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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Our thoughts and prayers for your friends!
  2. When Marilyn's came apart on her vstar, I just took mine apart on my RSV and and saw how everything went and rebuilt hers in the parking lot. So, I guess I am saying...find someone close and get them to come buy and you can reverse build yours. It's not so bad with a working one sitting there. Just for giggles my cap fit her vstar.
  3. Way to go Dan and the warden!
  4. Hi Brad and Rhonda! Some days it just packs it on! We wish nothing but the best for you and yours. We are thinking of you and hopefully we can see you this summer.
  5. Don't forget to check the little nuts holding the holding open device on the trunk lid and any of the hinges on trunk and saddle bags. They do come loose and will cause grief.
  6. Our thoughts are with you and your family Tom.
  7. We currently have a 2011 Rolla-Home and like it very much. Previously owned a older "bunkhouse" and liked that as well. Both tow great...are a bit heavy to stop but great to camp with.
  8. There's another story for sea foam....that tank will last all year and won't go bad!
  9. For the first time I can remember..."but I do have a broken rememberer", we have had less than three feet of snow all winter. We have had the warmest winter for a very long time and are now setting all sorts of records for this time of year. More than triple the norm temps. We are actually working on getting the bikes out and this is almost unheard of for us this time of year. There are plenty of bikes out already.....those are the guys that have garages and just have to drive em out the lucky buggers! Ours are stored in the shed in the back yard and if the yard is not dry the bikes have to stay as we can't move them. However, being somewhat pesimistic here....it is only March and we can get snow and lots if it well into April and even May.
  10. Our thoughts are with you and your family Rick and Nina.
  11. Thanks Buddy.
  12. Golf courses that can take a hacker and not worry about it too much! Any place we shouldnt rent from.....like "Honest" Larry's down the way. And areas to stay away from....I is too old to watch Marilyn kick the snot out of some trouble maker!
  13. Blah blah blah! What part of spring break didnt you read? And for your information it was MDG 64! I am pretty sure Gary or Ann used to water the horses or roosters! And of course leave it to us to book something somewhere that is going to be terribly expensive! Drat. But we still think we need a car to get around. The shuttle is 16 bucks each one way. Plus then we need to get to the golf course and a little bopping around to see some sites.
  14. Anyone?
  15. We are flying in to Phoenix during spring break....24th March until the 28th. Just a few days but we want to get an early summer like feeling. Vegas was nice but we want hot! Anyway, we were thinking of renting a car....who be the best? We will pick up at the airport and drive to Mesa and return it on the 28th. Thanks for the tips.
  16. The best news is that she is alright! Wow....her angel was riding close that day for sure!
  17. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. So sad....
  18. So then I am guessing that you have the tire pressures up to (or slightly less) the rating on the tire and not what the manual says? Low tires are killers for handling and combine that with worn out ones...yikes. Did I see that you checked the rear and front axles to make sure they are not loose somehow. Or wheel bearings.
  19. That sucks! Wishing all the best for you and hopefully someone in the medical area can see clearly enough to allow the proper stuff you need.
  20. are waiting to see if Marilyn is going to be able to get the time off required for a longish trip. The rally will be included in our planned trip to the east coast of Canada and down the the eastern seaboard of the US. This all depends on if she can get enough time off in the very short staffed environment she works in.
  21. I may just be there depending when school is out.
  22. Whatcha talkin bout Willis!
  23. and I know for a fact that its all a lie!! Gary would never.....and I mean never...leave the house without at least a pot of java drank! Other than that little fact...most things are right.
  24. Yes, definately talk to Big Bob before buying this! It may save you some money in the long run.
  25. Our thoughts are with you and your family Jim.
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