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Everything posted by KSRIDER10

  1. Nice! Wouldn't mind having one of those myself. Congrats.
  2. You can get the double springs on Ebay, and cams too, and still not have to swap heads. VMAX intake cams will work, the exhaust cams are the same between the VMAX and Venture. You'll have to change the ignition unit to allow a higher rev limit to realize any benefit from the hotter intake cams. If you are going to buy the carbs and intake parts anyway, why not try the swap that I mentioned in my last post before you swap heads? You'll be surprised at how much better the engine breathes with bigger lungs!
  3. Yup, direct swap. Or you can do what I and some other folks on this site have done and swap the 28mm carbs out for the 32mm. The procedure, parts required, carb set-up, and adapter plate diagram (with dimensions), was published here by "Pegscraper" and should be archived on this site. It's cheaper than a head swap, and a lot less complicated. The ISRA website has directions on how to do the "Bigfoot" airbox mod that works really well with the carb swap. I have the stock exhaust system on my 99 RSTC and the performance increase from just the carb swap and Bigfoot mod is astounding. Whatever you decide to do, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience on this site and in these fine people who comprise it. Don't hesitate to ask...
  4. 75 RD350 76RD400 (1st bike) 75 XS650 77 XS650 77 XS750 (3 of these) 80 SR500 80 XS1100 89 FJ1200 99 XVZ1300ATL Had a smattering of other makes too but stuck mostly with Yamaha, but I do love my 91 ST1100!
  5. I'd sure like to see that but the attachment won't open for me...
  6. Greetings and welcome to the family! I have a '99 RSTC which I bought from the 2nd owner with only 12K miles on it. It was bone stock, too. Virtually the only difference between the Tour Classic and the Tour Deluxe was that the Deluxe had color-matching hard bags, while the Classic had butt-ugly leather wrapped plastic saddlebags that require 3 hands to use! As stated previously, the early Royal Stars had 28mm carbs. They also had milder intake cams and a highly restrictive airbox. The International Star Rider Association website has an airbox mod that some of their members developed called the Bigfoot Mod. Basically it involves cutting the bottom of the airbox to match the intake hole of the air filter. There are also some carb mods and jetting changes to this mod. I tried them and it didn't seem worth the effort. What I found WAS worth the effort was replacing the 28mm carbs with a set of 32mm carbs from an 07 Venture. There was a member here who went by PEGSCRAPER who posted the procedure, including parts required (all yamaha OEM). carb set-ups, and a diagram with dimensions for the adapter plates. I made the plates in my garage using a bandsaw, drillpress and some files. The swap was pretty easy and the performance increase is HUGE. I guess my point is that you can buy the higher HP in the newer bike, or get an older one for less money and tweak it yourself if you like doing that sort of thing. Any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask. There are no dumb questions here!
  7. Had an 05 DL650 and liked everything about it except kept wishing it was a 750. Sold it to get a Road king, BIG mistake. I'd like to get another one, but it will be the DL1000 next time...
  8. The rear header pipe appears to be crimped on to the "Y". The straight pipe from the front header is welded to the "Y", and the "Y" itself is welded unto the muffler. In addition, looking at the Partshark diagram, there is some sort of very restrictive looking flange piece that fits into the rear head pipes at the point where they fasten the the exhaust port.
  9. Thanks, Toyodie. That is true of a TF, but mine is an ATL. I just looked the ATL exhaust system up on Partshark.com and it definitely shows the rear header, muffler and all of the heat shields are welded from the factory. Man, Mama Yamaha sure did hobble these poor bikes from the get-go, between the puny carbs and the restrictive exhaust. It'd be like one of us trying to run while breathing through a drinking straw. Sheesh! Anyone have some Gen 2 headers for sale...?
  10. I was looking to increase the flow through the exhaust system of my 99 RSTC, by slipping on a Road King muffler (pre-1998). With the help of a mirror, and by crawling partly under the bike, I found to my horror that the "Y" which connects the front and rear exhaust headers is welded to the muffler, as are the cosmetic heat shields. AAARRRGGGHHH! Suggestions, Please...
  11. Any auto parts store should have a number of different sizes in stock. Bring an old one to compare. I found a set for my RSTC at Advance Discount Auto.
  12. I must be monumentally stupid because I cannot find "signature" anywhere on the "My Profile" page, nor does it appear when I edit a category.
  13. Pardon my ignorance, but what is "sig.", and where do I find it?
  14. The Clymer Royal Star 1996-2003 manual includes color schematics for the XVZ1300A,AT,LT, and 1999 and up TF models. Say, where do you folks find the map that you can fill in the States visited by motorcycle?
  15. Brilliant. Thank you!
  16. It is exactly the same as the vmax. In the vmax and FJR1300 the pinion gear in the final drive has 10 teeth, the pinion in the RSTC has 9 teeth. If I have that backwards, someone please set me straight... but in any event the FJR unit will bolt right up with the same results as the vmax unit.
  17. You can use the 1st gen vmax final drive but you will have to machine the hole for the speed sensor if you do. The final drive for the FJR1300 is exactly the same and already has the sensor hole in it.
  18. I don"t know Lug. My 99 RSTC was bone stock when I bought it with 12K miles on it and until I did the carb swap and airbox mods, it was a STONE!
  19. Looks like you have the stock 28mm carbs. If you REALLY want to wake up the beast, do the 32mm carb swap that Pegscraper back in 2006, or so, posted on this site There is an airbox mod on the ISRA site called the Bigfoot mod. I did it in conjunction with the 32mm carb swap and the results are amazing, with very little loss of gas milage.
  20. Try a jumper wire across your side-stand switch. You saying that it revs fine with the clutch pulled in, makes me suspect the switch is intermittant.
  21. First tank of 90 Octane Non-ethanol gas yielded 40.2 MPG. Stock 28mm carbs and airbox was getting 39 - 40 MPG. Bigfoot modded airbox and carbs got 36 - 38 MPG. I just filled up with 93 Octane Ethanol gas, so I expect mileage to drop a little. Stay tuned...
  22. I finally got the time to do the swap, and all that I can say is WOW! If there is only one mod that you can do, do THIS one. I had previously done the Bigfoot mod from the ISRA web forum and didn't realize much of an increase in performance. Basically the mod consists of cutting a hole into the bottom of the airbox to match the hole in the air filter, and some jettsing size increases. Thank you Mr. Lynn Nicholls (aka Pegscraper) for sharing this procedure and carb set-up parameters, with the rest of us. With the larger hole in the airbox and these carbs as the only mods to the bike, I am astounded by the performance increase, with stock mufflers, ignition module, and rear end, no less. I still have the V-Max cams to play with at later date, but I want to do incremental mods and document the changes in performance and gas consumption. Let the fun begin, WOOHOOOOOOOOO!
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