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Everything posted by sarges46

  1. Jim I remembe some discussion bout this awhile back. I've searched and cannot find a thread dealing with it though. Not being familiar with the system I dont know how to help. I do recall some putting those things on the windshields, or mounting them with their sat. radios. Sorry ole bean...but drawing a real blank here.
  2. Great deal..ya better jump on that! Nice bike too!
  3. Yes, mandatory just like cage drivers training. A must now in Manitoba. This has reduced the number of accidents with young people considerably...translate to cheaper insurance maybe. Marilyn was required to take the mc course. It is better than having me trying to teach her...we know where those lessons can lead to in some cases! I've seen places were you had a graduated curve...nothing over 500cc for a time then move up to the bigger class. Of course now it wouldnt matter with the 650cc putting out more horses than the 1800cc in some cases. I dont like mandatory anything either...but there are alot of people who might be out there that really shouldnt be. Another thought...and I try to convince the 20year old this all the time.....driving is a priviledge (in Canada anyway) and not a right.
  4. I cant read the far one. Pedestrians walking on the road motorcycle use caution- self explanetary me thinks 10'6" overhead height limit....hmmmm must be low bridge or branches somewhere ahead.
  5. Dont know but I am sure gonna watch this post with interest. Really cant see why it wouldnt work though. They advertise those things for cars all the time. The other option is to get a battery tender on it. I believe I've seen those with pig tails coming down so you just have to plug it in once the wires are installed.
  6. sarges46


    Try this set of posts regarding a tach. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=4380&highlight=tach
  7. I have seen one and only one set for the first gen a while back. It fetched a very nice price if I recall correctly. It connected to the saddle bag protection bars and was adjustable. Very slick and great for short passengers...like my little girl.
  8. Hey Bob Just scroll a little farther down in this post. You will see several other posts regarding risers on their bikes. I dont know if they talk about your bike but you should get some ideas.
  9. Yep it would be stylish but not too functional! Marilyn rides behind me alot times and if she forgets then I remind her. But she just leaves it on...its easier to remember to turn the key all the way off than turn that switch on. The place that happened was at a retired co-worker we popped in to visit out in the country. She wouldnt normally leave her key in the bike at all.
  10. And on Marilyn's vstar its on the right light! The lights go off with the key as well. She runs em all the time...once she left her key on and it ran the battery down pretty darn quick...we had to boost the bike to get it going.
  11. BMW sells em http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=211&cat=7 They are on my new bike and it moves the passing lights away from the fairing just enough so you dont have to remove the lights to split the fairing.
  12. sarges46

    ds or dsc

    Heck I feel dumb all the time...and I didnt know this either 2 years ago! SO welcome to the club!
  13. I sure agree with you Gary. Lets see what happens in the end. Next time I am in Winnipeg I will ask the dealer there.
  14. Got a good one for you folks. As most know I am buying a US 05 midnight from a member here. Now, how do I go about transferring the warranty into my name? I know my dealer here will not do warranty work on my bike...he has already told me so and that I will be required to go back to the US for any work needed. Yamaha Canada has also told me the same thing. Then I asked how they take care of US travellers that have urgent repairs needed...well that was over a month ago and I am still waiting for a reply! Not a huge concern as I am not that far from the border. But I do know I need to transfer the thing into my name. Thanks as usual!
  15. hmmm...maybe ya better get a trailer Bigin!
  16. Ok...getting ready to get yelled at again..but here goes. I read that one shouldnt tow any more than half the weight of the bike. Does that make sense?
  17. Hey rickb....I'm pretty sure much of the comments about large print was for this me! He knows Im getting up there....and actually Paul....I was asked if I was interested in officer training.....not that dumb though so I turned em down!
  18. My current standard venture tool kit has been added to. I have a couple of screwdrivers...flat tip, phillips. Good quality ratchet with extension and metric sockets. And a torx security socket for getting at the diaphrams. Allen wrenches...good quality...will change that to the socket type I received for Christmas. Wire, tape and connectors fuses of all sorts I should have a tire kit but wouldnt know how to use it anyway! Small tire guage (won here!) And last, I always carry around my Carb tune.
  19. It was the word food that confused me Paul! Thanks for sorting me out. And it only took looking at your post 5 times to figure out what you were trying to tell me! Ok...so I am not a rocket scientist!
  20. I am glad to here that you are reasonably ok. I see brandy new bike and other toys in your future...that is after the successful lawsuit is over of course. What others said...I would have thunk that stuff needed to be properly disposed of.
  21. sarges46

    cold ride

    Manitoba insurance is government. They got us right by the shorts. Our insurance goes up every year on bikes as well. And I havent ridden since early Nov. its just too dang cold and slippery. Although I have ridden as late as 3 December the year before.
  22. You are welcome. I really didnt know the differance between the two bikes. I makes sense though now that I think of it....one has enclosed headlight and the other a open one.... Learning curve for me. Bet that looks sharp on your scoot.
  23. Try this link....it may help. I've heard they are a bear to get on...but I have been known to be wrong! http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1753
  24. Sounds good, thanks for the follow up Mike. hmmm wonder if this will work for a 15th anniversary present...
  25. Thanks all, we buried out friend and coworker today. Traditional ceremony and feast....over 4 hours long..but very relaxing and a learning experiance too. He was sent on his way in style!
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