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  • Location
    Millbrook, AL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royal Star Venture

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  1. chag67

    Helmet cam mount

    Is the camera on the right mounted using adhesive? I have a video recorder but I'm afraid the adhesive won't hold and I'll lose my video recorder. My recorder is round like the one you have.
  2. Google maps got my wife as she was getting the mail. Some angles, she is there. Some angles, she is gone.
  3. I've always thought it would've the most inconspicuous spot since the CB is not used. I would also look to getting rid of the CB antennae and getting a smaller radio antennae.
  4. Since I don't use the CB, I've thought about wiring a garage door opener through the CB talk button. Do you guys think that would work?
  5. I never have a problem with any of the Windows. Probably because my Mac runs perfectly for my needs.
  6. How much extra lift did you get with the new handlebars?
  7. Is this job fairly simple?
  8. I'm almost certain the stock cables of the Venture will not reach. I'm 6'7" and need the height on the bars. I read on here that the stock RSTD stock cables will reach. Is that correct?
  9. I am changing the brake and clutch lines and throttle cables. I heard the RSTD stock cables are long enough for the Flanders bars.
  10. I am going to try and change out my stock handle bars with the Flanders bars on my 07 Venture. Can someone here give me a list of exactly what I need to buy and have on hand to make this switch myself. My local mechanic said he would help fix anything that I can do but I'm worried this is beyond my capabilities. I have changed my oil, spark plugs, and fuel pump before and that is it. Is this job going to be too difficult?
  11. That is a sweet bike. I'm too tall to fit on most "normal" bikes. I will have to trailer my Venture when we buy our class C motorhome.
  12. I'm using Tapatalk.
  13. How to post a picture?
  14. I had a friend make a custom aluminum holder that attaches to the handlebar between the fairing and the ignition. Used a part of cupholder mount my wife had for her CanAm F3 with the custom plate made by my friend. I use a belt clip mount to attach to the plate.
  15. How do you access the cooling plugs? What do they look like? Is it something a novice mechanic can do? Pics?
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