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Everything posted by johnwingman1

  1. i have the same problem. been trying firgue it out for a year. ordered new tci though dingy in the club. still waiting on the new one to arrive. i have to date; done a valve job,replaced two coils,replaced spark plug wires{all 4} replaced boost sensor,replaced pickup coil built carbs,replaced fuelfilter and pump and bought used tci on ebay. still have same problem. hoping new tci will fix the problem. #1 cylinder is not fire on my bike. everything is pointing to tci box. hope to have in hand this week. will keep you informed of progess. as far as shop in florida i can not help you there because i live in Alabama. i do have agreat tuner have in pelham. His name is Wayne Tripp of Power Tripp Performance in Alabaster Al. he has dyno in his shop and really knows his tuning and performance. i have good feeling about his and Garys help with my bike. i will let you know soon,
  2. when you are ridding is the bike always backfiring on accelaration or on decel?
  3. what is everybody doing for axle clearence on you mufflers? do they fit or do you have to dent the pipe to clear the axle? also how far do they stick out the back? i have to do this to my bike in the future, ihave 97 road king mufflers already, but have not installed them yet. thanks. happy motoring. john:detective:
  4. that is awesome i dont believe i could do that in the amount of time he did! would have to fix some plastic on my bike for sure.
  5. gary i was just wondering... is there anything you have not do to a 1st gen bike?
  6. great job! i like the hieght you have. my next project after my tci box if it gets here the Czechs.
  7. anybody going to the beach next week? my Harley buddies and i will be leaving thrusday morning at 8:30 from calera alabama. anybody in the area is welcome to join the pack and ride down.
  8. thanks gary. i will try to be a good boy while i wait, but it will be tough riding that Harley!
  9. gary hate to beat a dead horse, but any news on tci box yet? if not i will keep waiting. but how i have to ride a Harley to Thunder on the Beach next week! i know your hands are tried at the mercy of the Czechs. thanks for you help. happy motoring. john:depressed:
  10. thanks gary. i firgued it would fun, but what can you do, you are at there mercy. no big deal just trying to make thunder on the the beach in may. thanks again john
  11. gary canyou give me an update on the replacement tci arrival? do you know when it sure be in? thanks . john:fingers-crossed-emo
  12. i cant make pm work. can you send me your phone# so i can call you?
  13. thanks so much gary. i will be watching for pm thanks john:cool10:
  14. gary did you post you have ordered more tci replacements on 4-7-13? if yes please tell me what i need to do to purchase one from you thanks john:fingers-crossed-emo
  15. i got some off 83 if you are interested.
  16. your dealer might swap with or you can buy a kit though Hot Cams. the kit i brought comes with shims across the sizing but only three shims per size.
  17. if you can find all the cables you in luck. if you can not find them, you can still install the radio. i did my 85 and just hard-wired though the radio. i did not use the splitter,i just mounted a another antenna on my mount, works like a champ! if anybody needs help just ask. i will try to help you out. happy motoring. john
  18. thanks gary. put me down for one and let me know when and what i need to do to paid for it. at this point in time i will try anything to fix my scooter! it is ridding season now!thaks. happy motoring. john
  19. hi to everybody. new here today but maybe somebody can help me out. i have a 85 venture with problems. it started last yaer with the bike popping between 2000 to 3500 rpm. since then i have; replaced tci box with a used unit,repaced pickup coil with a new unit,replace two bad coils,cleaned and rebuilt carbs and synced,replaced boost sensor,done valve job on heads,adjusted and shimed valves,replaced fuel filter,drained and cleaned fuel tank only to have the same problem as when i started this project, at this point intime i could pull therest of what little i have left out of my head.i have been reading post about replacment tci box and new map sensor. does any think this will fix my problem and if so who do i need to get replacement box andmap from? i can not take this any longer! thanks for you help. happy motoring . john
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