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VentureFar last won the day on March 9

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About VentureFar

  • Birthday February 12

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  • Location
    Portland, OR, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Yamaha Royal Star Midnight Venture

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  1. Bought the points off amazon. Replaced the fuel pump points at about 16,000 miles and now at 60,000. I don’t get many miles to points on my 2007 RS Venture. this is why I remain subscribed even though o only ride my Venture a few times per year.
  2. Just want to pop my head up and say thanks for this thread. I used to be active on this forum but now my Venture has pretty much sat for 4 years as I play with a Tenere 700. Went to go for a ride with the wife today and all I got was a slow idle and no clicking. I took off the side cover and tapped the fuel pump and voila ! gas. This isn't my first rodeo with replacing the points but didn't remember the part number. Thanks @Du-Rron
  3. I was cleaning the bug guts off the front of my 2007 RSV and found my left wind deflector hanging loose. Nuts and bolts still attached. I took the plastic off for better access to the bracket. I discovered that several years ago I replaced one of the two bolts that hold the bracket as they were 5mm and 4 mm. What tool (Allen head obviously) will fit up in that small space and allow turning and tightening ? I don’t want to cut the head off my t- handle Allens to turn it with a spanner any tool suggestions ?
  4. Given enough time I figure things out. The power fuse was blown and the relay was defective. Replaced the fuse and relay and I have power back to the air horns.
  5. @wes0778 if you are still watching, I have three oem wires going to my relay brown orange and red. My compressor died and blew the power fuse and “something else”. I just want to plug the oem side horn back in. How do I do that with 3 wires? I don’t remember what I did 11 years ago to wire my relay
  6. Which two contact or between which colors? Brown red or orange? also how do remove the relay and plug everything back in to just make the side horn work again? thanks
  7. Hello all, haven't been around for a few years. I was really active from 2012 to about 2018. Love the group and enjoyed giving and receiving technical assistance. I got lucky and fell into a "volunteer" side gig doing reviews for Ultimate Motorcycling since 2018. In 2021 Yamaha provided me a project bike - 2021 Yam Tenere 700 and that has kept be very busy when not doing my day job.I have posted about 155 motorcycle related reviews since 2018. I have barely ridden my 2007 RSV since 2021. Now I am taking 500-800 mile day rides and the only bike to do that on is my RSV. Did 2 Saddle Sore 1000's in 2008 on it. I mounted 1969 air horns on my RSV with RELAY and wiring help from this forum. On my last ride, the compressor pulled way to many amps and blew the 30A fuse from the battery to the relay. With replacing the fuse, I can't get power to the + and - where the old compressor lived. I installed that wiring about 11 years ago when I was 61. I am 72 now and don't remember what I did. Some of the wiring is in the OEM loom. The relay does click when I press the horn button - and the front horn honks, but not power to the end leads. Here is what I have: Brown, Red and Orange OEM wires going to the relay. Good power direct from the battery going to the Relay. ( relay wiring has worked for 11 years so it is wired correctly) The Brown Red and Orange leave the Relay in an OEM wire loom and go down to the side horn. ( side horn is not connected) I have two wires that plug into the Side horn connector and go to where I mounted the air horn. I have no power at the air horn wires ( old air horn is in the trash now). The relay does click when I hit the horn button. Question 1: Could the relay just be blown? Question 2:. What do I connect to return to just the OEM side horn function ? Thanks all. VentureFar Neil Scanned Documents.pdf
  8. No, it is a known problem with UNeven wear. At minimum you should swap the inside and outside rear pads when you change rear tires. Fyi pads are not a big deal on this bike.
  9. Yes stock sizes. I am doing a review for UltimateMotorcycling.com and Metzler would only provide them in OEM sizes. I am not looking forward to the 150 front tire and the slow speed handling as well as the harder steering inputs. I am spoiled by the 130 front tire steering. I really won't have that much input on long term wear anymore as I also have a 2021 Yamaha Tenerer 700 that I write reviews on. I have modified this Adventure bike for comfort and it is so fun to ride that literally in the last 12 months I only put 4000 miles on my Venture. I had the original 888's when they first came out and the 880 before that. Just fyi I would get 12,000 miles on the front and 8000 from the rear. I will certainly post my review here. Honestly I think you will get more miles out of the E3 than Metz. Also, I have always liked the rain traction on all the Metz.
  10. Raising the rear lightened my steering by about 60% and then going to a 130 instead of a 150 front tire lightened it to where it feels like power steering. I am 5'10 so I can't help with the ergonomics for you. But talking about wind and weather on your hands, get a good pair of heated /waterproof gloves and never look back. Personally I use Klim Hardanger battery gloves on most winter rides in Oregon but If I am going to be riding more than 6 hours in the winter I switch to FirstGear heated gloves. I take the power off the battery directly. Hope this helps.
  11. I haven't been around much as I have been writing reviews on 2021 Tenere 700 that I got directly from Yamaha for press purposes. It is a fun bike, but I digress. I just got new Metzler 888 Ultras for my 2007 Venture to review and I asked the shop doing the install to check my rear brakes. I am a front brake kind of guy and had the serious wear down of the rear pads before, at about 30k miles. Now with 15k more, the rear pads are a 5%. Basically. gone. This is an issue with the 2nd Gens with uneven wear. Just sharing that if you are new to 2nd Gens, check your rear pads and check them often.
  12. Welcome back. I am glad you back. Now I just need to come back to the forum more often. I have been writing gear, part and motorcycle reviews for ultimateMotorcycling.com got a 2021 Yamaha Tenere 700 from Yamaha to review and then purchased it from them. It is a perfect bike to explore the forest roads of Oregon and Washington where I now live. I crashed it a few weeks ago on a forest road. A quad turned into me. That put me back in my Venture. It is soooo comfortable.
  13. Found this site - they cost $1100 plus harness - interesting. My dog would be trainable to stay and be comfortable but I worry if we go down https://www.goruffly.com/motorcycle-dog-carrier/ I don't want to go with a side car or trailer. After researching, I think I will just leave her at home like I have been. VentureFar...
  14. Just want to confirm that I run the switched power that is turned on and off by the key, through the toggle switch to #86. Thanks VentureFar...
  15. Anyone seen or have a way they have made a secure way to ride a Gen 2 with a big dog? ( Labrador size) I am thinking taking off the trunk and pillion and mounting a “cage”. But don’t know where to start. I am not a metal fabricator. Thanks for any input. FYI she is a fully trained service dog and I would first train her to the bike before leaving the driveway.
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