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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Color-rite would be a place to start.
  2. I bought cheap wallymart car seat beads. Works great but is wood color and doesnt look the best. I will also make the thing smaller so it fits better. But....on my seat (standard midnight seat) it took care of tail bone ache and sweaty butt. If its cool out then it would be a good time to take those off as it does get chilly on the boys! Very comfy.
  3. 4 quarts is too much, usually. Use the site glass measurement as described. Think around 3.5 will do it.
  4. I did use my hand held when travelling. Only on the highway, is it safe, probably no....but then how many of us take our hands off one or the other side just to shake some life back into them.
  5. Probably the best lesson in wrenching I've had in a long time. I know I would still be trying to get those darn things off...cause I never knew about the upper clip that prevents the forks from dropping out. The bike is all back together now. Gord (noddy) has been informed that he must get new tires....thats friends talking to him...they are bad! He is most appreciative of the effort made by Rocket. So am I. Got more grease on me than since my army days! Some of it even made it to the bike! Paul heads home tomorrow...I wont be here as I am working, but it sure was nice to have him around, even if we did bore him to death! And you can all shoot me now or later...not one picture as everytime we went to Gords place we forgot the camera! Hmmm... I do believe I am getting reputation of taking pics and not posting the things anyway!
  6. You dont have it overfilled do you? If so it will come out the vent tubes and make a heck of a mess.
  7. That be Rocket, Dan. He come for a visit.
  8. Paul has arrived in the booming metropolis of Brandon. Some minor vehicle problems...no issues for a mechanic though. Gonna put him to work tomorrow or the next day so he dont forget how to turn wrenches!
  9. Our prayers for Mark and Nancy and the family. I hope he is comfortable at the very least. He's sure had a rough go of things lately.
  10. I have had a bee in my ear that didnt sting...my friends thought it quit funny watching me trying to get my helmet off without undoing it! Had a bee up my sleeve...somehow got past my gauntlet. Hit by a very small bird that almost knocked me off the bike. These are years ago. Last year..stung over eye at speed. Hit by a bird that flew from left to right and got my on the right foot...now how did it get by all the stuff in front I will never know! The best was while riding without shield or visor and got hit by a June bug right twix the lookers! I watched that thing coming for miles it seemed. It was like getting hit by a rock and I could have sworn it flew off after bouncing off my head!
  11. Love the stuff Pit! Would love to get some from you....cant though. Unless I came down and picked it up myself. Our import laws are pretty strict on alcohol.
  12. Thanks guys....I am sorry, but I had visions of driving around with this hanging on and the vision wasnt really pretty! I want one...but have spent so much money this winter getting Marilyns bike set up for a trailer, and new tires and camper and and and. First Ricks brake mod for both bikes if possible then....this rig. Man....I do ramble dont I!!? lol.
  13. I am gonna ask a really dumb question that has been bugging me since this was first made. Does this adaptor stay mounted to the bike? Or does it just "pop" off when not required?
  14. Yaaa....nice color, nice bike...good for you.
  15. sarges46

    con't pics

    Looks very nice and brings back memories of our May long week-end ride last year! Brrrrrrr.
  16. Lots of help and comadarie here John. Check out the venturerider ralley in Kitchner/Waterloo this July. The yearly ralley or any meet and eat you can attend will allow you to meet members and generally have a good time. It can be hard on the waist line though....this is primarily an eating club with a riding disorder!
  17. Hope you are feeling better soon! That is a drag for sure.
  18. Dang thats a good price! Tempting to get just to have around for my buds bike....he wont buy anything until he needs it!
  19. Have a peek at this thread and see if thats what you are hearing. Sadly, Yammi does not put enough grease in the rear end splines. Or, maybe you are hearing brake chatter from the front? http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1705
  20. Sorry for the loss of your friend Todd.
  21. I was almost sick!!! I saw that beauty lying there in the bed of a truck....like so much trash! What a way to treat a faithful steed!
  22. Sounds like you are screwing it right....oh God...forgive that awful pun! Yes you are doing it right by ensuring its all the way down.
  23. I've used "simple green" with good results.
  24. Rick I've got the progressive hand pumps for mine....a very small shringe type for the front and a larger hand pump for the rear. Both very accurate and no air loss when I remove them. I weigh in at 240...and am solo usually, but I run em similar to you. That is the way to go in my eyes.
  25. sarges46

    stock seat?

    While in Colorado last summer we stopped at wallyworld and I picked up a set of beads for a car seat. They worked great....nice and cool for that hot riding! Sheep skin worked great on my first gen but not so good for the second gen...got bad tail bone ache. Beads got rid of that for me. The beads were pretty pricy....8 bucks I believe...but its a full set and not that pretty to look at.
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