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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Nice!
  2. Right back at ya Jeff...and too all!
  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to one and all!
  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...Pete!
  5. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  6. Terrible...there never is a good time to lose a friend...but there are worse times.... Keeping his memory in your heart is great! It sounds like you both had many good times together. We are sorry for your lose.
  7. I am still reading about the winter storms you guys in the south are getting and the havoc it is causing! Please take care and if you dont have to drive...dont. We came home last night from Winnipeg....normally a 2.5 hour drive...it took us 5 hrs. (we also stopped to eat). But even with being used to the bad stuff it still was awful! Take care and hopefully you are all ok. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!
  8. Two members from Winnipeg were at Ft.Collins Tom and Terry alias tomephil 84 1st gen. Wayne and Susan alias Duke 86 1st gen. May have been one of them.
  9. Ya we up here really really envy you guys! Glad that you are enjoying it!
  10. Is it only me thats a little confused? What did I miss? What did we do? What didnt we do?
  11. Please someone give him and his kin a hug from us in winterland!
  12. Area weapon my friend...area weapon! He shouldnt be that close to a gunner's impact area anyway!
  13. :rotf:I suck at this game...killed poor santa several times!
  14. Hmmm now I cant get my Canada map to show up....
  15. Marilyn's bike had a pair of these when she bought the vstar. She didnt like and removed them...not cause they didnt work.....she just didnt like em. Hers are black. http://www.nationalcycle.com/catalogue/CoolWeather.shtml# Just scroll down a little in the link till you find hand deflecters.
  16. Well, I checked ebay for you....no success. I would continue to check there and one should pop up eventually. Unless a member has an extra lying round. Hope you find it.
  17. Putted around on a friends homemade bike as a kid...nothing serious that caused me to get into biking though. In Germany my girlfriend had a Honda 360....thats the beast that started everything. If you can imagine I rode on the back of that little thing everywhere! Got the bug.... we had a ball. Came back to Canada in 81 and got me a 750 honda custom. Nice bike but one ride to half way across Canada near killed me! Saw a new top of the line gadget filled 83 Venture Royale at bike show. Drove Honda back to Vancouver....straight to the Yammi dealer...gave them my Honda and drove away with the 83 VR! Loved that thing although I did replace many brakepads and one stator that burned out in the desert of Nevada! Got hurt in a non-bike accident and doc told me I couldnt ride no more! Sold VR for a car in 85. Its still driving around town here! Life happened and didnt get back into biking until 2004...bought Boo's 89 VR....great bike and I still have it. Now...this spring I stumbled across an unbelievable deal on a 05 RSV with trailer. Flew to Atlanta after getting screwed by shippers and driving the thing home myself. Ventureriders had already relayed the trailer all the way to Minneapolis...thanks again guys! Now going back to see Boo...he has my new to me camper sitting and taking up room in his yard! Thats my story and I am sticking to it! Marilyn started with dirt bikes on the farm. Very shortly after getting my 89 she decided she didnt like riding behind me and we got her a 84 Virago 1000. This was a good learning bike for her. I decided she needed something more solid under her butt and last year we went to Minneapolis to pick up her 03 1100 Vstar. She loves that thing and rides pretty good too!
  18. That is cool!
  19. Ya, me too!
  20. I was trying to picture myself with that slim (girlish) figure! I just cant do it!!
  21. Congrats Bruce and family. What an exciting Christmas!
  22. Cant make excuses for them Fred. Got bad apples everywhere. You won't many on this site though! I hope that experience doesn't taint your thoughts of all because for the most part we are kinda laid back.
  23. I gotta guess ...bike gloves.
  24. Fake tree....but we have alternated between fake and real over the years. This year is the fake tree turn. We have a couple of primary colors and stick to that "theme". This year its blue and silver. We have a few old wood ornaments that I really like and they must go on the tree. I would prefer to have only the wood ones but have to admit to liking the "theme" idea Marilyn thought of. Always have stockings hung and two advent calenders for the kids. Christmas is going to be rough this year as both of us are working Christmas day and cannot get it off. The kids will be at Grandma and Grandpa's. We will be there Christmas Eve. I really hate being at the jail Christmas Day....its depressing. But the inmates are usually well behaved so thats a bonus. Have a very Merry Christmas all of you.
  25. I was in Ebay two days ago and some of those parts are there.
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