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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Lets....hmmmmm....he either fell over or missed a beautiful blue on sale cheap!
  2. We have sprayed out camper with silicone spray...its the same material as the bunkhouse. You will need about three cans of the stuff Bubber. Wait till its dry as mentioned before second coating.
  3. Maybe! What a great week-end...many thanks again to Al and Renate for hosting us at their home. And it was good to see those other bandits again as well! Now if only the Leafs can win ...yahoo!
  4. Wow! I didn't think this day would come. We lost a good friend and you lost a great Dad and spouse. We wish all the best to you all. We are glad he didn't suffer long. Rest our friend. Thank you for letting us know.
  5. The nerve...the truth but the nerve!!! Got the tire on...had to get the local tire shop to blast it to make the bead sit but its on. Just checking things cause the rear tire is kind of hard to move...I may have put the washer on the axle in the wrong spot!
  6. I'm still coming if I can get my tire back on the bike. That also means can I keep the bike on the jack! Bike fell over during the night. Lucky it just leaned hard against the fence. Managed to get it back on. No damage that I can see.
  7. You got it friend. Our thoughts are with you and her.
  8. My opinion.....yep that puppy is way to big for the bike. Recommended weight for trailer loaded is about half the weight of the bike. Nice looking unit though.
  9. The GPS cannot be trusted to find real gas stations at times on the way to ThunderBay! I would say carry extra gas as well. Also be careful of moose and other forest creatures but moose can be bad. During the day its normally ok but as dusk approaches beware. It is about 10 hours really counting stops for gas and food. It is a nice trip and the roads do get much better as you head east. Manitoba is too buys sucking our money out of us to fix anything out here!(Roads in particular!) I would ignore Bubber, he is old and knows not what he speaks of!
  10. :rotf::rotf::crackup:
  11. I selected 5. Those would be fairly easy 380 mile days. Marilyn is giving us 4 days. She could do it in 3 if I let her!
  12. sarges46


    Welcome this is wonderful site with awesome folk.
  13. She let us know last night. It is a parents worse nightmare. ..so sorry for their loss.
  14. As bad as it was we are relieved that it turned as well as it did. It sure makes suffering a little heat worth while wearing the gear!
  15. Our thoughts go out to his family.
  16. We are on the road to Galena. Noticed that Gord has no running lights. Headlights, signal lights work,brake lights work just no running lights. Passing lights work. We will check back later for tips.
  17. Tom Which shock did you get? I suppose the one that fits ours is the most expensive!
  18. Our thoughts and prayers with you.
  19. Yikes! That would scare me for sure. Not the first time I've seen pics of this on our bikes. Funny thing is that tire worked so well for Marilyns 1100 vstar. She got just over 20000 yes 20 thousand miles on her Metz!! I believe that our bikes are just too heavy for the Metz.
  20. No you can't change the odometer to km unless you get a whole new unit. When you set the cruise try this hit set then quickly move button to resume. This should stop the lag time. All the bikes will slow (lag) if this is not done. How to avoid increasing speed....boy thats a good one...if someone figures it out let the rest of us know please! I cant seem to do it either. I do rest both hands on the weights lots of times.
  21. Try this link and yes there are a couple different options. I used the facet when mine calved last year. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38549
  22. I am not sure on the first gen but some of our systems are so similar this may apply. Last month I did sort of the same thing with my 2nd gen. But I could not get the all the air out and the clutch worked but barely. Following the advice I found on the site I cranked the handle bar to the right so the reservoir was as high and level as possible. I then (making sure there was brake fluid in there) left it with the cap loose and covered overnight. (I did not tie the lever...there are mixed feelings on this.) This allowed all the micro bubbles to rise to the top. It worded like a charm and the next day I was on my way. The handle shouldn't be hard to pull but there should be some feedback from it to show its working me thinks.
  23. I hide in this heat...almost died in Arkansas a couple years ago...man was it humid there at the time of the ralley!
  24. my thoughts exactly!
  25. Thanks for the replies everyone! I will figure something out. I do know the RSTD stock bar is 1 inch so thats a start. And I think the 1300 vstar throttle has a dual cable control. Just going in and ordering a set of grips and engine guard today. Then transfer her J+M cb over to the new bike and we will be set for the trip south! She does like the new bike so far. Waiting for a long trip with the new bars to make the final decision. But I am thinking with Marilyn telling me to order the crash bar (not exactly cheap) that she is liking what she has! Hey Bubber...thanks for those kind words of encouragement!
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