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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. I think something's missing?
  2. I've been thinking about a trailer but I'm still not sure about getting one. But I always thought if I do get one, I would for sure buy one of Carbon_One's hitches! So for the trailer I don't have and maybe might not ever will?! On item #1 Carbon_One hitch for 2nd gens I'll start it off at $30.
  3. Hey Ben you get them from Anthony yet?
  4. MarCarl's BombardierIn? MarCarl's Can AmIn? MarCarl's SpyderIn? Oh well not the same ring to it as VentureIn! But hey Carl....... : Do we all get a test ride?
  5. Your buying a new pair of blue tint sunglasses??!!
  6. Well you know the post office puts it's mark on the package & I wrote mine!
  7. My understanding is tomorrow (Monday) evening.
  8. Ok the next step on the journey has begun, Anthony has got them. So over to Saddlebum next.
  9. Spoke with Anthony and he is on his way to my place.
  10. Hi Ben Wow don't know how we missed the friend's thing till now? What's with that?! Anyway, I see your offer working for me if you send me a PM with your co-workers info here in Barrie. I'll give him a call and get the pipes packed up good and over to him to bring to you. Then you can get them to Ground-Hugger and on to Bongobobny and so on and so forth and there after......maybe someday Dingy will have his pipes.
  11. Hey Mike Would have been great to see you and Tammy but Cathy is sick and I'm still getting over it. (Nice of me to share!) And I pulled those extra hours last night.......I doubt I'd even enjoy my company! LOL! I'm just a bear. If it ever warms up just a bit I'd love to get a ride in with you guys. If not before, see you at Carl's....
  12. Sorry, I wasn't getting back to anyone on this. I sent a PM to Gary so he knew before hand that I pulled an extra 9 hours of Duty at work last night, to pay for the new set of tires I just put on my bike. I didn't get in to 3am, 1st time I've pulled close to a night shift in 4 years, so my head is a little fuzzy right now!
  13. Look what I got.......dingy is the proud new owner of pipes! The box is just a box they gave me to put them in, not the box they came in.
  14. I called the shop this morning, not long-distance for me. They are going to keep the pipes on hold for Gary/me long as I get there before 1:00pm. I'll head out in about an hour and go get them. :
  15. EC-145? What's a Yamaha guy doing flying a Kawasaki 117???!!!!!
  16. I knew you'd pipe-up on this.......you bring a whole new meaning to cross boarder shopping! SmugglerBob:whistling:
  17. I'm going to Marcarl's on the 24th. May. Maybe someone from Ohio is coming to his Venturin.
  18. That's about 45 mins from me Gary.
  19. Sorry guys my membership expired and I couldn't get back on. I was trying to pay though Paypal but it wouldn't go through? I PM Freebird and he asked about my e-mail address and that's when I realized I had changed my service provider awhile ago but hadn't updated my Paypal account with the new e-mail address. long story to say DOH! How about. You your bike and an axe murder.....no wait, the last clown assignment got that one. You your bike and a team mascot. Local house league, high school, college, pro team even armed forces mascot. At a game or event would be best. This do'able or to hard?
  20. I think we are still looking for that clown......I can't believe it would be that hard. So let's get that clown!
  21. Here is the back door...
  22. Here is the historic sign from out front. Better know as "The Barrie Bucket"!
  23. Hey Joe. No snow has been gone for about a week, it seem......that is an old photo. And here is the new one!
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