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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. I would contact mikealiasmike, I am pretty sure he has this. Looks good but I think he had a problem with the lights and came across terrible customer service from them. I bought the trunk wing from them and havent mounted it yet. It looks real good out of the package.
  2. Congrats! Hmmm, I'm like most, I thought you had already tied the knot! No matter...its all good!
  3. Sonny Unless you stole that bike from the dealer be prepared for a shock. If the US members tell you what they paid for theirs you will likely suffer serious sticker shock. Canadian prices are at least 3-4 thousand more than our friends south. Dont worry about what they paid...if you are happy with your bike....perfect. They are nice. The other scary thing is all those pretty chrome things you can buy for them! That hurts the wallet almost as much as the cost of the bike itself! Buy add ons from the US my friend. Dont get things shipped UPS as shipping gets expensive once it gets to the border and you will pay brokerage fees. Try get things sent USPS....thats the mail. Things that look good and serve a function should be first bought. Driving lights (passing lights) they look good and create a triangle of lights in the front the help you to be seen, check out the harley rear lighting system...I think there is a description in the tech library....seriously looks good and brightens up the rear end. Headsets for you and passenger are nice...wingthings on the net sell them for around 50 bucks a set but they ship UPS...cost me almost 50 bucks for brokerage fees! A back rest is nice....either from diamondr accessories or utopia, both are good. Diamondr are members here and offer a discount. Then theres the chrome!!!! Go slow or you wont have gas money!!! Have a great time learning your bike!
  4. Bottom line....everything on the bike is a warranty issue if you cant fix or find the problem yourself. Now, when mine started doing weird things the members encouraged me to do the following... Split the fairing and unplug each and every connection you can see (one at a time of course).....put a small tab of die-electric grease on each connection and reseat. Take the seat off as there is another connection there. For me that was the fix...the one under the seat. But doing all those under the fairing cannot have hurt anything and can only be viewed as a good maintanance idea.
  5. Pot calling the kettle black! Eh Paul!
  6. I've used Simple Green with good results. There are many differant ones though...just be careful with the aluminum.
  7. At least I am not alone! My Magellan Crossover takes me all kinds of places...if I choose to listen to her! Plus during our trip west at spring break it had me driving in the middle of fields when I was sure I was on the main highway from Calgary to Edmonton! Crazy old map on these things. I can only hope that it is better when we go south! Apparently there are no map upgrades for the Magellan Crossover either. Would be happy if someone proved me wrong there!
  8. You could do that....but it is a warranty item...bumper to bumper...let them mess it up.
  9. Speed bleeders for by yourself but you would have to wait until they were delivered. I dont know enough to help any other way than what the manual says. Must be a nice day and everyone is riding. Wait until this evening and I suspect there will be more help coming.
  10. Can someone please tell me where an officer can go for a coffee at 3 in the morning? Most of the guys and gals go to the timmies...there is nothing else open for them.....they are allowed coffee and lunch(supper) breaks just as the rest of us working fools are. I would get that pic easy....cept I just dragged the bikes out from the shed and my fairing is hostage in the paint shop...dang...wasnt fast enough to get it yesterday from its new paint job.
  11. I had the same thing with my Avons a couple years ago. I bought them at Sturgis (out neccessity not choice, location I mean, not the tire itself. I love the Avon.). The next spring there were those awful cracks (like you describe) on the front tire. The tire was replaced under warranty from Avon. My dealer here had to take the tire and do some tests on it that Avon wanted for warranty....tire tread depth, air pressure. It took a little bit but Avon did give full retail return. Of course I had to eat the installation costs again...but what are ya gonna do. I refused to take a chance on the tire...period. My yammi dealer said if it was his bike he would change it too.
  12. Warranty! Everything is covered in the warranty for 5 whole years! Get them to replace it.
  13. Yeppers Boo picked up my new to me camper. The relay was for the piggy backer I got with the bike I bought last year from MidnightSpook.
  14. It works Steve...the guys here relayed my piggy backer from Ga to Minneapolis last spring for me. I tried the shipping route for the bike and ended up flying down and driving it home picking the trailer up on the way. It was cheaper that way.
  15. Bobbie Now you can become the real mechanic! Marilyn rides her own vstar 1100 and does her own wrenching as well as helping me on mine! Well ok...before Russell says anything...she does most of the work on mine as well! I am very proud of her handling her bike with the skill of a seasoned rider. Great to have the gals riding.....yes...I do miss her on the back though! Congrats to you! Ride safe.
  16. I can vouch for them as well. Got the same deal up here ....quick and painless delivery as well.
  17. Many have mixed brands with no issues. Right now Marilyn runs her vstar with two differant brands and no issues.
  18. Sweet ride Brad! It will be good to see you both on two wheels this summer. Enjoy. I would keep my first gen if I could....just for the fun of it.
  19. Very neat Pyro. I'm with you...bet there's some shorts got thrown out after that!
  20. Nice bike, enjoy...specially now that the navigator is happy.
  21. You's guys are killing us northeners! I agree with Brad.....what about a pic with the bikes still in the shed surrounded by snow! snowing again as I type! Dang. All well...heading to Alberta tomorrow morning....maybe see some brown grass there! This is a neat thread btw....great idea.
  22. I'm not sure if I am reading you right Popeye...but I am getting the feeling you are feeling like would feel about the whole.....absolutely sick. I know I would feel so bad I would try and help if I could. But then again, in good faith you delivered a very nice bike into supposedly capable hands and they wrecked it. Still, it would be troublesome. Back in 81, I shipped a car from Germany to Vancouver Canada. It took 3 months but the car was spotless when I got it....a little dusty but otherwise good. What a shame...that bike was beautiful.
  23. We'll be back home by then. And its snowing like a bugger right now! Dang it! Now he's looking at tires as we recommended. Finding someone here that will change US bought ones could be a chore though.
  24. Hey Rocket! Gord just showed up this evening riding his bike! Loves the feel and is very pleased so far. He is going to try and air up the forks to see if they will hold but right now his battery needs some more charging before he fires up the CLASS. One happy camper there Paul! And yes he remembered to tighten everything down!
  25. :rotfl: Geez that is funny!
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