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noel cassidy

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  • Name
    noel cassidy


  • Location
    walpole, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 venture royale

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  1. thanks for all the response. My plan is to replace the filter and all the fuel lines. Then try the carb flush. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  2. Having problems with grit in the carbs and believe it to be the fuel lines deteriorating. What is the proper size line to use? Are NOS fuel lines available? Appreciate any input.
  3. Having problems with grit in the carbs and believe it to be the fuel lines deteriorating. What is the proper size line to use? Are NOS fuel lines available? Appreciate any input.
  4. That's the problem, I can't hear the radio. I just purchased a set from a 93 off Ebay. When i get them I will figure out a way to mount them up. Depending on the overall condition I may weld a mount to them to line up with the footpeg mount on the 83. Or weld a mount to the frame to line up with the 93 muffler mount.
  5. I have an 83 venture with stock mufflers. The mufflers have been gutted as the baffles inside were rotten and fell apart. The outside of the mufflers are near perfect. The bike is very loud and rather annoying to ride any distance. Would a set of 93 venture mufflers fit an 83? Or is there a way to rebaffle the existing ones?
  6. Had an 87 a few years back with similar situation. Did all the usual stuff to it, carb cleaning, rebuild, wiring check, spark plugs and so on. Finally figured out that the left rear carb was getting grit in it from deteriorating fuel lines. Caused that one carb to screw up the float bowl and drain raw gas into the cylinder causing back firing and poor running condition. Replaced all fuel lines from tank to carbs and the problem disappeared. Of course had to remove carbs again and clean them. Got real good at that task.
  7. Got the unit out and modified the airbox so when the TCI unit is mounted the fake tank cover will fit. Ended up removing both left and right fairing. My right one needs some of the mount tabs repaired as the fairing is broken. Put the TCI unit in the sun to dry it out but will do the oven thing to make sure. My bike has all the accessories available so there are extra fuse boxes mounted to the air box and the wiring, well you can imagine. Also got rid of the bottle fuse box and replaced it with a modern day unit. Have some blank terminals in the new fuse box so may take some from the accessory box and move them. Fun stuff on a rainy day.
  8. So I am in the process of removing my TCI unit on an 83 Venture. Didn't realize that it is packed into a bracket that is stuffed into a spot above the front heads. Ended up removing the total fairing and inner fairing pieces to get at it. Removed the 4 bolts holding the bracket. but now wonder how to get the unit out to remove the TCI unit. Talk about a cluster you know what. Read somewhere that if the TCI unit is moved to the top of the airbox that it may cure the problem of a troublesome unit caused by engine heat. I am in hopes the info was correct. My bike will run fine but then cuts out after it heats up and won't start until things cool down. Heard that the TCI unit develops moisture and screws up when heated up. Just wondering if anyone else has tried to move the TCI unit to the top of the air box.
  9. Another update, put fuel pump back in and the bike started up and ran fine for about 10 minutes. Idling smooth and then it quit. Wouldn't start after that. Pulled a plug wire and hooked a spark plug to it to test for spark. No spark. So it is something electrical. Any help appreciated.
  10. Makes a lot of sense that the coils would probably not be the cause of my problem, seeing as there are 4 of them and very unlikely they would all crap out at the same time. The TCI unit, now that is another question. Are they available?
  11. Back with an update. I removed the fuel delivery line to the fuel pump and drained the tank through a paint filter to check for rust or debris. The gas was clean and no rust appeared. Removed the fuel pump. Removed the line going to the carbs and noticed gas poured out of it.Tested the fuel pump and it seemed to work as it should (clicking noise). It is my understanding that the fuel system being a pressurized type, the fuel pump would not click if there were fuel through the system into the carbs and would activate only when needed too, or when fuel level in the carbs was down. The fuel pump itself looks new, like out of the box new, but that means nothing here. i now have to wonder if I have a spark problem, like maybe the coils are failing when they get hot. The first time this scenario happened I had ridden the bike about 22 miles, pulled into a radio shack and it quit. Started up again after about 15 minutes or so and ran the 22 miles back to my shop. The next time it took less then 5 miles for the problem to arise. The last time, I started the bike up and let it idle for a bit before it quit running. Would not restart after that. Suppose I need to check for spark. Is there a way to check the coils? What is the availability of coils?
  12. HAve checked the fuse box and all the fuse holders are in good shape and the fuses are not blown. I plan on updating the fuse box with a more modern unit as the 86 venture I owned had fuse problems and broken terminals. I updated that one and had no problems there after. Have removed the bags and side covers, next I will drain the tank to check for funk. Then look at the fuel pump to see if it is the problem. Funny thing though, the fuel pump seems to work when cold, but cannot hear it clicking when the bike dies. Turn the key on and off and nothing., no clicking noise.
  13. Bike dies when in neutral. I know if it quits while in gear it could be a faulty kick stand switch. I do think it to be a fuel delivery problem. Haven't had the time to check into it as I have been traveling for business quite a bit. Now have some time so will try to get to the bottom of this problem.
  14. Back to the Venture. Other day I started the bike up. It started a bit hard but did fire and ran fine for a few minutes, enough to warm the engine up and then it died. It would not start again. I did notice that the I was not hearing the clicking sound of the fuel pump when turning the key off and back on. I am thinking that I may have a fuel delivery problem. My plan is to drain the tank to check for rust, replace fuel filter and check fuel lines. Don't know if there is a test for the fuel pump but that would be my next step in the process. May be as simple as a loose electrical connection. Will keep you all posted.
  15. want to thank everyone for input on this one. Was in South America for a week so haven't had time to rip into the reason for what is going on. My first thought is to check the fuel system delivery, filter, petcock and gas tank. Replace fuel lines and check fuel pump. If all proves well, then i guess it is time to check the electrical end of it. again thanks to all. Will try to update on this as I figure things out.
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