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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. If you have crash bars around your saddle bags you take one bag off stand the case in were the bag goes and bungee it to the side of the bike. long as you don't need the bag space. I don't have any photos......but Elvis kind of had the idea in this one! HEY KEVIN/PRAIRIEHAMMER & STEVE/HELL YEA what bike is Elvis ride'n?
  2. The Tooch


    Hey, Whoa! I'm not going there......Oh! wait.....sorry missed read that.....Never mind! Why do I keep doing this to myself? WHY?!
  3. The Tooch


    WHY? Some of us have to go to work for a living! That's Why! Don't know why, 33 years in, 3 years after I could go.....and I'm still here! Now that is a Why?!
  4. 1926 BSA S26 deluxe but close enuff Because back then they didn't change much year to year they just kept refining them.
  5. Stick with over'ome.
  6. The Tooch


    Why did I start playing, "How well do you know motorcycles?" Why?
  7. The Panther I posted was a 1953.
  8. Velocette Venom Clubman 500cc about a 1958?
  9. BTW, Dave...the way we play the game is to determine the make, model and year of the motorcycle offered up, THEN you submit your offering. I'll let you pass this time as a newbie, but in the future, please guess the motorcycle last offered before submitting your own. Zed points for you. Thanks for joining in to play this winter doldrums interlude. RULES?! I thought we were bikers?! There aren't no rules??! 1% and all that! Oh. Sorry, wrong club.....Never mind! I didn't get the memo.....can somebody send me the handbook. It won't happen again.
  10. Kevin & Steve You guys are amazing! I haven't seen a bunch of these bikes ever before and it's fun to follow along while you two go at it. I'll try one.......
  11. The Tooch


  12. Gee Carl are you giving me one or just loaning it to me?! Thanks!!
  13. The Tooch


  14. Well my wife has plans on the 15th, with our daughter. (Girl's night thing!) I know you'd rather see Cathy.................but I might come solo......long as there is no snow storm!! Last 2 M.E. we had to fight a storm on the way home up the 400. But you guys are worth it!! (Actually, come to think of it.....this winter there is always a snow storm on the 400!!)
  15. The Tooch


    The reason Why I'm posting this? Is to make it #950! That's WHY! Come on FIFTY to go.......
  16. See look at the time & fuss we saved you trying to figure out why your CB didn't work very well. Well worth 12 bucks!!!
  17. Did someone say food?
  18. Nice bike I have an 05 as well but not an "MS" We just went through this with another member just bought his bike.....Looks like your CB antenna is on the wrong side!?
  19. As a wise man once said........Oh! Now I get it! Thanks Lewis
  20. Lewis I wasn't sure where to post this? I noticed that a couple of the auction items only had .25 cent bids on them. Not to judge anyone but I thought that was a rather low bid but maybe people were just trying to get the item started? Anyway......I decided to bid on one of the t-shirts and made a dollar amount bid on one and it now shows that I bid .25 cents?? Am I doing something wrong? With other bids being .25 cents am I not the only one? Sorry, if I'm messing up!
  21. No! I think if you were a little more informed......the 3 amigo's just met in Mexico. The Mexican President, the U.S. President & the Canadian Prime Minister. Obama and Harper had a bet for 2 cases of beer on the hockey game. Canada won........"Take that Obama!" Is what he was implying......A JOKE! Nothing at all about all Americans being like Obama.....lighten up! We love you guys And if the bet had of been with Rob Ford it would have been for a Kilo of coke not a case of beer!
  22. The Tooch


    Why? Because it's winter. And CANADA owns HOCKEY!!:canada::canada: That's WHY!!!! Gold is such a nice colour!
  23. Yes, CB antenna is on the wrong side, interesting! Maybe that is why it's not running well right now!?
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