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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. You could just get a smallish mp3 player that has a AM/FM radio built in and use the sat. radio to send its signal to that and use the small ear buds.
  2. sarges46


    You got it oldgoat! And the vstar is a very nice bike. Marilyn has a 1100 and just loves it. She can keep up with the "big" boys all day long.
  3. facing the back.....on the right side. CB on the left.
  4. Wow...all our thoughts are with you both. We wish nothing but the best results!
  5. Wow you guys plan fast! Good going and this will be a fairly short run for us this time. Hey Boo....ya think you can make this one? lol.
  6. If I ran my pressures at what yamma mamma says then the bike would be as squirly as my sister in law! I have always ran a pound or two lower than the max rating on the particular tire. Thats what I've been told and thats what I've found to give the best performance.
  7. Try this link Angel. BTW it was great to meet you both and to share a couple nights of campfire at least! http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493 If this doesnt work go into forums, 1st gen tech. second page and you will see error code repair. I did my own on my first gen and it really was simple and worked great. Shoot I just noticed that you guys are in Fort Wayne. Guess where we spent one night on our return home? Yeppers right at Fort Wayne. It was the 9th or 10th.....night of the big storm that went through.
  8. I saw one moose in NFLD and he was 300 yards away in a creek bed. Marilyn was the one trying to hunt the critters, I just got to watch and see what happens! Brad...I did get the upgrade done while in NY. I finally sucked up my fear of doing it and just did it. It sure was a lot easier than I thought it would be although I did not line up the solid plate with the dot and couldnt get the lever to even budge. I had a supervisor watching and he found that little error and once corrected it was all good! Clutch doesn't slip at all anymore.
  9. If you still have the brackets then maybe you can make a set out of sheet plastic like are stock or out of aluminum. Diamond R makes a real nice set....a little pricy but they sure look great on the bike. Nice and shiny....like safety chrome! I just read your other post on this. If you can hang in there someone will get a pic for you or I will tomorrow. It is pretty late for us old geezers to be out snapping pics.
  10. I do but its pretty late so no pics for you. They are really quit easy to install. Just line them up closed and cinch them up on the crash bar. If you have foot rests like long horns then you may have to reposition those.
  11. Well, after 8 thousand and 40 miles we have landed home! We survived 3 duck drowners, one tornado, two coyotes one woodchuck and a little trip through a somewhat shady area or Cleveland. I broke my helmet in PEI and lost a clutch there as well. Bought new helmet and some dot 3 for the clutch and bled it through in the parking lot of Canadian Tire. Worked great after that. Tricky part was driving 20 some kms with no clutch! We have met some great people and had a few thrills on our anniversary trip. While it feels good to get back home it will feel strange to get up in the morning and not have to load up the bike and get back into the saddle for another day of running. We traveled through the following places (in no particular order) North Dakota Minnesota Iowa Illinois Wisconsin Pennsilvania (sp) Ohio Maine Massachusetts (sp) Vermont New Hampshire New York New Brunswick Nova Scotia Caper Breton Island Prince Edward Island Newfoundland did I miss something? Most likely! Thanks to the gang for putting on a great rally and it was nice to meet you all.
  12. In Bismarck we only had tornado warning sirens! This time we had an actual tornado. The camper leaks!!! Terrible worthless thing leaks.....even when closed and the wind is blowing so strong that you can't turn your bikes into a driveway! And BTW we are on Cape Breton Island right now and getting ready to leave for North Sydney to catch the ferry this afternoon for Newfoundland. We should be starting towards home Saturday ish but we have one more island to see PEI. Marilyn is promising not to go coyote hunting with her bike...maybe moose? (She trimmed the tail of a coyote just outside of Jefferson NY a while back. Scared the po.. out of me!
  13. Earl (skydoc) is sending the complete kit to bongobobny and Bob will bring it to the international. Now to recruit some watchers while I attempt to put this thing together when we get there! We will be at the campground....dang can't remember the name! Just look for the blue bike with a good looking gal working on it! That be Marilyn....my mechanic and bestest love. BTW....the 25th is our 20th anniversary and this trip is just part of our month long venture to celebrate those years without her killing me deader than a possum on the freeway!
  14. Those are chrome gold! If you find a set buy it! But be prepared to pay....but maybe the parts are now getting cheaper as the older ventures are not that well known...that is except for those of us that had one or currently have one.
  15. Our thoughts are with you and your family Jack. So sad.
  16. Tom It looks like we will be staying at the campground. I need to have electricity for my airconditioner...lol! I will not be sleeping in the heat like we did in Arkansas ever again! I must say we are all enjoying your play by play account of your journey! Give a big biker hug to Terry will ya!
  17. This is pretty good timing for this post! We are looking into picking something up for our travels so the folks back home have a contact for us. Using our own phones are pretty expensive with roaming charges and all. I will watch this to see what we should look for.
  18. Our thoughts are with your niece Dan. How does one get an infection giving blood? That would very careless of the takers me thinks.
  19. Always interesting. Thanks.
  20. We will be going as well! Sounds real nice!
  21. Tom Go to canadian tire and buy a couple foam rubber hockey pucks and stuff them in there. That might help. They might be dense enough to do the job. Also what are your front forks set at! It shouldnt be anything over 7 lbs. Use hand pump not air hose pump on those forks. Sorry to say most of the dealers dont know much about these bikes either! Go to the assistance page on the site and see if anyone is near your area that could lend a hand.
  22. Skunked dogs! Yikes! Sounds like quit a day!
  23. Our thoughts are with the family and friends! There for the grace of God go I!! I had a rear tire blow out last year in the first leg of our trip to Cody. I believe the camper I was towing saved my butt and it sure kept the wiggle and jiggle down to that and not a broncking bull ride! So sad though.
  24. Happy Fourth of July to our US friends!
  25. Ok Earl! Lets make this happen. I have an offer of a garage at a members place. But if I can get er done at the rally that is better I guess. Let me know what I need to do to get you the money and I will make a decision on where to send the parts. Thanks
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