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Everything posted by chag67

  1. So I installed the Baron's 1.5" risers yesterday. By myself too. Took me about 20 min. I was able wiggle one side and then the other. I guess I was lucky and didn't have to manipulate any of the wires or cables. I was also able to pinch the rubber spacers back between the handlebar and the fairing (very tough). After installing the risers, I was able to rotate the bars forward, giving me a much need height increase. I'm 6'7" so any height is greatly appreciated. I will still likely go with the Flanders bars but these risers will work for now. I went for a ride and love the new feel. I also feel more smooth and in better control through tight slow turns. Rotated the break and clutch and side mirrors. I know this will help my back and shoulders on longer rides. While I was at it, I removed the double move trunk latch. I hated that.
  2. Need to so I could reach 1,000. We'll see how it goes closer to next summer. The route may change.
  3. Thanks Bob. I googled it and was reading them. I've decided to take the Dragons Tail out of the route. The route I was thinking of taking was Montgomery, AL Memphis, TN Knoxville, TN Lexington, KY Louisville, KY Sharonville, OH (parent's house) Good luck Freebird on your 1,000.
  4. What are the rules and where can I view them? I'm going to take a trip to Ohio from Montgomery, AL next summer and I might just take the long route (through the Dragon's Tail) to do 1,000.
  5. I would definitely buy one.
  6. My full face Shoei Neotec "fits" with the smallest bulge and with nothing but the foam padding in the trunk underneath it. It also has to be directly in the center. If I put another helmet in there with the Shoei, I'm getting a very big separation on the sides. The Neotec has that vent piece on the top though.
  7. All 3 helmets that I own have a small vent on top of the helmet that adds a little bit more height to the helmet. When I place the helmet or helmets in the trunk, they create a small bow in the trunk lid. I can close the lid to where it locks but I can see the sides are slightly bowed and not flush.
  8. When I purchased my first motorcycle, my "policy" was to wave at anything with 2 wheels and a motor, since we all were in the same boat, so to speak. I consider waving a way of saying, "I see you. Stay safe." I noticed that most scooters don't wave back. I don't wave at scooters any more. But I do wave at all motorcycles, if I see them and I'm not in the middle of shifting.
  9. 2007 Venture
  10. Interesting but no way I would ride that on roads with cars. Too low to the ground. Don't think many vehicles would see you.
  11. Gotcha obviously not on the 2007's. I just saw a video on here about installing an MP3 player in the trunk and connecting to the port in the fairing. I was hoping to have an iPod stored in the trunk. I'll just stick with my bluetooth connection to my iPhone (plenty of music loaded on it). I have my iPhone mounted to my handlebar with a charger cord run to the port on the left side of the fairing. The nice thing about the iPhone is that it doubles as a GPS unit as well.
  12. I used the search feature but came up empty. I was wondering if there is a taller trunk lid. One that is just about 2 inches taller. When I put two helmets or even just one helmet, it barely closes. If there is any papers or fabric under the helmet, the lid won't close unless forced. The manual says that the trunk is large enough for 2 helmets but it is barely tall enough. I've searched the Internet but it looks like I'm SOL on this. Hopefully I'm wrong and I've just missed something.
  13. No. I mean the iSimple hookup. Some have run the connection to the trunk. I have read in this thread that the CD/iSimple hookup is somewhere in the left saddle bag. Or somewhere near that.
  14. Thanks. I meant power not audio. I see the audio hookup. I don't use those anyway. I use bluetooth now to talk to passenger and listen to music. I'll have to look for this "hole". With that being said I am now more concerned with finding the connection to the CD/iPod hookup. No CD changer has ever been installed so I don't know if that means my connection is more hidden or not.
  15. Can someone post a picture of where this connection is located? I have a 2007 Venture and cannot find this connection. I do not have a CD changer on the bike.
  16. Guntersville State Park is very nice. Several several years ago, a company I worked for helped install new water, sewer, and electrical hookups to (I believe) all the RV spots. Main thing was the sewer lines. Don't have to move the rig to dump the tanks now. Great fishing too. The girlfriend got hooked on fishing this past weekend at Lake Martin in Alabama so we are likely going to take several fishing trips with the RV next summer. Venture in tow, of course. Nothing beats riding the bike in the mountains.
  17. Reviving this ever useful thread. Can someone please tell me in great detail or with some pics (prefered) where the second aux outlet is located near the passenger seat on the left? Also, where is this cord for iPods or iPhones? I have an 07 RSV and can't find, for the life of me, either one of these things on my bike.
  18. Careful in Bham. I lived there my whole life before moving to Montgomery area 4 years ago. They don't watch for motorcycles much. They are crazy drivers in Bham. Steer clear of Malfunction Junction during rush hour.
  19. I use the Victory app. I like the weather layer when riding.
  20. Has anyone removed their tape deck and turned the space into a cubby hole? I would like to do that and use the space for my wallet, phone, iPod, etc. Is it difficult to remove? What do you do with the wiring? I also want to remove the radio/cb mount on the left handlebar. I listen to my iPod through Bluetooth so I have no need for the radio anymore. I would like to mount my GPS in that spot. Has anyone removed their radio as well? Difficulty? I plan on keeping everything in case I ever bump my head really hard and sell the bike in the future.
  21. Also RR, after you installed the risers, are you able to rotate the bars forward more to give a bit more height in the handlebars? I know they won't be near my shoulder height but I want the ends of the handlebars not to hit my knees when turning in parking lots. Did you feel less tension in your shoulders after installing the risers?
  22. Can someone post a link to the Flanders handlebars? I'm having trouble navigating their webpage to find a picture of what you guys are talking about.
  23. Do the extended bolts that come with the riser require to be tightened to a specific torque or can I just tighten them to where I don't strip the threads?
  24. Are the extensions for the rubber mounts to the fairing required for the riser to work properly? I'm going to try the riser first. If I need more height, I'll likely go with the Flanders bar too. Is the installation of the riser difficult? I'm not mechanically inclined at all. Do the bolts have to be tightened to a specific torque?
  25. Thanks for the comments Ruffy. I'm 6'7" and I feel like my hands are at my knees when riding right now.
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