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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Nice job Mike....keep us up on how good it is. I have been peeking at this unit for my wifes vstar.
  2. 95 darn pedestrians!
  3. I'm gonna guess that you checked out Ricks very nice cables at buckeyeperformance? He would probably also help you if you chose not to get the "whole" kit.
  4. Ken suffered a major heartattack last night...he was sent to Winnipeg where he then suffered a stroke. He passed tonight at 5pm. His kind gentle spirit will be remembered. He was devoted to educating young aboriginals in their culture and always had time for us who wanted to learn about it. He and his wife were raising their grandchild and he is a classmate of my little Courtney. We will miss you Ken......
  5. Not carb related....could you have a broken engine mount? Would that do the bad vibration thing? I'm half asleep so if I need a slap let me have it!
  6. Did you do your own sync? Or a dealer...most cant do it right. Loose plug? Cracked plug boot? Like the others said....gear her down and she should have enough giddy up to impress!
  7. Cool, I have bought 3 items from them. While the company is called newenough, it makes it sound as if the items are used. They are not...brand new, perhaps last years models but new. I wish I knew that brand...I dont...I know a little of joe rocket and 1st gear...both good. Try typing in a search on google. There is most likely something that gives a rating. Or even in the motorcycle forums at the bottom of the page on our site.
  8. Rick Before making a decision you should have a look at www.newenough.com , there is a link in our venders column. They have good stuff and very very reasonable if you go to the clearance portion. I just picked up a Joe Rocket mesh jacket for Marilyn for under 50 bucks. It is very nice and even has a rain liner for it. It is armoured for protection as well. They have many items in that section for you to choose from. Although I have found that what you think may fit wont. I would go at least a size larger or go down to a bike shop and try on a few items first. The items I have bought have shrunk in the mail! Well....maybe I was being a little generous with my size...or is it failing to admit I've put on a couple pounds! Also...sorry but I know nothing of the model you asked about.
  9. 1st gen hitch on ebay....see my post and link in the main forum. VentureDad does not make hitches for the 1st gen. sure wish he would...thats a nice rig and very reasonable.
  10. nope nothing that I can think of. For a straight drop, the fairing should take it pretty good, particularly if, like I did, you try to stop it until the very end! I dropped my 83 twice and it didnt do anything but rough up the paint a little. Rolling lay down...whole differant ball game.
  11. Hmmm...never heard of factory rear speakers on a 1st gen.
  12. That is good news for me I bet!
  13. Curtis I also think the ones for the 83-84 are differant from the 85 and up. The trunk is smaller on the 83/84 than on the 85 and up. Now I sit back and wait to get it.....lol. I may have been wrong before!
  14. Lol yep and it was me that thought I misled you! I guess I could have waited, but, I really didnt want to ride on that tire. Again thinking of it, I got screwed in the end and didnt even get a kiss! Well, it was a lesson learned. The front here lists for 190 Can. plus my stealer fee of 60 to change it out. I am glad you are well taken care of though. I will buy that brand again.
  15. Mis informed you I think Jack The Sturgis tire was a great price and the date code was fairly current...about 10 months old. They did get me on installation though...but that couldnt be helped..I was captive and needed tires.. Swing into spring and the unveiling of the bike for the new year of riding. I check out the tires...rear is great, but the front has many many cracks all around the whole tire both sides at the rim. Called Avon. As per their instuctions I took the tire to my stealer. New tire and installation was around 230 bucks Can.(you're right...thats nuts!!). The dealer then ended up sending the tire away or whatever, Avon honoured the warranty...but would only give me the cost of the tire that was bad....about 117 Can. All totalled tire cost me about 300 bucks Can. But, I still really like it and the way it handles and rides.
  16. Jack I had to replace my front one this spring for the same reason. I got back the cost of the tire....I purchased it in Sturgis last August. I lost a ton of money on the deal..the new tire is holding up fine. I think Avon should have covered the cost of mounting as well as what my new tire cost me here...a hundred bucks more than in Sturgis!! But at least I did get something back.
  17. Bless them all. I think its going to get worse before it gets better. I hope our government can stick with the cause.....I want mine and your daughter to be able to speak their minds and not have to follow the "appropriate" distance behind their "master".
  18. Jack Its long gone. I sold it to a fella that saw it posted here. Drove it out to him...saved some postage but cost us more in gas! Heck, any excuse for a ride. He popped it on and could touch the ground again....seemed like a happy camper to me. I lost a total of about 30 bucks or so...dang customs ate 22 bucks then the couple of bucks for exchange. So I did alright.
  19. Jack That seat you sold me pushed me to where my knees were touching the pouches. When I straightened out the legs to put my feet on my highway bars I banged my shins on the bottom of the wing. It was not good. Maybe you need to wait until someone with them lets you sit on their bike to check it out. I should have mine when I get to Colorado....well should..ya never know.
  20. Ok Jack...where, in relation to that portion of the fairing do your shins sit? If they are almost touching the fairing then you most likely will have a problem...at least in the location mine are anyway.
  21. Jack Did you say 35" inseam?! You must be all legs and no body then...lol. My inseam is only 31-32". Jimbob....the fairing is fairly strong in that area...although, like I mentioned earlier, I do worry about dropping the bike. But, they are worth it...in the cool weather they take most of the wind off the knees..that means alot to us who are getting sensitive in the joints! In the warm weather they are great for funnelling moving air over the legs and cooling things down.
  22. They might depending how long legged your are or if the really nice seat you just bought pushes you forward too much! Normal I am...5'10 ish with the standard seat..no issues. But I did bang the things the first little while getting used to the bike. Then again I also got pant legs caught in highway pegs and banged back of legs on passenger rests too. Not any more.
  23. Here's a pic of one wing close up.
  24. Could you just use U clamps to bolt on the one from value? With Marilyns bike we put them on only when the kids ride with us because they look a little funny on the bike. Another thing...dont count on any product holding the child onto the seat...the only way for that is to bolt the kid to the bike and you really dont want to do that! But I do feel safer with our daughter on with the armrests...it gives a little protection from her falling off if she falls asleep, which she does all the time.
  25. Ya know...I didnt think to mention diamondr! I had something else on my mind after working all night! It also goes to show you what I know about the RSTD. They do make a good product as well and are great to deal with. However if what they have does not work for your bike then give the other a try.....it bolts right on to the backrest mounts.
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