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Everything posted by marcsmith

  1. I think that it is set to default on curve two with the rev limiter set to 7500. From I have have found by searching is between 3 or 4 on the old style. I know you can plug it in to a laptop and fine tune it but it should be done on a dyna. I will run with it when I can and see how it does. My seats are currently being recovered so I can't test ride. I was just wondering how they expect you to see the little led operating lights that are on it. The directions said you could look through the frame but there is no way to see them.
  2. Installed my Dyna this morning it is the new model with no dip switches. The bike runs fine can't take it out my seats are being redone I am wondering how the heck you are supposed to see the status LEDs with it installed. I guess it is working or I think the bike wouldn't run. Thanks for any help
  3. Does anyone have the new style Dyna that you can plug into the computer? I won one on e-bay it was 50 bucks so I thought I would try it. Can't seem to find much on it. Thinking about putting my vmax rear back in and running it with the dyna
  4. I had the chrome lowers attached to my light bar. They both have broken off. Does anybody know where I can get a set of the brackets that they attach to? Looking at a parts diagram it looks like there is a bunch of extra parts that came on their stock and of course that want a good chunk of change. Thanks for the help.
  5. I did the jet kit mileage dropped a little but the extra power is nice. I also switched to the vmax rear.
  6. So after Ivan's jet kit install my mileage was at a constant 30 mpg no matter how I rode. After the v max rear install and adding a little air to my rear tire, 35 mpg consistent. It sure makes the bike more fun to ride. Is cruising at 4000 rpms OK for extended sessions? At speed limit of 55 I have to keep it in fourth.
  7. I went with ivans performance products jet kit. Actually smaller jets and new needles. I am happy with the performance. I have K&N filters and Barrons nasty boys. If you google ivans performance you can find his site. He is on the east coast.
  8. Just wanted to let everyone know about Ivans jet kits available online installed in my venture-actually uses smaller main jets and finally got my carbs synced right and it has more power and is smoother
  9. Don't know how yours are set up but I ended up having to remove the threads for the end weights to Install my heated grips. They were inserts that I had to put inside the bar heat demons was the brand. I got some end weights for the Iso grips and installed them.
  10. Thanks for the help and the offer of the bucket. I ended up buying one off e-bay brand new. Still not sure on the different color options in the parts diagram. I am assuming mine is white because the inside of my heads have a white mark. I only removed the front intake cam did not move the rear so should be able to put it back the way it was. I now know to not turn the motor with the shims out of the bucket. Thanks for the help and the offer of calling if I need more. Thanks
  11. Any way you can get the manufacturer to warranty that? I am nervous with any abnormality on my tires, you only have two
  12. After thinking about and deciding to err on the side of caution I am going to remove my front intake cam and replace the broken bucket. I have the service manual so should not be to difficult. The cam also has some burs on the side I am going to clean up. What is the difference between the white lifters and the green ones in the parts diagram? If anyone has done this would not mind some tips. Thanks
  13. thanks just wanted to make sure i did not do anything wrong
  14. Is it OK to turn the motor backwards while you are adjusting your valves with the tool?
  15. Never mind answered my own question found float specs in service manual
  16. Since I had my carbs off I decided to adjust my floats. Set them all at .34 per the writeup by goose. Just curious where the spec comes from I could not find it in the shop manual. And is it in inches because that is what my micrometer is.
  17. I do not have a relay kit I just followed the tech guide in here and cut and spliced. On a side note while I had the carbs out I did a float set. Was wondering where Goose got the spec for that I have looked and can not find it in a repair manual. Have not got it back together yet to see how it runs will not get my shims till Wed or Thur
  18. Thanks for the offer the bucket does spin freely like the others so I think I will run it.
  19. the shim still seats and the piece that is missing is less than an eighth of an inch so I think I am good to go just waiting on shims and valve cover gaskets. Going to do the ignition relay while I wait. Thanks for all the help. Oh and all my intakes were out of spec and two of my exhaust 29,000
  20. Thanks for the advice. I have the piece so that is not an issue. I guess I will see if it is still diffucult to pry up as before to determine if I leave it or not
  21. how hard is it to change the bucket?
  22. Well, in the process of changing my valve shims I turned the motor with no shims in the number two intake buckets. Got it freed but snapped a small corner of the bucket off. It seems to me those shims are still in there pretty good as you really have to pry the to get them out. What do you all think? Thanks. Oh and I bought a shim kit should have bought a bunch of 2.70 because that is what I need.
  23. I have read about the y pipe repair on here but can not find a description. How do you get the heat sheild off to do the repair. Mine leaks on both sides. 05 RSV with 24,000 miles
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