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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. Gary with your wrench can you use it without taking anything off the bike to get at the locking nuts? Thanks.
  2. Well I can see it must be a little more updated the front fender is now missing. But it can't be too up to date?..........There is way to much hair still on top of that head!
  3. Hi Kevin You still have this Honda, what kind of shape is it in, love it see it!
  4. Hey I thought this was a Family site!!?? Keep it P.G.!
  5. This reminds me of a real-estate website call "Garage first dot com" Nice shop congrats:cool10: True story....I bought an 8 x 12 shed today for my shop:doh:
  6. Oh! The Bosses 1st ride he bought was a Harley!! And now he has come full circle, he is a true, "American" motorcycle guy and has been hiding in the closet all these years........... :rotf:
  7. I could have retired 3 years ago with a full pension..........but every time I have time off work....... I end up I need to go back to work for a rest! Nice floor!
  8. Asked my parents for a motorcycle for my 13th birthday. My mother said no way they are to dangerous and we will not buy you one so you can go out and get hurt, OR?!........ I said if they wouldn't buy me one, I'd save my money & buy one myself! My father said well I guess if you can come up with the money and buy one yourself, we can't do much about that. But your mother just worries about you being safe. The next morning my Dad got up for work and came into my room and told me it was time to get up. ( My birthday is in August and I was on summer vacation.) I said why do I have to get up? He said you want a motorcycle don't you? Well your coming to work at the plant with me, I got you a job for the rest of the summer. I worked the rest of that summer and the next and started into the 3rd. He took all my pay except a couple of bucks a week and that 3rd summer when I was 15 he took me to the Honda dealer outside of town and pointed me to this..... [ATTACH]79810[/ATTACH] He said you bought that! I know your mother won't like it. So for your birthday we'll buy you a real good full-face helmet. But there is one thing before you can ride it.....we will pay for, but you have to pass, a motorcycle safety course. Now don't get yourself killed cause your mother will never let me hear the end of it and I'll have to kill you, I know you'd be dead but I will find a way! Happy birthday! What I learned on that course, has stuck with me all these years and I know served me well and helped in keeping me safe. MAN OH MAN do I miss him!
  9. Awesome flight control, I wouldn't dare to think a rotary wing could pull off those types of aerobatics. (I wonder how he can visualize upside down and backwards? With forward-inverted flight and backwards-inverted my way of thinking the main rotors just flap & fold up as you attempt to roll inverted!) I know that most of the R/C's have a rigid main-rotor to pull off that semi-inverted banking he's doing, while moving aft!? I don't know if I want him in my right seat or not, cause I think he'd make me sick. [ATTACH]79742[/ATTACH] That is some awesome flying, I know I couldn't do it! Congrart's to finish that high in a world competition is just amazing, cause I bet there wasn't much between 1st & 5th.
  10. Yikes! $71.02 shipping! & again the dollar exchange. Going to have to think a little on this. Just went through the same thing ordering a lift adapter from Carbon1, no disrespect to Larry at all, he is "GREAT" but the shipping costs are getting stupid! Used to be a good way to save money was on the Internet for us, could get things a little cheaper depending on where the dollar is. Right now the dollar is at that point you have to shop careful to be sure your really saving anything. But shipping...... Even shipping just regular US postal the cost are getting to the point it eats up any savings and ends up costing you more.
  11. Thanks Freebird.....after I posted the question I found an old post of your's that said we used to but not anymore. I should have done a search 1st. Thanks Don.
  12. Do we, "Ventureriders" get any kind of discount or coupon from EdSets? I'm about to order two of there kits....$298. And still have to add the exchange on the dollar! Ouch!!
  13. That thing looks cool. It is a car A/C & Auto but it does'nt have a cassette deck!
  14. Just to be different.... Front forks - 6 PSI Rear shock - 39 PSI Front tire - 39 PSI Rear tire - 39 PSI It's all personal try out different setting within the limits and see what works for you and I will add, whatever the tires your running will make a difference. Welcome & sign up!
  15. Thanks. I did know all this, I just wonder why some thought that somehow it was a good idea to run on reserve all the time.......I know water, gunk, ethanol.....blah, blah! Just run your tank down once or twice a season and none of that should be an issue. Oh & before someone else says it..........."Seafoam!" (Never used it personally.)
  16. Did you get your backrest mounted, did you have to drill holes or not? if you got it on, have you tried it out and does it make a difference for you?
  17. Ok I know there are many opinions on this and when the topic has come up I have stayed out of it and not spoken up in the past. However I've always had a question in the back of my mind. I've always been a Honda guy and just bought my Venture in April this year, so I've just followed along and read the posts on this and read through the Venture owners manual but my question has never been answered. Here is a situation that will lead to my question..... My practice for years was to ride with the fuel valve in the "ON" position until the engine started to cough & sputter from fuel starvation. (That was a very long time ago, now days it's wait till the low fuel light comes on, then ignore it, till the engine starts to cough & sputter. Isn't modern technology great?!) At this point I believe the main tank is empty and it is time I switch to reserve. Now I run on reserve and manage to go say 30 miles and I'm sucking fumes when I pull up to the gas pumps. Now both the main and the reserve of the tank are basically empty. Honda's and this a quote from one of their owners manuals....... "Remember to check that lhe fuel valve is in the ON position each time you refuel. If the valve is left in lhe RES position. you may run out of fuel with no reserve." This is because you have the main part of the tank cut off from the reserve part, so the main will refill but the reserve won't. Now the question is.......is it the same on the Venture? Before anyone answers......this is what the Manuel says for the Venture.... "RES Turn the fuel cock lever to this position if you run out of fuel while riding. When this occurs, refuel as soon as possible and be sure to set the fuel cock lever back to ON!" You'll notice and this was a direct quote, they capitalized "on" and added an explanation mark!.....but they give no explanation as to why it is important??!! So if you run the Venture on reserve all the time and basically run it dry..... and then refuel with the lever left in the reserve position....are you really only running on a main tank of fuel & never a main & reserve???????? OK have at her...............
  18. Hi Carlos If you go to the on line instructions on Utopia's web-site, the photo's and instructions are very good. That being said yes pop-out the plastic and then drill the holes to 5/16. Great backrest.......here's mine.
  19. The flag is the best part:whistling: Really looks awesome!
  20. [ATTACH]78727[/ATTACH]
  21. I guess I'll just post this here.....seems to me if a Harley is not on a trailer......the owners must want to keep them in one of these! :rotf: http://www.harley-davidson.com/gma/gma_product.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524441849449&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374309450692&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374309450692&locale=en_CA&bmUID=1374693261972&bmLocale=en_CA Wonder if the RSV would fit?
  22. So it looks like you could get the trailer done BLACK with FLAMES, :225:and SKULLS with EAGLES and all that great HARLEY stuff! that way it will match the new bike and all the t-shirts you buy I guess that is a little harsh!? Sorry, Boss!
  23. If they can do this..............http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=lunch%20truck%20wrapped&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CEkQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DemSvXCnujKM&ei=5P_vUf2WHuSqyAHcqIH4Aw&usg=AFQjCNG_kbup9SPpt692rWLYHu8zoI4sOA&bvm=bv.49641647,d.aWc
  24. Yes, I tried to find these as well. The part number provide is classified as obsolete at Harley dealers now......old part not stocked anymore and no longer available. A dealer might just have one kicking around in their parts department if your lucky. But I haven't found one yet that has one still in stock. I gave up and I'm going to go with an led light bar instead.
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