will follow this thread closely!
  22. sarges46

    I got it

    YA! Way to go! Now...be careful out there. Congrats!
  23. To be up and up I have to go through the register of import vehicles and they will steal 208 bucks from me plus gst. When I register it then another tax for the province. I had alot of trouble getting my piggybacker through the RIV because the VIN didnt match. Alot of help from piggybacker group finally got her done. It looks like we will get this but I expect some sort if issues...I hope the bunkhouse folks are as good to me as piggybacker was. Thanks for the offer Steve...right now Boo is assisting but I've asked alot from him and if its too much I may be looking your way. He is a little closer I think.
  24. Ok, thanks guys. Mostly I was looking if not having a title is normal there. I see it can be. I can work out the import problem.
  25. I think you will find that warning on all bike owners manuals. Pretty sure its in my 05 manual. Some have taken the hitch off before taking it to a dealer to do warranty work if they are worried about it.
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