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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Some have gone to risers...I am going to try them this summer coming. Many have put on the flanders bars...I believe you need to get the longer cables which hikes up the price somewhat. Do search for the flanders here...there are many posts on them. Also check the tech section for 2nd gens....I think there is something there. Here try this link.....http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7222
  2. You will get something from me....dont know what yet or when I will get it to you...but you will get something!
  3. Thanks Jack, I will try him.
  4. That sure is cool! And you are a lucky guy. My Marilyn rode with me about twice on long rides. Once because she didnt have a bike when we went down to Potato Creek and once because she couldnt ride because of her knee surgery. She liked the 2nd gen better as far as room goes. But basically she didnt like riding behind me at all. She is most happy when riding her own bike and making me try and catch up to her! Do I miss having her on the back? A little. But I enjoy seeing the smile on her face when she is riding her own...it is a little nerve racking sometimes riding and worrying about her getting hit or something and me not having any control over it.
  5. Guys and gals: Looking at the "specs" for the swivel hitch offered by Neosho I see that the insert is a nylon block. Any comments good or bad on this material being used in this situation? Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Jeff How old is your battery? Weird things happen with a old and failing battery.
  7. And thats one fine looking outfit you have there!
  8. Dang....just sent mine too....looks like ya beat me 86er....guess I have to wait for my money back and try somewhere else!
  9. Just google venturedad hitch and it will take you to his site. His phone number is there. I just had a peek to see if maybe he made a hitch for a vstar.
  10. Black and Grey!! Hurry with those pics...I gotta see that....those are great colors...almost as good as the blue!
  11. Manitoba has talked about it but thats all so far. I would like to get one. And I am getting one for my car as soon as the Legion verifies my service.
  12. I can hear Marilyns vstar if I get too close. I just back off a little...it is tiring. Friends with the Indians....I either lead or stay well back as those two bikes are LOUD!
  13. watched a show called "how its made" or how do they do that and saw that stuff being made. It pretty cool.
  14. That sure hurts don't it! Hope your leg gets better before next summer. YammerDan sure had a rough go of it for awhile.
  15. sarges46


    Agreed, I was glad to see it gone....not only for the bad taste it held but for the direction the post could have led us. It could have got ugly real fast.
  16. And most of us wanna be just like you when we grow up! I know I sure do envy you as you enjoy the fruits of your labor. That is our dream.....travel like there is no tomorrow.
  17. "Cool beans" Lonna...lol. The internet is good for many good things after all,besides this site. Congrats!
  18. Dumped mine this summer at 5-8 mph. Damaged the lower fairing and scratched the upper and broken shield. The lower engine guards are not very sturdy for such a drop. There is a really really cheap way to stiffen those up with a bracket. They are going on this spring. Took 5 men to lift her on her feet...but she was almost completely upside down and trying to lift uphill. Friend riding his later this summer had a "drop", basically rested it on the guards and then lifted it back up when his passenger scooted off. Nothing damaged. We didnt even realized it until he told us it was that fast.
  19. For me there was little differance except at slow speed then I noticed the RSV handling. Both my 1st gen and 2nd gen run straight and true at speed and I can relax on either.
  20. For those that have met me...it would have been a tank slapper for me that caused it! That looks painful....excersise is dangerous me thinks! I hope ya heal quick.
  21. Sarges....Thanks Buddy, I appreciate you picking up my slack No problem Brad...anything to stay in the good books and be entitled to more cheese cake down the road!
  22. I hear ya Ron!!
  23. One of the guys here....I cant remember who, put either purple or blue lights into his fairing. He drilled little holes I think and made it so the lights shone through his clear plastic on the lower part of the fairing. It was very nice and really not bright enough to be mistaken for a emergency vehicle.
  24. Yikes! That sounds like some ride! Glad to hear you are reasonably ok. Just reminded me that I need to make my "dropped the bike" donation too!
  25. He must be at work so I will answer for him. I have a set on my 1sst gen. If you look close on the picture you will see that the top of each mount is bent. At the top of that bend there is a hole for mounting the lights. They go were the horns are mounted and replace the original horn mount. Yes, there is room to put the horn back on. The pattern I have is a low spread. Really useless for seeing anything as I put in low wattage bulbs. The 1st gen charging system is not as good as it could be and running high wattage lamps tax the system (at least mine) so the point where my battery was draining. But, it does give the triangle of light that will make you a little more visible as you go down the road. Very nice work on those mounts as well.
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