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Everything posted by clarkrcdc

  1. Is this story over? No chatting for 2 days. Oh well back to The Days Of Our Lives....
  2. Thanks to all you for the suggestions..Now I can go on the hunt!!!
  3. Whats a good half helmet to buy? One that you don't sweat in when it's 80 degrees, also has a nice bill on it..Thanks
  5. I listen to AC/DC It's a long way to the top-with volume at 17 and the bags pipes drowned the chirp out I think or sound the same..not sure yet! Thats progress...
  6. Where do you purchase this clutch kit and do you have to reuse the wire when using the full size plate?
  7. Where did you get the air cleaners and did you have to rejet the carbs?
  8. Thanks i'll check out the hardware store
  9. I have a clearview windshield with a vent. The vent has lost steel ball that adjusts the vent open and close, the spring is still there. Has anyone replaced the steel ball? Need to know size and where to get one. Thanks
  10. How long have you used this product--How much did you add to your oil change--And does the clutch do any slipping???
  11. I took out the I basket and put the H basket today and when I put it back together I had a problem. The washer that fits between the clutch basket and the clutch boss went passed the spline that it sits in and is now resting on the shaft and spinning freely. I put everything else back together and it all fit correctly. I test drove it and all seems fine, but still puzzled about that washer..The I basket was getting way too loud. thats why I changed it back...Has anybody run in to this where the washer goes passed the spline..Thanks for the help...
  12. I got mine this spring front and rear, put 7,000 miles on them with no problems. The ware on the tires are good, maybe 1/2 worn if that.. I think if you keep the presure right you will get alot of miles out of these tires, also no tire noises and smooth ride...
  13. Thanks guys I did check it out --looks like what I want --price is around 150.00 for bracket and guard..
  14. Does anyone know where I can buy chrome lower wind deflectors that mount in front of the forks? Like to replace the clear deflectors.
  15. I tried to take the nut loose that holds the clutch boss ,so I could change the basket. I used the biscipts with the special fingers and a 30mm socket. I straighten out the washer then tried to loosen it , but it would not break loose.. Also tried an impact wrench with 120lbs pressure. Seems to be tighter than 50lbs. torque.. I hope this is a right hand thread, it looked like it was. Can anybody help? Also would anyone be interested in looking at it in Oberlin on maintance day?
  16. why doesn't anyone mention replacing the smaller gear that meshes with the primary basket gear at the time they replace basket? I think they should go on as a set...every bike has a differant ware level...so the chirping sound would be at differant levels...some say the noise went completely away---some said no change at all---some said it was a little better...I have not seen anyone mention this...I'm I missing the picture here??
  17. :confused24:HOW DO YOU LOWER THE FRONT END 1"
  18. 1st generation--why do some people call the motor a sleeper motor? 2 0f 4 carbs is not working to their full potential? true or false:confused24:
  19. Are You Saying As You Road It With The I Basket Installed The Chirping Sound Got Better ? If So How Many Miles Did You Put On The Bike Est.?
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