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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Daughter and I are watching it right now. What a good time....she asked what caused this...she's 11...so I found two balls and a flashlight and showed her how it works. Pretty cool!
  2. Steve Depending on whether my insurance company wants my right guard back or not...I may have one. It will be scratched though from when I dumped the bike last July. It is going to be awhile before I know what they are doing or going to ask me to give them back....as the claim is not done because the painting is incomplete.
  3. May can be bad weather wise. Watch for snow in those mountain passes....but farther south you might just be ok! I know I wouldnt be on a bike doing a run like ....Calgary to Vancouver ....it snows in those passes sometimes into June! I cant swear for further south though. Man I wish I could that trip again! Have fun!
  4. Yikes...not good Kurt. Sure am glad you are relatively ok. I am reading that you are not so worried about yourself as much as your bike though. Once you are good to go I hope you can get her back together and be good to go. There are other bikes you could buy and use the old one for parts... Its a sad day for you and we share your pain.
  5. I wish I could remember the route I took 25 years ago! But whichever way you go it will be nice. Although, I dont think I would cross the salt lake desert again. Maybe things have changed but I had a rough go of it on my 83 royale, burned out the stator and got stuck in some small town for several days waiting for parts. If it were me...I would need two months to see all the things there are to see along the way! enjoy!
  6. YW hope it works out. I believe there is a 1st gen side stand on ebay right now as well. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/83-Yamaha-XVZ1200-XVZ-1200-Venture-Side-Stand_W0QQitemZ330211670024QQihZ014QQcategoryZ35585QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Would this work? http://store.valueaccessories.net/ProductImages/kuryakyn/t7108.jpg www.valueaccessories.net I found it in the vstar 1100 accessories, floorboards...its a kickstand extension.
  8. Marilyn works the units. She is well respected by the inmates for her "tough" no nonsense but very fair style. When she was out for her knee injury, many inmates would ask her when she was coming back to the floor. They have told her...you are tough, but reasonable and know and do your job. The staff she works with either cringe when she's on or look forward to a supervisor that is not afraid to make a descision or help when required. I am one rank higher than her and run my shift so I dont have as much interaction anymore...but I still work the same way she does. All this aside.....Dan...we are glad that your day was successful and you are home safe! It is a tough job we do...our police friends just say they are glad its not them and all they have to do is catch em and let us do the rest!
  9. Lol...nope, but I gotta hear this one!
  10. Glad to hear things went fairly well, Dan! Pitbull...I've been telling those words to our new staff for years! No matter what, be fair and consistant and remember that we are always outnumbered. Nope, that doesnt mean be a wuss, they dont like that either! Most of the inmates know we have a job to do....the crazies....well, what are ya gonna do about them.
  11. sarges46

    my trip

    Very good. Interesting idea! Cant wait for more.
  12. Mine is always on. When driving back from Atlanta I monitored 19 listening to the truckers....that may have saved me from running over a deer one of them had just hit! As most of my rides are with friends and also us having two bikes, we need to talk to each other. So, I guess the answer for me is yes...it is a useful tool for me to have.
  13. Yes, I have a teddy bear dressed up in Canadian combat uniform with the rank of sargeant and complete with my unit hat badge and name tag. A friend of ours made the uniform for my little partner using her husbands old uniform (I threw mine out). I cannot get the thing to load though!
  14. Well Dan...I will be thinking of you for sure and understand what you are facing. A word on smoke free...we are and have been for about 5 years now. We really anticipated some trouble but it never came. We did have things in gear ("yard crew") and we also supplied nicorette for the first few months. We still do that to any new prisoner that is not from another institution and is going to be staying with us. We supply...actually they buy it and can for 1 month then thats it. We didnt have any problem whatsoever. That first hour should not be so bad....I dont get goofy until I am without for about a day or so...then I turn into a bear. Take care tomorrow though, back to the wall and near an exit if you know what I mean. Personally, at my age...let the young ones have the glory of the battle...I've had enough. It was hard to do that as a supervisor...kept getting my knuckles slapped because I was getting involved physically..."You can't supervise properly if you have your knee on someones neck!" the boss says!
  15. Poorer for sure but richer for the experiance! Lost 20 bucks gambling....I dont gamble! Not hard to spend your money on other things though....it is a little pricey there! I will let Ron tell ya's about the soap and shampoo!
  16. Thanks for posting those pics Ron! I have no more to post on this meet...pics that is. It was great to see Ron, Linda Klaus and Denise again and very good to finally meet tooldad...Scott. The food was great and we did swap some lies. Vegas...hmmmm well lets say it was great! We got back this morning after flying all night and then driving over 2 hours to get home. We went outside in Winnipeg to have a smoke...wow the wind was howling and it was snowing and nasty cold!! Highway was a big junk of ice and slow going. Vegas we a whirlwind of busy let me tell you! And our visit to Grand Canyon got somewhat ruined by the snow! I am glad that we have the week-end to recover....we walked alot and slept little! I am glad to see everyone here is still doing well. We are counting down the days to Ontario!
  17. Hang in there until everyone gets home from work for more replies! I am sure there will be someone to help ya out some more.
  18. Well, in my mind yes. But a properly loaded trailer will be just fine with leaf springs. A xl piggybacker costs about the same, 850 or so...complete but no swivel. I have that and like it for its value,size and handling.
  19. We just got over another blizzard here this week-end. Looked alot like that for road conditions...closed alot of highways. Cold again (still) here...not for long....heading to sin city tomorrow!!
  20. I had been thinking of transitions again myself. I hear they are better than several years ago. Right now I have a cheap (16$) pair of clip ons I bought at Walmart in Ft.Collins. They are spring loaded and very easy to remove even while moving. Had magnetics and lost them....dont know where.
  21. Congrats grandpa......er who's the old guy in the pic!!!??
  22. I feel for ya...been there done that lost the t-shirt! Best move in the long run ever made though.
  23. sarges46

    new tires

    I dont believe they make the radials in the sizes we need anyway. They are not designed for our bike.
  24. sierra electronics as just about everything you will need. If you buy from Yammi...you are going to pay big bucks!
  25. I am pretty sure they are manufactured in Japan for the US or Canadian market. They come in a crate and must be assembled at the dealers. Its a real good idea to carefully inspect a new from the dealer bike!!
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