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Everything posted by chag67

  1. I hear sort of a high pitch whistle sound from the engine when it is in gear and I'm cruising at any speed above 30 mph or so. It may make the noise then too but I can't hear it over my pipes. Any one know what this could be and how to make it stop? It is getting annoying. I read somewhere that it might be from straight cut gears used on the clutch basket. This said to take it to a dealer and have them swap out the clutch basket for the "I" clutch basket. I have no clue what that means. Does that sound right? If so, how much should that cost me?
  2. No problem. Just maintenance.
  3. How much Sea Foam do you put in a full tank of gas in a 2nd gen RSV?
  4. chag67

    V Star

    We just traded my wife's 2007 Yamaha 650 to a dealer in GA for $2,000. It had 18,000+ miles on it. Windshield, engine bars, no saddlebags. It was clean and had been dropped by previous owner. Knicks on the front brake pedal. Rear turn light crooked.
  5. Living in central Alabama helps too.
  6. I say and type cager for the same reason. Not being negative when I say cager. If I want to be negative against a guy in a car, I just say jerk or a-hole.
  7. chag67

    Brake pads

    So just remove the 3 bolts and the break assembly slides off. Push back the pistons. Remove the old pads. Put on new pads. Reinstall the same way I removed. Sound right?
  8. chag67

    Brake pads

    Thanks freebird. Fixed it on the desktop. What are some good brake pads? Any advice on doing it myself?
  9. chag67

    Brake pads

    It doesn't show your bikes under your name on the Tapatalk app on the iPhone. Weird. I'll have to do it on the desktop.
  10. chag67

    Brake pads

    I click on my name and my bike is listed. Anyways, it's a 2007 venture. Blue - the fast color.
  11. chag67

    Brake pads

    I tried a search. Is there a step by step thread, possibly with pics?
  12. I am needing new brake pads for the front. My question is how difficult is it to yourself? Do you need to take off the front wheel? I am not mechanically inclined but I have changed out all 4 plugs and I now do my own oil change. I also changed out my fuel pump. Is this something you think I can do easily? And what are some suggested brands of brake pads?
  13. Fun ride. The wife really likes her F3S. She's getting the hang of taking turns at a faster (but safe) speed. This allows me to lean a bit more in the turns. I follow her to keep the tailgaters off her butt. If I can figure out how to load pics, I'll post a few.
  14. The wife and I are taking a nice ride up Hwy 49 to Cheaha Sunday. I've ridden it before and it is fun but must be careful. Little to no guard rails and the turns are sharp. I've scrapped some pegs around some turns but tomorrow will be a relaxing ride. The wife rides a Can Am F3S now so she is wanting to ride a LOT more than when she had her Yamaha 650 custom.
  15. My wife wants to ride her new Can Am F3S on that one.
  16. The new Spyder F3 has supposedly had all the "kinks" worked out. I hoping so because I just bought my wife a 2015 F3S. She loves it.
  17. I get 38 mpg but I ride mine pretty hard. Interstate speed is around 80-85 for trips less than 50 miles. 50+ mile trips, I'll avg around 77 mph. Backroads I'm usually cruising around 55. My typical fillup is right at 4.3 gallons and the tripometer is usually at 160-165 miles. I use my bike as a daily commute as well. Riding every day that the rain chance is less than 40%.
  18. I have two of these. One for me and one for my wife on the few occasions she rides with me and not on hers.
  19. Where can I get an OEM fuel pump for less?
  20. The Yamaha dealership wants $333.
  21. How much is a new OEM fuel pump?
  22. I haven't. I'm gonna change the fuel pump and filter together.
  23. I just found the thread by Peter Behm. It has pictures. Woohoo. It looks really easy. Gonna buy the fuel pump this week and probably a fuel filter too.
  24. I'm pretty sure it's the pump now. It's pretty hot. I searched the site and found a thread about using a fuel pump for an airplane. I would rather use the original Yamaha. I'm not that mechanically inclined. How difficult is it? I've tried searching the Internet on how to but it looks pretty simple. I've changed my plugs before so I'm not a complete idiot. And what does OEM stand for?
  25. My 2007 RSV wouldn't start this morning. It turns over. With the choke out, it starts but rather sluggish. If I try and give it any throttle, it immediately stalls. I'm thinking bad gas. I was only ¼ gallon into a new tank and it has sat for 3 days since fillip. Battery is fine. Any thoughts? Am I on the right track? I was thinking of draining the tank and refilling with better gas.
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