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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Get a hold of Black Owl...Russell has made up some sets for folks. Mostly I think he just uses velcro and attaches it to some vinyl and wraps it around the fork. I think thats how he does it.
  2. Sounds good so far....keeping the fingers crossed for confirmation news!
  3. Also in Manitoba you can buy basic insurance throught the gov. then go private for collision fire and theft.......unless its for a motorcycle.....cant be done then. Things got bad here when they decided that it wasnt fair that "cage" drivers had to share the cost averaging for insurance with motorcycle riders. Stats can and are manipulated all the time and the stats showed that MC crashes where the most insurance heavy costs...repairs to bike usually a write off, and more serious injuries. They never thought to mention that most crashes are caused by the cagers turning in front of the biker. I pay less than the Winnipeg member because his is a larger city and mine is still sort of rural. Sask. riders...best hope that SGI doesnt decide that cagers shouldnt share the insurance cost with mc riders. Your insurance will climb fast. And Manitoba insurance for bikes goes up 5-15% every year...no matter what. Some cars go down..bikes goes up.
  4. It went for a decent price for the seller. Sorry you didnt get it Big Bob, it would have looked good on that vstar.
  5. That is a shame. I was reading his blog. The man was a brave, entertaining and educational person. He shares alot and his story makes my little visits with the doc to have things checked out minor in comparison.
  6. All our best wishes Randy and Marcie! Prayers sent for good news.
  7. I've had an 83 Royal and 89 Royal, a 05 Midnight and now a 07 two tone blue. Loved them all. The 83 was the fastest and had the most comfortable stock seat. I also learned never to buy a first year production anything. I did have problems with the stator and the coolant impeller. The 83 was brandy new when I got her. The foot under style is not for me anymore. Too hard on my knees. I have towed a trailer with both style of bikes. No issues with either. To me the first gens are a style of their own and drive a little like a sport tourer. The laid back position of the RSV is more my style now and I love it.
  8. Is she going further south? If so she will miss most of that storm. We sailed for two and a half days to get to Puerto Vallarta and then headed back north to stop at Mazatlan and then Cabo. The ship stays fairly close to land as well...sort of....we went out to sea to go around a storm. Out of all I enjoyed Cabo the most. Yes those big ships do move in rough weather even with the modern technology to stabilize em. Hope enjoys the ride!
  9. If anyone is building their own trailer the attached link might be for you. I think this is a good deal? I've never seen them listed before so I thought I would pass it on. http://cgi.ebay.com/250-Torsion-axle-4-bolt-hub-Motorcycle-Trailer-Camper_W0QQitemZ290357120994QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_RV_Trailer_Camper_Parts_Accessories?hash=item439aa20fe2
  10. too cold....the bait shrivelled up under the dress!!
  11. Wow....that is so cool! We will disown you if you get rid of it.....hows that! That is a nice looking bike. Congrats to both of you....we are all happy for you both and I am sure that the family is happy as well.
  12. How much do you want to spend? Why have a look at J+M's handlebar mounted CB. Uses a headset though, but you can plug your mp player into it. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DJMCB2003%2DSL
  13. Wow...great story and pics. Sounds like it was fun! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Courtney is gonna be cranky with you Steve....she still talks about riding in that thing.
  15. We did Carneval cruise to Mexican Riviera I think it was. Sailed out of LA and 2,5 days later arrived at Puerto Vallarta....first thing I saw when I looked out the cabin window was a huge Wakmart sign! I wasnt impressed.....then went to Mazatlan and Cabo san Lucas. Lots of food, corny entertainment, I really didnt like be forced to tip 15 % automatically for everything. I believe in tipping for good service and not if its bad. That and the cruise line had their fingers in alot of the so called jewelery sales and gimmicks to get us to buy various things at certain shops only. Alaskan cruise would be nice though and we have talked about it as well.
  16. Brad There is a fella at my work that owns a old harley that he keeps in mint shape. He is a wrench for sure. Could I give him you email and maybe he can hook you up with some info or help.
  17. Is this link helpful? It might be the one you thought of. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21986&highlight=rear+lights
  18. Just for giggles I would love to see a picture of your radio controller on the left or maybe right handlebar. This is new to all of us, an RSV with no CB!
  19. This outfit is reliable from what I've heard. Not cheap though. Then you have to get the antenea and also make sure that there is the cb button on your radio controller (as mentioned earlier post). http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-XVZ1300-CB-RADIO-VALKYRIE_W0QQitemZ350250637887QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item518c909a3f&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
  20. Hmmmm german food.....
  21. Hmmmmm German beer........hmmmm Glad that you Dad is doing well and enjoy your trip home. Maybe Al has found a camper for you! Sorry Al.
  22. I am glad this worked out like it did for you. The last time it happened to me, I had forgotten to turn the fuel back on after removing the tank!
  23. What a tragedy! Thats awful. Thanks for sharing Ian. Thoughts and prayers to the surviving families.
  24. If a guy could only afford the insurance for more bikes I would have several as well! Congrats.
  25. New to me bike 07....miles not km.....I managed to get around 8k this year. So total is 17k miles....thats what 25k kms?
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