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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Roh roh...whadya do old friend!? I will have a look tomorrow.
  2. I think I would want the same that she does JT. Our thoughts are with you both and we hope she will be comfortable as can be at home. Take care...prayers for all of you.
  3. Have you seen my belly!!! Apparently food is good......any food! If I had to pick whilst riding I would guess it would be a burger joint. And for breakfast.....omelets or while in the states....bisquits and gravy or combo of both!
  4. Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
  5. Our dream holiday...besides biking around Canada and the US. Enjoy.
  6. Great pics guys! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Now...that right there is a steal of a deal! I would be surprised if no-one jumped all over that!
  8. Theres a downloaded manual in our tech section. You could do the whole thing or just portions you need I believe. Also....ask for help...you wont believe the number of talented people here...from wrenches to wrench and beer holders! 03...would it still be under warranty? It might be. My wife has the clymer for her vstar.....its not a bad book at all.
  9. To be honest with ya...I would not likely ever host a meet and eat. I do my best to get away from this area any chance I get! The riding here is not the best and roads are not great either. That doesnt mean we dont ride around a fair bit and meet up with folks over coffee or burgers or something.....sure is nothing fancy like some of you folks put on. Gonna get to some of those in a couple of years....
  10. If you are getting a clearview anyway, why not cut down the OEM shield to the way you want it.
  11. Fellow correctional officer at work had that. Scared the beejesus out of everyone at work! He had the bulldog thing too! Lol. He is just fine...took a week off work then some holidays because he was a little embarrassed on his "drooling and sagging cheek and lip. He is as normal as anyone of us can be now.....dont say anything Owl!
  12. Bump for ya Star
  13. Very nice score! Bet you could get close to 600 bucks on ebay for the lot if sold seperately. Nice nice nice hard to find items.
  14. More pep, smoother, and yes you should get better gas mileage. At least I do everytime I have done one. I have a carb-tune and its easy to do.
  15. Brian If you are having trouble getting it off the side stand try this. Sit on bike and turn steering hard right. The bike will stand up for you...best trick I've found.
  16. The first one for this site was Potatoe Creek. It was just a few days. Many drove far to attend and found it was just too short. Then Arkansas...missed that one. Colorado was a week. Great...worthwhile driving all that way even if we had to tie the tent to the bikes to keep it upright! Members came and went as their schedule demanded..some, like us, called it the summer holidays and after event was over continued on with the rest of their trip. This year if its still a go we are bringing our kids (11 and 15). They can play at the park or ride with us. They wont be bored. This is our summer holidays as it is at least a 3 day drive for us one way. We will putter down and enjoy the journey. Meet so many folks that we forget who is who but have a great time anyway! We have been looking forward to this since its conception and will be really dissapointed if it dies.
  17. Paint guy here recommended Mothers Cleaner wax. Says he uses it on all his show bikes. Got me some...seems to do just fine.
  18. Back to the choke thing....I've owned two first gens. Both had differant fickles with the choke. Once I knew what they were I had no issues. I think they are all a little differant to start me thinks. Maybe try turning they key on...wait until you hear the fuel pump stop, turn key off and then back on...waiting for the fuel pump again and hit the switch. I had the iridium on my last 1st gen (just sold). They were ok. Expensive though. I would stay away from the other "voodoo" plugs..tried them on previous cars....not worth the money. Could it be time for a fuel filter change?
  19. Movable structure eh. Same here or I pay more taxes. We put together a 14x10 steel shed in the back yard. It is movable....just takes time to take it apart! I dont think that thing would stand up to a good Illinois wet snow storm. I like that trailer idea.
  20. Back rest- utopia or the one from diamondraccessories (members here) both good. Grill you saw is most likely a Wagner- he is also a member here. Great product..gotta get me one some day....I've spent my budget this year.
  21. Man...thats tough Doug. Our thoughts are with you and your family! Sure glad you are ok.
  22. speedo hub might fall out, which if you dont know about it will surprise you. Better to take it out than have it fall out somewhere along the drive when taken the tire in. Carefull not to touch the brakes when the caliper is off...maybe put some cardboard in between the pads. Just makes it easier to get back on later...they dont close.
  23. Manitoba has vehicle inspection requirement on any new sale. Safety inspection includes checking tires, brakes, brake lines, lights. Costs about 45 bucks to do. Usually the seller does the safety prior to sale. Having a completed safety is a nice selling feature even if it doesnt mean the bike is running. A non-running bike can pass safety if it has power to the lights! My 89 passed without a blemish on the page when I took it in the day before the new owner picked her up. The safety is valid for a year.
  24. Same here...not much for elevation in the prairies. No problems at height in Colorado either. I just needed to remember to keep the revs up. Now, I know nothing of the stuff you have added and whether it would need new jets. Mine is a stock carb set-up...no dyno or anything.
  25. In my limited knowledge.....this sounds like your float may have been stuck and now is not. I would get me a can of Seafoam and run a can through a full tank of gas before commiting to the dealer service.
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