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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. WAIT!!!........I took a course on this once?!........Let's see?............... then you need to cut the red wire and if there's a green wire but no white wire, then you should cut the blue ... If you don't cut any of the wires ... Sorry! Marca, the front entry is now an open concept living space......... But hey, they don't flash anymore!
  2. I want a review of this LED headlight & photos of the install, cause it might be a winter project! Let us know! (Not..Let it snow!).
  3. Ok! I'm sorry.......I can't help myself........BUT........that's what mufflers do! Baffle.
  4. I don't know.......I just know Jay gets the shake-down every time he crosses the boarder! I'm not saying...just say'n!
  5. Thanks Eck I learned something today.....had no idea who that guy was. So I Googled him and now I know.....Full Throttle Saloon Sturgis, South Dakota. The world's largest biker bar owned by Michael Ballard.
  6. You arent some kind of Nigerian Banker are you?!
  7. Elvis???!!! Well it is a lunch box.......but it's a real biker on the lunch box not some wannabe movie guy! Take a closer look...... That's part of what makes it so perfect.
  8. Hey Puc I went back to the mall.....talked to the old long bread again......asked about the Springer.....he said, I was to late he had already re-allocated that bike. I then explain your MC style, about Tweeks and all that but that now you would like a Springer! Here's what he came up with.............PERFECT......
  9. Hey Bongo What WNY Rally?! I went to sign up for it and there is no rally in August 2016 on the calendar???!!!!
  10. Actually that bike is at a dealer up here Puc. They want too much for it....$14,950 Can. But that is $11,190. U.S. and it is USA bike imported so it is in miles not Kilometres. 43k on it a 2001.
  11. :santa:I saw him at the mall today Puc. He had one for you.....but it was 2 tone and didn't have the fancy frilly tassel things on the bags......so I told him you wouldn't want it and he took it back!
  12. Wizard765 has one.......Hey Wayne! Someone wants to talk to you about that pretty bike of yours.
  13. What I think is funny about this.......in my twisted way.......not that you're out a phone Jay........but we aren't all what you'd call "Kids" And here we are talk'n about a PHONE! With a broken screen!?......Isn't a phone for talking? What do you need a screen for anyway?! It's a phone!
  14. I just thought this was funny!........Sorry!
  15. You can try.... http://cozywinters.com search for motorcycle heated seat kits.
  16. But whatever or whoever it is, Dan, if they are disrespecting you as a vet......they aren't going to like me much! After I have my say...........
  17. The Tooch


    Why? Does this thread amuse me so?!! I'm actually glad to see it back.....Why?
  18. Hey Mike I thought a hack might be a cool idea but had never ridden one. Back in August at the WNY rally MJ44 let me try her's.....it is a beauty!........Well.....me driving a hack !!! (Thanks again MJ...it really was a hoot!) So much for that idea but it is real cool looking . Maybe BongoBob will let me try his trike??!! Or MarCarl will give me the keys for the Spyder for awhile??!!
  19. Hey Carl Don't know if I can recommend that 4/60 unit Ben's offering you?! But I did have and loved it a lot.....a 2/80 unit......Datsun / Nissan was real smart about it as well, advertised it right there on the back of the car...... "Datsun 280 ZX"
  20. MY 1ST DAY OF RETIREMENT. 5:37 a.m. BEEPBEEPBEEPSMOKEFIREBEEPBEEPBEEPSMOKEFIREBEEPBEEPBEEPSMOKEFIREBEEPBEEPBEEP Crazy cats, freaked right out cats! Run, run cats! Hide, hide cats. Well......I didn't think I had to get up this morning?! But the "stay calm & just carry on cats" seem to be telling me other wise?! Cathy (She who must be obeyed!) has left already for work. Her hair-straightener, unplugged but still very hot, seems to have some of her hair stuck to it and is sitting on the bathroom counter........My! What a delightful smell. I guess I can just push the button and reset the smoke detectors......... Gee I'm wide awake and up now. Retirement is awesome so far! Time for a coffee......maybe after I'lll polish the bike....go for a ride.....get a hair cut....have some lunch....read a little......maybe have a nap?!
  21. Well this is it......going in for my last shift. Have to turn in my pistol & badge and all my other uniform stuff today and become just a citizen, no longer a centurion. Been a sheepdog for a long time and now, I guess I'm going to be able to go graze with the flock. Somebody else will have to look out for the wolfs. There were days they didn't pay me enough but there were others I had the most fun you can have with your pants on! And wondered why they payed me?! Never did get rich but have so much. I'll really miss the other guys & gals but it's time. 35 years is a hell of a career. Geez I was just a baby. Got to go finish packing up my office and empty my locker..........
  22. Happy Birthday Bob.
  23. Yes I was kidding I know the Cormorant would blow our doors off. As as for the fixed- wing Weenies don't get me started.....
  24. Hey BJ That thing looks like a big old yellow school bus! Now my work ride is a hotrod! And looks way cooler! Ha!
  25. Yes you did.....dressed as his character "Geraldine"!? This is the 2nd time I've seen something about the 50's that they have posted Flip Wilson in? He was in the Air Force in the 50's never really started acting till the early 60's and got his big show in 1970 "The Filp Wilson Show" he invented "Geraldine" for that show......don't know why he keeps being placed in the 50's? I did like his comedy........ The 50's post was great!
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