So I'm going to apologize in advance, because I have a bunch of questions that I'm going to roll into one post.
I ride a 1996 XVZ13A Royal Star:
So the story begins last fall, when I forgot to put Stabil in the tank when I garaged it for the winter. I didn't realize it until early this year when I pulled it out to change the oil. I went to the auto parts store and the tech there recommended a product called sea foam. So I drained the tank, dumped in half of the bottle of sea-foam. (recommended 2 oz for ever gallon) and filled the tank with fresh gas. The bike will start okayish, it's always been cold blooded and now seems to need to warm up more than it used to, and once it's warmed up it will ride okay.
Today it started having some rough idling issues. So I pulled the tank off, opened the airbox and found pretty much exactly what I figured I would. The air filter and the inside of the breather box are filled with a thin layer of varnish. It's always had issues with running a little rich, and I'm pretty sure this attributed, but I have to believe that the main reason is the old fuel. The air filter is also pretty dirty so the first step is going to be replacing that.
Which leads into my first question. I've found a bunch of different brands/styles and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations? A friend of mine recomeneded going with a Hi-flow air filter, he said this would help balance out some of the rich running issues. True?
Also I'm pretty sure that the carbs will need to be pulled and cleaned. While I'm doing this, I figured I'd go ahead and rejet/sync them. The problem with this is I don't have the $400 right now to spend to have a mechanic do this (just had an $1800 vet bill that took care of most of my extra throw away cash!), and it's probably just a little over my head. Does anyone live in the Richmond, IN/Eaton, OH area (or close by) that could help me with this on one weekend or another? Obviously I'm not expected this for free, we can work out prices.
Thanks in advance guys!