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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. Well she did it right she rode an old Honda Rebel 200/250 not sure which it was, for years. As a Mom of 2 kids, 1 of which had major Heath problem, she didn't get much time to ride. As the kids got older, she finally bought a Yamaha Virago 750 and her youngest daughter got the Honda Rebel. Then her daughter wanted to move up and ride the Virago all the time. So they sold the Honda Rebel and my Sister bought herself a Virago 1100 and her Husband had a HD Heritage Classic. They rode everywhere together and were members of the North Bay HOG Club. So they got into that HD life style thing and she bought herself a Harley Road King. Turns out she didn't like the Road King very much and this spring she bought the Ultra Classic at the same time I bought the CTX. She Loves her HD! Yes the Ultra looks bigger, cause the fairing is wider and sits up on the handle bars much higher then the frame mounted CTX fairing. The CTX has everything mounted down low for better handling and the motor is a structural part of the frame and mounts under it. The gas tank is fake like the GW's and the gas tank is actually down under the seat. The CTX is narrow, long and low the 2 bike covers I had for the Venture are just long enough to fit the CTX. The back tire on the CTX is way wider then the HD's and makes the Venture's back tire look like it should be on a bicycle! The CTX will fly through the twisty's and out run the HD no problem. Not that I've gone there but I don't think the top end on the CTX is anywhere near the Venture's. But I think that has more to do with the gearing. The CTX is a 5 speed that needs a 6th OD. The Venture has that set up that is really a 4 speed with a 5th OD and all kinds of top end. Wow long story.....trying to answer Puc's question as well. Puc all I know is it's a V4 out of the Honda ST 1300 that they de-tuned to make it better for touring. ( Why do they think they have to de-tune the V4's for touring?! ) I'm hopeing I don't like the new Yamaha on June 5th. But I know me....I'm just a sucker for nice shinny bits on an MC and if it's a V4
  2. When I was 19, I took my 4 year old sister for a ride around the block sitting on the gas tank in front of me, on my then Honda. I got out for a ride with her today before she had to go into work tonight......look at her now! She tell's me it's all my fault.....that she fell in love that day ridding on that gas tank!
  3. I know you.....your all over it........a new....3rd gen tech library....a new.....3rd gen classisifed..... Man are you going to be busy.....
  4. When Freebird set-up this thread it was kind of just for a bit of fun and maybe just a little bit of hopefulness that Mother Yamaha might get her act together and actually build a new Venture touring model. But it is starting to look like this might be a THING......are we really actually going to need? "a 3RD Generation Tech section!":biker: Guess we are about to find out! Come on June 5th. :cool10: :cool10:
  5. I knew there were actually two bikes together when that spy shot was taken, but I couldn't find the other shot......but I have now........
  6. Might be more to this photo than we thought at the time it was going around!
  7. Is Barrie Ontario to far? I got a 2004 Time Out...PM if your interested. I got it couple of years ago from Steamer so I imported it from the US, so no trouble importing it back.
  8. I do not relish this:stickpoke:....but it's "Mouse-turd" and cat-soup and releash that you should relish on a hot dog!
  9. Well I think Chocolate is best! :cry: :cry:
  10. Speaking of weather........I see the Rock is getting Hammered again today .....they better stop it with the snow out there, it's less than two months till we leave At least all our snow is gone just lots of rain right now but that's good........it will wash away and get rid of all the road salt.
  11. Ah! You just nailed it.....that is why our auto/MC Ins. is so high in Canada. If I'm hurt in an accident it isn't the Goverment Health Care System that is going to foot the bill to look after me, it's my insurance company. Now here is the real kicker, the Goverment that says they are keeping an eye on insurance companies to make sure they're not charging us to much. Well the Provincial run hospital see's that it is an insurance company that's paying the bills and you need a band aid for your boo boo. That band aid is going to cost ten times as much, every X-ray, treatment or procedure, anything they can nail the insurance company for, the cost will be inflated. Of course this is the Province trying to recover costs but really, actually, trying to make money.
