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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Marilyn had those hand thingys on her vstar. They were the first thing to come off the bike when we got it home. She didnt like the looks nor the "feel" of them. They sit in the shed of parts.
  2. Oh my! There we were....looking forward to travelling to Aussie at some point in time. Now, kinda nervous about that! Anyway......looking forward to the "homecoming". Red...we will look for you at the post. Gotta warn ya though, we are likely gonna be camping it.
  3. Someone is getting fleeced! Oh Lord help me! I'm sorry!!!
  4. A while back (at least 3 years now) I got mine from ebay for 14 bucks each. I bought two cause it was such a good deal.
  5. If the guy is a good painter he should know about what you need Al. At least thats what I think. It will be good to see your bike sparkle again. Bet you cant wait.
  6. In reading Kross Kountry's description, I believe I have done both bikes I trailered the same way with one exception. I used 4 straps each side, at opposing angles to keep the bike upright and steady to and fro.
  7. All the best Gary. Our thoughts are with you during this ordeal.
  8. Turn handle bars hard right...look into fork area from the left side and you will see the little knob for adjusting the lights up and down.
  9. well....it aint blue...but it sure is nice! Great job Lew
  10. Thanks for the update Don. We were wondering about things and chose not to ask when we saw you in Arkansas. It didnt seem the right time. You are both in our thoughts.
  11. Or you could just show up early and be sitting by a post waiting for some sympatetic folks to take you in!
  12. sarges46

    Helmet Cam fun

    Very cool!
  13. I just bought a standard auto lighter and that fit perfectly. That little plug just pops off. I also have a accessory fuse block so I wired the lighter seperately direct to that. Yes it is always hot but I have never had a problem. They do require replacement every now and then as the ones I've used do rust after a while due to rain.
  14. Hey Don All the best with the rebuilding. We hope all this had nothing to do with keeping you up too late and feeding you too many adult beverages while at Vogel! We hope to see you next time around the fire and crack a few more with you.
  15. Me too....member 100....no bike but high hopes!
  16. LOL.....confident to know to add a caveat with each statement. I would hate for something to go horribly wrong because of my mistake!
  17. R/Rear. But wait for it in case I am wrong!
  18. Pick a spot alrighty....we will likely attend. As long as its not in May, June or September. Kids are still in school for us Canucks.....an May is truly hit and miss the last couple of years! Black Hills!!!! Wow only a day and a half ride or one day if we really push it. I cant imagine only going that far for a International. We do like to travel some. PIP in Sept is our official last meet we attend until we both retire and move someplace warmer for the winter! We wont miss PIP. We are excited about the mere mention of Potato Creek. That started it all and I even had a bike by then!
  19. He will be missed. Many have talked about his acting and he was great...I wonder if anyone remembers that he could sing pretty good too. I was sure surprised when I heard him for the first time. Thanks Freebird for deleting that comment....
  20. I owed an 83 brandy new back in the day. Loved that bike. Later I bought a very nice 89 from Boo. Loved that bike too. It was fast if I wanted it to be and handled like a sport bike....I think.....never drove one of those. It got though, so long distance was bothering my legs alot...I couldnt get comfortable with the foot position even with riding pegs on. Went to the second gen and havent looked back, although if I could I would own a 1st gen for "bopping" around. You gotta go for a ride to see if its your style. Then take momma for a spin to see if its her style. But dont do that if its not your style! She will love the extra room and comfort.
  21. What year is it? Get on and ride it.....work it hard in second....if it pops out then its not fixed. Sometimes there is a mechanics mark down either by the the shifter or the clutch basket to show it was done.
  22. Looks exactly like the one I have. Good price. There is a smaller one that reads very small amounts of air. Its like a large syringe, from progressive. I have one of those as well for the fronts forks. Both came with the bike I had. Nice to have em.
  23. Hey Dave The beads you buy made for the bike shouldnt scratch the tank. The ones I used are car seat ones and I have to be careful. Check out wingthings, they have a real good price on beads right now....I do mean a good price ...around 16 bucks.
  24. Bob I had some extra lights on the front and rear of my 89. These bikes are notorious for bad charging systems. I went with larger guage battery cables which helped a little with the hot start issues. The bike would not charge properly when I put 55 watt "passing" lights on the front so I changed them to 35 watts. It worked. Those were wired with a relay and switch directly to the battery.You have got to remember to turn them off! I didnt and toasted a battery over night. The smaller lights in front and rear where just hooked up to the nearest power source. If that rear one is disconnected I would wonder why. Maybe it was pulling too much power. I installed a cigarette lighter on the black plastic part of the fairing right beside the handle bar. This worked well and a gps or mp3 doesnt draw much power at all. You could also change all the little lights to LED which will decrease the load considerably.
  25. Heading to Cody I believe he said.
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