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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. Well Carl You know Puc........he'd want stickers & antlers on ALL of them....then you would have to photograph everything and use all kinds of...... .:bobby::thumbdown::225::95: And then a few of those...... and a couple of...... And you know he would add at least....... And he would finish it off with a YouTube video of Donny Osmond singing "Puppy Love" live at a Meet and Eat with YammerDan, while he ate a 1/4 pound Hot Dog in the White House parking lot.....and no one would have any idea what a motorcycle was by the time he was finished.....never mind the 1st Gen or whatever thing!!! It's an idea that's got my vote........Hey Puc.....get busy!
  2. Hey Greg Just go to the "History" button at the top of the page here on the task-bar and push it. It explains the history of the Venture and the years of the Gen's.... I've always thought this bunch has it wrong.....the 1st gen is the 1981 XS1100H Venture...... So the 1st is actually the 2nd. :hihi:and the 2nd is the 3rd and there isn't a 4th yet but I heard it from a guy that knows a guy that works in the basement of a Yamaha Warehouse just outside of western Mongolia and he heard two janitors talking and.............
  3. Nope! Utopia is just 15 Kilometers south west of my place.....Utopia Ontario.....
  4. Yes, I posted this on here last week. Yammer Dan sent him something but I don't know if he got a reply?!
  5. Ok Puc Says this never happen! (Your rules!)
  6. I believe Jonas said something about these boots.....were what he had in mind to go with the Red Baron....... .
  7. Now your done...........Time to sell it and start another one!
  8. MASTROTUCCI = Mastro, Mast, Maestro, Pizza Man, Tuu-chi, Tooch, S---head, etc....etc....etc..... All throughout my early school years I had all kinds of different versions of my name used by friends, classmates and the teachers. One year, grade six there was 6 guys in the class named David. The teacher Mr. Steel decided that he would call the Dave's by there last names, David STREET, David MANN, David BIRD, David WITTINGTON, David ALLEN and ah, you ah, ya??! OK you can be DAVE.......but the rest of you guys go by your last name. In the early 80's when I first started policing "Hill Street Blues" was running on TV and I walked into the guardroom for my 1st parade before my 1st shift. They used to do roll-call and inspection still back then and the old grumpy Scottish Staff/Sgt. came in and we all stood at attention. He looked us up and down and noticed the fresh shinny new rookie at the end of the line. He immediately started flipping through the roster he was carrying and then stopped and looked at the page and then at me, then back to the page, then at me, this went on for what seemed like a good minute. He finally looked up at me and said, "What kind of *%#¥ing name is that?! We got us a dam Pizza Man!" So on that shift for a few years, till I got transferred to another division, I was "Pizza Man." After that it settled in for most of the guys to call me "Tooch." Then in the mid-90's the department bought a helicopter and started an Air Support Unit. Well before I joined the police department I had tryed to get my helicopter pilots licence privately and I was $12,000. in debt. I was still just short of having my licence and needed a job and policing was a way to pay the bills. So years later when they started asking for officers with any experience, I was one of only 3 that had some. I was lucky enough to get one of the spots. After we finished training up and went operational, the question on the ground for the guys would always be, "Who's up in the chopper tonight?" For some reason when it was me, the answer would always be, it's "The Tooch." After that I'd walk into a room and the guys and gals would say, hey it's "The Tooch." I used to have to go to a lot of lectures and courses to teach the officers on the ground what we needed them to do and explain the tactics we were using in the air. I would alway get introduced to the class as "The Tooch." So a short story.....long. It's my name!
  9. You related to this dude Yammer.....??? Pvt. Daniel A. Woods (1st West Virginia Cavalry) captured the battle flag of the 18th Florida Infantry (CSA) at Sailors Creek, Virginia, on 6 April 1865. That's pretty awesome! Some family tree you got there.
  10. Hello Everyone OK go away for 30 days and guess what's waiting for you?! A 30 day Honey-Do list, don't you know?! And the the kids with the new grand baby are making their 1st visit to the house, with the new grand daughter, for the weekend, don't you know?! And that means all the local relatives that haven't seen the new baby are coming to visit. Don't you know?! I got to sleep in my own bed for one night, then the kids & the grand baby got our room, for the weekend, more comfortable for them, don't you know?! I got to sleep on the trundle bed in the attic, don't you know?! Well actually I didn't know any of this till I got home but it was great to see the kids and our new grand daughter Ivy, who was born a couple of weeks before I'd left on the trip. I'd only seen her three times before I left, she had grown so much so fast. It was so great to come home to family and even if I didn't have a chance to catch my breath from the trip till today, "there's no place like home!" Heard that while I was ridding on my trip through Kansas in a tornado. Don't you know!