  12. Hey Bert Just to let you know I forwarded this video to the other guys in my group and we had a meeting the other day and afterwards, decided to add the trail to our ride. Thanks Tooch.
  13. Don't we already have that? Isn't that what -Favorite-Roads-and-Destinations is for?
  14. OK my though we do not have the penny anymore in Canada Over several years I have bought stuff from Revzilla, Motorcyclegear, MotorcycleSuperStore, and JPCycle on-line and it has been great, with no problems. Revzilla has those great product videos that are nice as well. Now.....I've also bought from CanadaMotorcycle which is now called FortNine (Dumb name! and I don't know why they changed it?!) Lately if I was going to buy anything I would buy it from FortNine because it is Canadian, so I don't get beat up by the US dollar exchange. They also do really good product video reviews, that are honest and sometimes FUNNY! The product line is almost the same as Revzilla's so lots to choose from. Now why, why do I tell you this.......I've noticed lately that a number of the customer reviews posted on FortNine's site are Americans and that they seem to be from all over the USofA and not just the north east. Why would that be??! Let's see a helmet selling for $200. CAN is actually $149.51 US :bawling:Why don't I get to buy it for that!? Might be worth a look for you......https://youtu.be/GO6guuJtPkM
  15. YES OF COURSE!! Your "Mr. Freeze" you keep everything frozen & snow covered well one good thing comes from freezing .
  16. Hey Bert Thanks for the interest and someday your time will come and then you just got to decide to make it happen. We do as many 2ndry roads as we can. Last year just the 1st two days we did highway slab just to get us out of Canada & down into the US. Occasionally we found we had to take a short run on the slabs, as it was a matter of you can't get there from here, unless you do. But we try to find out of the way places and look for where the locals hang out. Any info. on the best sites to see & local places to eat are always welcome, we hit a couple of spots last year cause members from here had suggested them.
  17. Some of you may remember I did a trip with a group of other retired guys that I ride with last summer. We left leaving May 24th 2016 and didn't get back till 31 days and 16,000 kilometres later, in early July. My friend Steve worked at setting up a blog for our trip which showed our planned route and then it followed along with our travels from day to day. Well we have been working and setting up our trip for 2017. The planning for this year's trip is posted on the blog and follows right along from where we left off last year. We plan on leaving June 3rd and heading east this time and spending more time traveling in Canada on the way out (The US/CAN dollar exchange is a killer right now!) but will come back through the US. Looks like we'll be over 10,000 kilometres on this year's trip. If your interested in seeing our plans for this year, or would like to read about our entire trip from last year and then later this summer following along on this year's trip......here is the link to our blog..... https://friendsandriders.wordpress.com/
  18. Let me guess?!?......It's that crazy iPad thing again.....The pictures are rightside up to me but look upside down when posted. Geez I hate that!
  19. Well with all that snow, I refuse to shovel anymore or get out the snowblower. The Corbin seat that was on Little Red when I got her isn't any good for me, the previous owner was vertically challenged and had ordered a little person seat. I'm 6'1" so it pushed me too far forward and I really didn't need the lower seat height. He had a friend who wanted to buy it and the stock seat worked good for me so I've got the stock seat. But I like a backrest, had a Utopia backrest on both my 2005 & 2013 Venture so I ordered a Utopia backrest to go with the stock seat on Little Red. With the weather today, I had nothing better to do so took the time to install the backrest on the stock seat.......it looks great, just need to be able to ride and test it out.
  20. I seem to always do this.....
  21. I think it's going to be awhile before I can give you any kind of report. Doesn't look like Spring is in any kind of hurry to get here. Won't be today for sure........ This is a picture of Big Red out in the driveway this afternoon.......
  22. I know for a fact......You got one at a previous MD. I'd be in for one Freebird.
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