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Everything posted by Karaboo

  1. You are a lucky man to have that kind of a dealer available. I'm jealous!
  2. If you have an 89 Venture and put in 4 gallons of gas, there is no way it had 2-1/2 gallons left. The capacity is 5.3 gallons and you can maybe get it filled to 5.1 total (with the neck around 2" from the top). Glad to hear it is running better, though.
  3. Sorry to hear about this. Here's hoping you get a speedy and complete recovery.
  4. Consider a point file for the contacts, if one is available.
  5. It would be nice if they left off the fake cooling fins. Never could understand why they covered up the great V4 to look like an air cooled mill.
  6. TMI!
  7. I always thought the fluid should get flushed after a pad change, just to keep everything clean on the inside. Then you end up with the correct amount of fluid in the reservoir with the new pads in place.
  8. Here is a low cost alternative. The cup holder cost $6 and the short mount studs were free (well, a couple of minutes time to cut, drill and tap some scrap aluminum). I used 1" stock, but I might turn them down to 7/8" to make them work with more accessories. Cup holder seems to work alright. More miles will tell the tale. If it doesn't work out, I am not loosing any sleep over it.
  9. I'll bet there are a few MC clubs that would love to have a few members follow this gut to his place of work and "discuss" his attitude in the parking lot, in full view of his co-workers. Maybe they already did and that explains his outlook on motorcycles? BTW, I purchased my Venture primarily for the 55 mile ride to work. I don't do the weekend bar hopping like so many of my fellow riders around here. I do not consider my ride a recreational vehicle.
  10. I was at the UW Stout Antique Auto Club annual car show (used to be a member back in the day) on Sunday. Saw this interesting bike. Real quiet.
  11. I have never heard that the Venture (1200 or 1300) required a valve check after break in. I read in my literature the requirement to check valves came at around 30,000 miles. Some people have stretched this out considerably, but most have reported very few adjustments needed at the factory interval. My XS650 on the other hand gets a check every year. It is a lot easier to do. No shims.
  12. I just replaced my stock windshield with the Slpstreamer last week ($70 from JC Whitney) and liked the fit, etc. It was a little thicker than stock, so I got a couple of longer screws for mounting. I may cut my stock shield down by 1.5" to see how I like it before I attack my new one. I could almost afford a new one every year for the price I paid. It would be nice if they offered it with a light gray tint, though.
  13. I got 38,340 to start this year. Was new to me 2 years ago with 25,000 (exactly). No big trips, just commute to work and a few trips to the big lake and back (300 round trip).
  14. Sounds like a cheap fix. Awesome!
  15. There is also this in the Tech Section. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?37728-Thermostat-Cross-Reference
  16. Make sure you check over the brakes real good. You don't want to be ramming any docks.
  17. I get an error when I click on the "Articles" link.
  18. I just renewed with PayPal, but did not have a chance to put my user name with the payment. i hope you can figure it out from my email address.
  19. Did you check for stray dogs in Phoenix? They make puddles.
  20. Great comparison. Wish they would have done more long distance rides, though. Interesting that none of them had very good gas mileage. The bike is no good for my 110 mile daily commute to work if my car gets the same mpg (and lower sticker price).
  21. I've never driven one, but it looks like a cool wagon!
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