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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Still here and wishing nothing but the best for you all Hal.
  2. Hey Boo Is that our old blue venture in the background of pic 3? Btw....that bike is going a little over the top there....but a great conversation opener I am sure.
  3. I am:whistling: typing with my nose cause I can't get my hands untied!!
  4. Our thoughts are with you and yours Hal! Hopefully everything works out.
  5. Wow....enjoy yourselves! What a great thing for you guys.
  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family at this terrible time. We cannot imagine what you are going through.
  7. The middle one on the venture sure looks like Lowell.
  8. Is Sombra the crossing south of Detroit/Windsor. If so thats the one we crossed when coming home for the Ontario International and the name I was looking for.
  9. I see lots of pics with the ole supervisor standing around ......er well....supervising! Great job guys and you know we would have been there too if we could have.
  10. Congrats Tom! I knew you would eventually. Thanks to BigBob I just happen to have a stock set of muffs for you if you are interested. I got my saddlebag rails off of ebay for around 150 ish. Not bad considering what mamma yamma wants for them. I've had Utopia on the midnight that Gord and Laura has....good set up....so its the other one. Trunk rack....hmmm. Nice bike...even if its a red! Ya know I gotta have my blue!
  11. Get that new battery in it first before knocking your head into a wall. You will be surprised what a bad battery will do to almost everything on our bikes....that includes the second gens. Try that first then see what happens.
  12. Our thoughts and prayers to Dan and Rose for a complete recovery. This information is hard all the time but made worse when you know someone well.
  13. That's the only advice I can give. I did...and hated the links and went back as soon as I got back from our trip. (This was the International in Arkansas). To me the bike became way too loose...I wandered all over the road..wobbled around like a duck in curves and generally felt I was fighting for control the whole time. Yes...the parking lot stuff was great. It was the rest of the driving experience that I couldn't take. Once I got home I changed back to stock...watched the ride like pro video and went from there. I enjoy my bike much more. But...with so many results I really think you should try them yourself....they aren't hard to put on. Don't stick to the parking lots though....go for a real ride with twisty's and stuff.
  14. Wait a minute......isnt that the set you lost from me!!??
  15. We should be home all day Sunday. If you can that would be great. Having travelled many miles myself I do understand if you cant though. Give us a wave as you roar through though.
  16. And we are in Brandon Manitoba which is also on the #1 highway. You could call us as well...love to get together. If its Sat. hopefully its morning as we are out of town in the afternoon.....so far anyway.
  17. J+M has a great set-up for after market use. Go to Sierra Electronics and have a look see. It is not cheap though.
  18. disappointed! I thought for sure the Squid would dress up a little for the event and not wear his every day clothes! It sure looks like you had a great time! Wish we could have been there.
  19. Thanks for the tips and stories all. Now, I just have to take it easy until things completely settle down and begin figuring out what works for the diet. This hasn't been the most fun few days but I am getting better.
  20. Sure glad you guys are ok...relatively anyway! I've fallen over by using the front brake on gravel. It was amusing to my passenger son who calmly walked off and watched the old man roll into the ditch! Scratched up my new to me bike though.
  21. I have been avoiding fatty stuff since last week. Already I have lost 8 pounds! This might just work out for the best in the long run! But it is good to know that I can still enjoy a good feed if the time is right!
  22. Our thoughts and prayers go out for you guys. Hopefully things will work out for the best for them.
  23. Thanks Dan So far I have put myself on a reduced fat diet. And my pancreas seems to be a little offended by all the action and is a little sensitive....or its my liver but I still have a little "pressure" in that area. Got some pain meds and anti-biotics to take for a week.
  24. Very early Tuesday morning (0130) I had to drag Marilyn out of bed to take my sorry butt to the ER. Turns out I was having a bad gall bladder attack. (I wasn't dying..just wishing I would!) 10 hours later I got out feeling a little better. Skipped bus driving for Wed and was back at it Thursday/Friday. Sat morning I took Marilyn to clinic as our family doc was there and she needed to see him regarding Scans on her kidney stones. She tricked me and booked me in to see him at the time she was checking in. Well this was at 11am. By 1345 I was strapped on a gourney and being wheeled into the OR!! Got my gall bladder removed and was sent home at 430 that evening! Now the healing starts I guess! So...fellow gall bladderless people....what does this mean in terms of eating and avoiding stuff? Please dont tell I can't eat ice cream any more!
  25. This is not what we were hoping to hear when Rocket first posted this. Our thoughts go out to his family. Rocket sorry to hear this.
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