  11. I had my 1st experience with that dry heat just a week or so ago. Went through Dead Valley in the early morning and it was 107. Found if you wear mesh gear and dry fit under it, then pour water all over yourself till your soaked, then hop on and ride...... It's like air conditioning....doesn't work in the hot humid weather I'm used to in the north but in that dry heat it works great. I had one of those cooling towels soaked wrapped around my neck as well and I had no trouble with the heat at all. Now my tires, those roads and the heat just ate my tires!
  12. Glad your OK Evan.
  13. Well Puc 11,588 on a set of Bridgestone Battlewing tires and they where toast.....the tires were so bad from the get go I was thinking that I would sell the bike when I got home and take my losses....I just thought this Bike is not for me. Then I finally said I got to put on something else on this thing....well a set of MICHELIN Anakee III and I have a new bike, just amazing. The OME Bridgestone's were crap on the Venture and the OME Bridgestone's on the Tenere, for on road use at least, were just garbage. I also took the front tire from a 110 mm to a 100 mm seems to make it track better at slow speeds and grip much better when healed over in the corners. Had just a fun day today ridding the bike and not fighting with it trying to make it just ride, like I seemed to be always doing with the Battlewing's. I didn't have 2 miles on the Michelin's this morning and we set off in cool temps and rain, they handled great! And weren't scuffed in yet. Bridgestone Michelin Make's me want to keep this bike after all.
  14. Hi Puc Thanks for the feed back.....all the bikes have done well the 2 Wings are 2010's and both US models that were imported into Canada. The V-Strom is a 2015 & my bike is new of course, all of them were serviced & had new tires put on just before we left. So no issues so far, except for mine. I've been putting up with the OME Bridgestone Battle-Wing tires, they are an on road off road tire maybe a 20% off road 80% on road. So when pushed on road, the performance isn't quite there.....I'm trying to run with the Wings and the V-Strom which had a new set of straight road tires, Michelin Pilot 4's put on before we left. If I can find a dealer with a set of the Michelin's in stock to fit my bike I might just give them a try in the next day or so. Cause the 650 V-Strom is making me look bad!
  15. That would be some climb Dan! And the name "Garden of the Gods" you sure can see why it got the name just an amazingly beautiful place.
  16. Hey Don I like it except it has to be the worst bike I've ever ridden in a cross wind, it is just a beast, I been fighting her a lot. We have had some pretty good cross winds with the day time heating and the valley's and canyon roads we have been on. The wind just cuts down off the mountains. But the worst was the near tornadoes we rode through, all of us were getting blown around but I don't know how I kept the bike on the road.
  17. I can see why Puc it's an awesome town. Got to admit we have a bit of advantage when it comes to the best places to stay and eat........being all retire LOE's we just go find a local Brother and suck-up.......Cop's always know the best places to eat! What a motorcycle road in an out of town with just incredible views, just a great ride. And the town it has so many interesting places, I'd go back in a heart beat.
  18. Hey Dave Yes I did think about you but one of the other guys was having a problem with his brakes on his GoldWing. It had gone in for warranty work on a recall Honda had on the brakes just before we left. His brakes were getting really spongy and we figured they hadn't bled the lines properly. So he needed to get it into a dealer to have it looked after before we hit all those switchbacks in Jerome. So we didn't know how long we were going to get tied up at a dealer. Turned out they were great and looked after us real fast. Just a Ram mount on the master cylinder brake front leaver was causeing the problem. If I had of known??!!! Sorry I missed that chance to meet you.
  19. Hey Evan I found this yesterday did you leave it behind on Route 66 ?!?
  20. Dan just go to the 1st post of this thread.....there is a link just click on it.
  21. I sleeping at a Quality Inn in Keokuk Iowa tonight.......does that count?
  22. Bit of a detour to miss the crazy weather down here.....check out our blog for the latest. Kevin Campbell I think I past your tractor today?!
  23. Thanks Evan We all talked about this since you sent the message and we are going to do our best to try and get that cabin. Stay tuned!
  24. Is it morning yet?! Is it time to go?! I'm ready.....just one more sleep.
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