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10 Good

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  • Name


  • Location
    new albany, United States


  • City
    new albany


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1995 honda magna
  1. I took the RSV out yesterday for an hour or so with my wife and its great. Going to get it Monday for about $8500. I will have to have the back tire swapped with the brand new one from the magna (commander II). There is the well described clunk when changing gears and the whine when driving. I did notice the fearing make a radle when I hit a bump just right but it did not sound to bad. I did notice a fuel smell when I stoped. Looked under the bike and could see fumes coming from one of the hoses??? Front breaks seam a little weak I am sure it needs pads and any suggestions on what and where it buy them are welcome. It has great power (not like the magnan) for its size but I do miss the tack. It handles way better than I expected. Much easier to start and stop too. The radio and cruise are two things I hope I don't have to do without again.
  2. I am 5' 11" 235 lbs and I rode the RSV yesterday for an hour or so and it a little moving around in the seat it find a comfortable position but once I did it was a great ride... Thanks for the input...
  3. Does anyone feel like the seat is to far forward? I have not bought or rode a RSV yet but just setting on it I feel pushed forward..
  4. I went and looked at the bike again..it was serviced before the winter. All the fluids look clear and can't see any thing leaking from the shock... It's raining so I can't ride it today... I think I like it... Good tires and no scratches or anything broken... The sitting position feels a little strange and floor boards a little close but I will know more when I ride it...
  5. Do some, most or all bikes have trouble with the rear shock? And at how many miles? And how much would expect to pay a shop to replace it?
  6. I am looking at a 2008 venture 28,000 for $9000. My 95 magna is not big enough for me and my wife. I was wondering what to look for on the bike and what maintenance to expect for a bike with 28000 miles? ....valves, plugs, breaks...ect. Are there any major problems or expenses that i should consider? Like the air filter for a magna is about $50. Just setting on the bike it feels very top heavy and it seams like it will worse with a passenger. I will take it for a ride this weekend. I am hoping it will feel lighter and more balanced on the road but worried about slow speeds, starting and stopping.
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