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Everything posted by venture482

  1. venture482

    SAM 0119 (2)

    Hanging on My boat Crabbing. And thats a Soda not beer
  2. venture482


    My first rolay an 84 2 tone gold outside the first McDonalds in Angles City Philippines in 84. As you can see still have beard. US Navy made us shave them off in Jan 85. Sorry about quality. Taken with a Pentex 110 in 1984
  3. venture482

    the 88 royal

    My new (old) baby
  4. venture482


    My new (old) baby
  5. Dont rib me to much, but with my budget it was all I could afford. But I found GREAT deals at leatherup.com I got buffalo leather coat (with armer) pants over both zippered and straight, vest, boots, gloves, for around 400 +/- So far everything holding up well, their customer service is good. I live on Whidbey Island Washington So tell me about the rain. Here they comment on well your prune looks not your tan. Well one good thing about here If you don't like the weather wait 20 mins
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