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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. A bud of mine is looking for a wing. He cant afford one of those fancy shmancy new ones. I would say something around 5-6k. Just by looking quickly at craiglist that should gets something in the 95 and under range. What year should he avoid or what are some of the nuances of any particular year? Any help is appreciated. Cant talk him into a first gen...lol.
  2. That is very nice Bob. Just what I expected you to do....a fine looking rig.
  3. Yeah the chrome and original are the same size but the plastic original has some give to it that I dont think the chrome one has. They all hit the thing that is common. Not an issue for me.
  4. sarges46


    Sorry to hear of your families loss. Mom's are very special indeed.
  5. Have a great trip. Stay safe.
  6. Any idea when he will be near Brandon? If we are around he would be welcome for a stop over. It is a good thing he does....our hats off to him. Never mind, I know when he is going to be here! I checked his intinerary...third week of June.
  7. All the best to Dianne! If nothing else the lady should have had that dog restrained. It only makes sense. Good for the police and not buying that excuse.
  8. You buy, you ask em to ship it to the addy I provide you...its a border services place just across the line from me. Its in the US. We figure out how to get you your money...ie paypal or something. I go to across the border and pick up item when it arrives. Dang.....when I read that it sure sounds like some scams I've read before!! You might have to ask around and see if I am legit! Becuase you have a US card that links you to a US addy their order process works...it doesnt for me cause I have a Canadian card linked to a Canadian addy shipping to a US addy. Sounds confusing....I wish they took paypal....it would be so much easier!
  9. My next question is, can they not ship it and then you wouldnt have to fool with it? I almost think that would be cheaper as well cause they must get some sort of deal....but wadda I know! If I could I would just go on-line buy it with my credit card and have them ship it to the US addy I use. I know you are close but once it leaves their store then we would be at the mercy of the shipping gurus.
  10. I just got a reply from Princess Auto. They stopped getting this item because of quality issues. Anyone know what that might be? And the cost to ship to Dunseith, ND 58329
  11. Yeppers its item number 42927. But hold for a minute if you were thinking of helping me. I am waiting for a reply from Princess Auto in Winnipeg to see if they are going to order one for me. The cost is pretty darn close to Harbor Freights.
  12. Nope, but I will right now...thanks Paul.
  13. Yes she is a sweet heart! And I am only a civil servant for 11 more months! then I am gonna retire to drive a school bus. Living the dream! PIP is way too late as I have a tire now that needs changing and Gord will shortly have two. At 90 bucks a pop to change tires here we can afford to even mess up a couple of tires learning!
  14. Gary Princess Auto doesnt have them anymore and will not say if they are going to order them. I got the base from them last week for 50 bucks but no luck on the mc attachment. I even checked the stores in Winnipeg and they have none either. Bubber. I would have it shipped to a US addy in North Dakota. Then I will cross over and pick it up.
  15. Is there anyone willing to order this attachment for me a have it shipped to a US address (border services). If you order it on-line and just change the shipping details you wouldnt even have to touch the thing. We can work out how I am gonna get you the cash. I cant order the thing because my credit card is Canadian of course and they want a US address to put the billing info on. I already have the base for the thing and just need the adaptor that fits on top. Thanks
  16. That is good news Don! We are glad to hear it.
  17. Nice! And blue is my fav color as well...enjoy.
  18. Our thoughts are with him for a speedy and complete recovery!
  19. It sounds like your cb might be interfering. Check th squelch and turn that down or if you dont use the cb turn it off and see what happens. That thing overrides the radio when it receives a signal and whenever I go under power lines it sometimes goes nuts if my squelch is set to high.
  20. Hey Mike Is that the trunk you got a couple years ago for dirt cheap? Mitzu something or other? I wonder if a (ahem)...harley latch would work on there.
  21. I cannot imagine how good that must feel! Good on ya Annie!
  22. Heres to cheering for only the best news!
  23. Nice ride! And thanks for those great pics! I sure would have liked to see one of those launches in my life time....guess not.
  24. Try beads. Cheap at wallymart...butt ugly cause they dont match and you will have to cut them down. But cheap....try it. These ones listed here are very cheap for a bike accessory , but be careful I seem to remember they ship UPS...you dont want UPS to Canada...you want USPS. http://wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/6_Add_On/22902_Oversize_Beaded_Seat_Cover_Fits_Goldwings_Large/ I couldnt take the seat on my tail bone either....I went to the corbin that the preivous owner had reworked a little to make it softer around the tail area. It works. Another thought with the shoulders is to try the risers. I did that as well and it worked perfect for me. I had a heck of a time getting the throttle cable to work right for me but most folks havent had that issue.http://motorcycle-accessories.cruisercustomizing.com/search?lbc=cruisercustomizing&uid=329395573&ts=custom&w=Yamaha%20Royal%20Star%20Venture&af=&isort=score&method=and&view=list&searchtype=products&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.CruiserCustomizing.com%2Fdetail.cfm%3FCategory_ID%3D62%26manufacturer_ID%3D167%26product_ID%3D16678%26sblid_name%3DBaron_Custom_Accessories_______in__RISER_EXTENSIONS___Yamaha_Venture_for_Yamaha_Royal_Star_Venture&rk=11&rsc=3n11ylvJ0VtvEKU2&p=R
  25. of us ride pretty reasonable. Sometimes we "stretch" her out just for the thrill. Best be careful doing that. I have seen real dumb dumb riders though. Funny, just yesterday there was a fella with his little guy riding shotgun. I pulled up beside him (suv) gave the little guy a wave. His Dad (I presume) gunned it when the light changed...I mean he gunned it....and weaving inside his lane each shift. Probably giving a thrill to the little guy. So two problems...he is teaching his kid to ride like a dumb dumb and the kid was dressed in ......muscle shirt, shorts and crocs on his feet. If the kid was 7 then I am 20. That wasnt right.
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