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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Good news Sonny, thats the way it should be done. Most dealers do have to wait to get permission to get warranty work done. At least thats what I've noticed.
  2. You guys are looking great! There is a new one of those bikes running around town here....it looks better in person thats for sure. But I notice Linda cant touch the boards so you are gonna have to stay with the RSV. Nice pics...thanks.
  3. All the best to you both Jack and Bev. Heal up and go shopping...or maybe go shopping as you heal up! I hope it all works out great in the end.
  4. The problem is not so much getting into Canada....its getting back home! The crossing laws are being driven by US regulations.
  5. With beer bellys and goatees!
  6. Shameless bump!
  7. Transfer the warranty to your name first thing. Then its all warranty work.
  8. sarges46

    00 Rsv

    Thats a fair price....I would jump on it and run.
  9. Also keep checking ebay. Those parts come up every now and then...but be prepared to pay....like mentioned ....they are rare now and desired by many.
  10. I noticed that there may be some kids at the Kitchner Rally. We are also bringing out two with us this time. Its going to be our summer holiday. Hopefully they dont change their minds. Our son Tyson is 15 and daughter Courtney is 11 (going on 16). They will spend most of the time at the water park and things. Any others taking the wee ones?
  11. I think there may be a few of us that hope to come across a used set. I know I sure am. I am thinking of trying to make something for myself with various clamps and arms off a broken office chair.
  12. Camping....sharing a site with Wayne and Susan (Duke)...so far anyway....thats if we can get them outta Arizona!
  13. Marilyn and I are both corrections officers too. Does that count? We babysit what you others catch! 2 years 11 months and 7 days to go!
  14. Grief...nothing but grief...if any of that gets into the carbs....the carbs are very sensitive to debrie. I think you need to talk some more. But surf the net for some more proof.
  15. New solder should do it. If I remember correctly.....way back in 83, my 83 would show that light when my brake pads wore out. At least thats what the dealer told me when he changed em out....seemed to cure it.
  16. Good article. There are so many small dirt roads that are unmanned to cross. Some areas have folks watching the border and calling in suspicous activity to the border guards but thats it.
  17. We suffer through it somehow! I just got out for the first time on Saturday. The 5 hour ride was sure great! Now it is freezing rain and calling for snow. Dang.
  18. Personally, I think you are doing great. You are not hiding, you have not stopped talking about Leslie which would be terribly disrespectful to her, you dont hide your feelings which I feel would be normal. You are going about recovering, accepting time with friends and doing things you like. Good for you. Admitting you enjoyed the day....why not if you did. Cry everyday....why not, you miss your Love. You sure sound normal to me. No one would every think less of you for any of that. See you in Kitchner.
  19. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Lowell. All the best.
  20. I didnt think I would ever use my CB either. Now, I find I use it alot as my regular riding partner has one and we talk all the time over it. We also try to get together with many other riders that have one. It does come in handy. I hope they get it fixed quickly for you.
  21. You can shoot me an email if you like. I've imported 2 newer bikes and 2 older ones (one for a friend) over the last 4 years. It can be a hassle to a degree but worhtwhile. At least it was for me.
  22. Congrats! Cutie there!
  23. Loss of power, poor gas mileage, poor idle. Lean...hmmmm gonna guess.....too much air getting in somewhere?
  24. Yeppers!!! If'n I was looking I would all over that like a fat kid on a smarty!
  25. I gotta agree...that is a pretty good price for a Canadian dealer bike! You have done good!
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