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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. how'd I miss that!
  2. I happen to have that address......AND I can be bought!
  3. And no guns! Not even fake ones! You can't bring in a replica, unless you have paperwork. So, NO Thompson machine guns allowed!
  4. Wow. Congrats! Can't say you rushed into it......Nov.2011, till now? Enjoy your new ride.
  5. Oh! It's just too easy!!!.......Never mind!
  6. Don't worry Yammer they have a model with two wheels you should be able to handle!
  7. Puc if I told you once...........Do NOT touch the red one!
  8. You are a WISE man! Mike my friend......... Hey sorry I missed you, last Saturday. My PM's were backed up and I got 5 come through at once late Friday night. Didn't seem like much of a chance to set something up. The way it rained I don't think it would have been much of a fun ride anyway.
  9. Well if MarCarl was coming, He'd be ride'n one! Oh! Wait....that's a Spider-thingy. Never mind!
  10. Well Cathy is going to bring her....... Oh! Wait this is a PG site......I can't say that. . I guess you have to wait for HER to show you!
  11. Here is a possible and there are similar scenarios that can also cause it..... Did your wife ever use the glass to do this....??? Use the glass as a cookie cutter? Do you have a dishwasher that you unloaded with the glass really hot and then placed in the cupboard that is really cool?
  12. Interesting.......! I have a pair of batting gloves and I stopped playing ball a couple of years ago. Was wondering what to do with them.......OK nobody laugh at WNY rally when I show up where baseball batting gloves! I got to at least try it! Thanks for the tip.
  13. If you put two cans in your tank.......then put a tape in the cassette deck of COUNTRY MUSIC and play it BACKWARDS..... Your Wife won't leave you, your dog won't run away and the Bank won't foreclose on your farm!
  14. Wow! Smuggling.....Money Laundering....Your an ORGANIZED CARTEL all by yourself! Bob.
  15. Hey!? Where's Iceland?? StarFan (Jonas) I don't think you've been trying hard enough. Even Annie from down under there has got you beat!!
  16. 1st our falls is way better than your falls! 2nd don't try converting Can $/liter to US $/USgal. You don't want to know! 3rd if a hotel room is $130. Can. a night that is $118. US right now.....so not so bad. Have a great trip!
  17. Happy Birthday Bob! :wow:Wow mine was yesterday. Our brith day's are only a day apart and many, many, many years of course!!
  18. That is awesome. What a great site this is. I just read a post from someone asking about doing their 1st ever oil change on any vehicle period! Then I read this! The common factor is how other's inspire and assist with knowledge and advise to help out each other. My ride is no where near requiring this kind of work yet and I've got to admit, I would NEVER have dreamed about attempting something like this. Yamagrl (Heather) you have not only done a great job on your ride but I'm sure inspired other's to at least try and challenge themselves a little more!
  19. If your trying to be like PUC. YOU'RE PACKING WAY TO NEAT, There is not enought stuff hanging off the back of this bike.....:rotf::rotf:
  20. That would be fine by me. Name it!
  21. Looks like the thing has MC tires on it and not cars tires.....be interesting how they wear with the added weight on the front end.
  22. Hey Carl what's in the box???? New "BLING" for your trike?
  23. No 2013 has a Cassette deck. That is why they had to stop making them in 2014.....they ran out of Cassette Decks!!
  24. Hey Reiny My daughter lives in Kincardine and if the mood strikes me, sometimes I'll just hop on the bike, go for a ride and visit her. If the mood happens to come upon me sometime next week, I'll drop you a message and maybe I slide down your way. Enjoy your week!
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