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Everything posted by chag67

  1. Mind you, I was 38 when I bought my M50. It had to be a bigger bike for my first bike because I'm 6'7". I would have looked funny on a 650 or smaller. I looked a little funny in the M50. I had it for a little over a year before getting the Venture.
  2. That was exactly my bike before I got my venture. It was my first bike ever. I loved it but it definitely vibrated the hell out of me 70+ mph on the interstate. Great "little" motorcycle. Good gas mileage. Very reliable. Great looking bike.
  3. Thanks. I plan on using the motorcycle stand in the auto hobby shop on the military base down here. $3/hr to use a stall. All tools and oil disposal are free.
  4. And what kind of oil do you guys like the best?
  5. Can someone post a link to a video or a step by step set of pictures for changing the oil on a 2nd Gen Venture? I work better if I can see the step by steps or someone shows me in a video or in person. I've also done a search on YouTube and can't seem to find anything for a Venture. Thanks.
  6. I just called Rivco this morning since I want a center stand really bad. They have 27 for the 2nd gen in stock. I plan on ordering one this week. $400 is a lot of dough.
  7. Bad battery. Swapped it out today and everything started right up. Only thing that sucks is I have to reset the clock and all my radio stations.
  8. Thanks. I did that. I normally start the bike with the stand up and the clutch engaged even if it's in neutral. After many hours on the charger, it tried to start. I think the battery has just had it. It is the original battery.
  9. Thanks guys.
  10. Went out to check it. Lights are bright. Bike is in neutral. I turned the key and when I flipped the kill switch to on, I heard clicking without even pressing the start button. I pressed the start button and nothing. Could this still be the battery?
  11. I put it on a battery tender just in case so the battery should be completely charged by morning.
  12. I haven't had the bike out for a little over a week. I went to get it out of the shed and when I went to start it, all I heard was rapid clicking. It didn't turn over at all. Headlight was on so I don't think it is a dead battery. Any ideas??? I'm not completely stupid when it comes to engines but I'm close. Help please.
  13. Adjustable Baggershield windshield for my '07.
  14. Full coverage on my '07 ($500 deductible) plus liability on my '06 Dodge truck - $132/month. But I also have speeding tickets on my record.
  15. Montgomery/Prattville area is good for me.
  16. If you can't get them at Rivco anymore, where can I purchase a center stand for my 2007 Venture?
  17. I had a Shoei Neotec until I put a Seno 10 in it. I say "had" because it was too snug fitting and once I added the Seno bluetooth headset in it, it was waaaaaay to snug so I gave it to my fiancé. She loves it. I bought the half helmet attachment for my Sena and it works great with my fiancé's. I would suggest getting the Sena 20 instead since it allows separate music for each setup and with an open mic to other connected riders.
  18. I saw a few of those on base down here. I personally didn't like the look of them at all. Just not my cup of tea. But they were roomy to sit on.
  19. Are they Bluetooth? Nevermind. I saw where they are Bluetooth. Still would like to know about the dual function. Plus if they will pair well with the 10's. Don't want to scrap those.
  20. So the 20 allows you to talk to your other rider and listen to music at the same time? My Sena 10 only allows one or the other. Can you each listen to different music (synced to different phones/iPods)?
  21. I have some Kuryakyn pegs that do exactly what you do. I just don't like my knees up so high. I sat on a 2014 Stratoliner Deluxe and it comes with forward controls (and footboard) as an option. I know I would lose the leg fairings but I gain a wider fairing (which I love the look of) and a 1900cc engine. But I also lose the trunk. I don't want to buy a new bike just to get a little more leg room. But I just might in a year or two.
  22. I am 6'7" and love my 07 Venture (I heard the blue one's are the fastest). I have installed the barron risers for the handlebars and rotated the handlebars forward as far as they will go and that works for my arm and shoulder comfort for now. I am contemplating getting the longer bars so my hands sit higher. I don't like my hands too low. I don't want to have my seat reworked to sit me higher because I love the feeling of sitting "in" this bike instead of "on" it. I know that the floorboards sit a tad higher than most pegs on other bikes, so I was wondering if there was a bracket that would lower the floor boards about an inch. I know this will make them scrap more on tighter turns but I take my turns like I'm 80. I've scraped the existing boards several times on emergency turns so it's not me being scared to turn. I just don't want to risk dropping my beautiful baby.
  23. No reason. I'll probably just change the plugs and put the ones everyone here talk about.
  24. Interesting. I started the bike today to run it a bit since it's been too cold to ride the past week. It started right up using the choke. No popping. No fuel smell. I'm wondering if I just got water in one of the plugs and it's now gone. I'm still planning on changing plugs and wires anyway. I just haven't had the time to take the project on yet. This will be the first time taking the tank off and I'm a bit worried. I'm not mechanical at all.
  25. Also I know that after the engine is warm the choke is not needed. That being said, I could (before) pull the choke out slightly and the engine revved up a bit. Now, if I do that, the engine immediately cuts off with the slightest pull of the choke.
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