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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. How's about you get em. I pay you of course. Take a week to get them here now.
  2. Diamondr accessories has folding foot rest that might be the answer.
  3. Marilyn needs new rear pads soon. We were going to change them out when I did her tire last week but couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get those darn pads out'! Can someone help?
  4. I may be wrong but isn't that what he does now?
  5. Well the first bonus is waking up! Then have coffee with my sweety. Some days we go for a round of golf. She works from 1-9 so we have to be done by 1230. Take her to work or home so she can pick up her bike. After that its a free day. My honey do list is 3 years old and for some reason not getting smaller! Thank goodness I have her,because another woman would have killed me by now! :-) Oh ya, I also do most of the same stuff bongobob does too!
  6. Thanks for letting us know how you are doing Buddy. Take care.
  7. Get well soon Rick. Our thoughts are with you.
  8. Sounds like a winter project or a rainy week thing! Lots done though and l let's hope nothing too serious with the electrical.
  9. I too.... I am so special I need a helmet!
  10. Put on a baking sheet and stick it in the oven. Once its all dry it will be a different color. It's good to go then.
  11. Man! I am partial to blue but next to that the white is the nicest venture going! Congrats that is a good find.
  12. Yeah yeah! The stock fuel pump has been known to work when cold then when it heats up quits. Hope you get it figured out my friend. I mean you old coot!
  13. Correction my pump is a Facet. Look second gen tech. Parts alternative. Great resource by VGoose. I can't post a link as I am sending this by phone and am clueless how to link stuff!
  14. Mike I currently have a Mr gasket on my bike.It works ok but I have to remember to turn the gas off when stopped. There is another model that prevents this. Yes you need a pump around 3. 5 pounds pressure.they are around 50 bucks. Check the tech write up from goose. He lists all the different types.
  15. Mike. On Marilyn old 1100 we had to stay with the 35. Harder to find but we got some at a RV dealer.
  16. Get well Jonesy. Hopefully all stays good.
  17. I left mine over night before all the micro bubbles finally surfaced and I got pressure back. It was aggravating as all get out.
  18. Durn bars!
  19. Hmm just by a smidgen. Have a good trip.
  20. Tom Text me when you get to Brandon. I will see if we can do a java. 204 573 8436.
  21. Our thoughts are with you and Becky, Bob. Take care.
  22. Our are with your family oldgoat. Hoping for the best.
  23. This is still evolving. Sad and shocking. Our thoughts for the family's left behind. I know a few members here and it's a sober group fight now.
  24. Well we thought it was this weekend past and were in the area! Sort of if Bemidji counts as being in the area! We would be there ya old hooter if for nothing else but to let you buy me a supper or something! Miss ya ole bean!
  25. Our thoughts are with you both as well!
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