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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. sarges46


    I dont mean to be a bearer of bad news....you are gonna be po'd when you get your bill from wingstuff.....brokerage fee is close to 40 bucks....go ahead and ask me how I know sierra at least uses regular mail.
  2. Usually you can see an oil puddle under your bike from the shock leaking. When you say you give it a few shots with the pump...what is the actual lbs reading....you can pump the rear up to 50lbs for its max. The front is very low...something like around 6-7 lbs max. A bad shock will not just bottom out though...it will be unstable at the littlest bumps cause it doesnt absorb any of the road energy and continues to bounce. Would that be correct ...gang?
  3. Dont know what you've got for a gps but here is a link from ebay that might be what you need. http://cgi.ebay.ca/GPS-Sat-Navigation-Accessories-navGEAR-sun-visor_W0QQitemZ290210094389QQihZ019QQcategoryZ34288QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  4. Hmmm, I remember that light coming on on my first 1st gen...it was worn brake pads. That was back in 83.....
  5. sarges46

    #1 Song ...

    "At the Hop" by Danny and the Juniors.hmmmm cant say I remember it!
  6. CH6002 can be got at Canadian Tire. Check this link and cross referance so see if there is something else. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=523 Also the fuel filter can still be got at Yammy but an aftermarket one will fit....let me see if I can find that link. Found it...read this and see if it helps. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12240&highlight=fuel+filter
  7. I'm gonna bet that his other "hole" is just a tad tighter than his mouth hole!
  8. Good job Lou! Nice to see Leslie remembered in the video... Lot of food themes....just goes to show ya:ice_awesome-vi46644
  9. Usually, once I get down to ground level, my old body freezes there until I get a hand up!
  10. This is one run that Marilyn and I want to do one of these days. Just take a week off and go. I've nothing but good about it.
  11. Pretty cool!
  12. Good idea Barry Now thread highjack!! Were in Sask are you?
  13. Thats pretty cool Clay! We got some of those from our kids as well. Only they were smaller. Congrats again.
  14. All the best Chip and to his family as well.
  15. Nice...can it take two bikes or just one?
  16. Very cool! And yes, I went through every pic! It sure looks like everyone had a great time.
  17. My 89 loved it just over 4000 rpm.....purred like a kitten at that range...but also got thirsty! My 05....just plaiin purrs along as long as I dont lug it!
  18. My thoughts....if you are looking for just warm...then the ski jacket will likely do. If protection and warmth then either a good leather or type m/c jacket with liner would be what you want. The ski jacket will just melt away if you asphalt surf. Newenough has some great deals on jackets....check their whole site including the closeout section.
  19. In group rides we often hold up traffic. Now we do have the right to the road...but good sense says that we should move over before some cager back there decides to attempt a group pass and then things can get ugly fast. I know what you mean about the "blue hairs" that poke along and wont get out of the way. Holding up traffic on purpose is asking for trouble and serious cases of road rage have probably occured because of that behaviour!
  20. sarges46


    Its going to be a tough day Allan. Our thoughts are with you all the time. We sadly, have a couple members going through this and personally I cant imagine what you guys are feeling. I hear the pain...but there is no way to imagine it. This family is the best and most supportive group of bandits there is. And thanks for caring enough let us share some of your feelings.
  21. I would prefer a nice sedate speed of no more than 65 on the highway. I will keep up with the pack if neccessary though and in some cases you have to in order not to get run over by big rigs and such. For me its supposed to be about the journey and not how fast you can get to the end.
  22. Sad end to an otherwise good thread. Sure didnt need to see it go that way.
  23. All the best to your family Lyle. You are in our prayers.
  24. The start of it all...eh Charlie. That was a good week-end! I do admit though, that I like the longer (4-5 day) ralleys now. Gives us more time to check the areas out.
  25. Not too sure of the web-site Gary. But, I too, have heard of this. For some reason I want to think BC Ferries would be the answer. Found it! If it were me, I would cross over to the Island and drive up to Port Hardy then get on the Queen Charlotte route http://www.bcferries.com/files/images/maps/serviceareas.gif
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