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The Tooch

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Everything posted by The Tooch

  1. Yes Puc, I did sign. But as I said, I was walking in to pick up stuff and I normally don't carry a camara with me when I'm going to the parts counter. (No I don't have a cell phone, when I retired I had to turn in the cell phone I had carried everywhere for years, cause I was on call. I just haven't gotten around to getting my own. Actually I like not having one so much I may not ever get one.) So no photos yet......I pick it up Fri...........Tune in then!
  2. Weather is real cold here today and suppose to be lousy tomorrow as well.......but the forecast says next weekend will be great. Time to get the old RSV ready for spring.......head on over to the Yamaha dealer to pick up some supplies. They make you walk through the "showroom" to get to the "parts dept." don't you know. Oh look! That's nice....... OK where do I sign?.................Yes, oh yes, I did! Further details and and photos to follow...........it is a Yamaha. PS....The sales guy (Cause they know all this. Right!) Swears that they have been told, direct from Japan, that the new Venture is coming in 2017 but it will be a water cooled V-twin.
  3. This is the price list the Yamaha dealer here has posted for doing tires......if you are a regular customer they will do it cheaper. If I take the bags off myself before I bring the bike over, they will do it for $40. Front and rear on the bike, if I buy the tires from them.
  4. Very nice........... Your post made me check to see if we could buy one in Ontario yet! Last I had looked back in early February the laws were still in the works. So I checked again and as of March 1st 2016 we now can. There are some weird rules.....see my thread I posted on this. Congrats!
  5. Hi Larry Yes this is what happens all the time in Ont. The laws just don't seem to make sense sometimes. The Can Am got classed as a "3 wheel motorcycle" ( or a motor tricycle.) so they can tow. The Slingshot is in this new class they have created a "3 wheel vehicle" because of the side by side seating and a steering wheel. I have no idea why they have come up with this no tow idea? https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r16028?_ga=1.186683947.209103977.1459126626 I saw that you are planning to come up to the Ont. Rally in July. The Highway Traffic Act enforcement was never my strong suit when I was doing this kind of thing. I personally wouldn't bother someone with out of province plates for towing with a Slingshot, for what that is worth to you! But of course I'm not doing any of this stuff anymore. I'll make some enquirers with friends of mine that are senior command officers with the Traffic Enforcement unit and see if they have had any direction from the Ministry of Transportation on your question yet. If not I'll have them put the question to the Ministry and then get back to you when I have an answer.
  6. Don't know if this has been talked about here yet. I just found out that the MTO in Ont. as of March 1st 2016 is allowing the Slingshot to be licensed for use on Ont. roads and the rules that go with it. The vehicle will be registered as a motorcycle. You must have a class "G" drivers license. (This is a car license not a class "M" motorcycle license.) You must wear a helmet and seat belts. Passengers who are classified as infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers or primary grade children are not permitted; Three-wheeled vehicles are prohibited from being used for an Ontario driver’s licence road test; No sidecars or trailers are permitted for use on a three-wheeled vehicle. Only federally approved three-wheeled vehicles designed for on-road use are permitted This is a ten year trial test period to see if the vehicle are suitable for safe use on Ont. roads.
  7. Who you calling a lop eared varmint?!
  8. This is true.....most manufacturers of vehicle set the speedo to read 2-5 faster than what the vehicle is actually traveling they don't want to be sued cause you get a ticket. So you're actually doing something like 28 when your speedo says 30. Look at any police package vehicle and the speedo will say something like, "Certified" "Police Certified" "Certified Calibration" that is because the speedo reads true when it leave the factory unlike all the other cars they make.
  9. Well let's see after retiring from 35 years of doing this kind of stuff.......I can say that some politician, some bureaucrate from the DMV or even the chief can come out with a grand statement or plan........"one over and they get a ticket" "no breaks, the ticket will not be knocked down, whatever the speed, you will get a ticket for the full amount." Well that's just great......but I'm the guy standing at the side of the road with my ass hanging out in traffic and I have to deal with the public.......And I'm not buying into what your selling......so maybe I'll decide if this is a situation where a little discretion might be in order! In other words not all the officers out there will drink the Kool-aid.....and of course some would give their mother a ticket if it made there personal stats look good! (Not a lot of those but they are out there!) But that said, more and more big-brother is watching the officers....in car cameras in some cases watch the officers as much as the bad guys. The on board laptops can now tie in with the radar and track and produce a printout of all times and readings made by the radar. And with ticket printers and plate readers, the car reads the plate and runs the registered owner and pre fills the info on the ticket before you even get back to the car. If the owner is not the driver you can run his drivers license through a card reader or a bar code scanner and it will pre fill. The computer takes the speed from the radar and pre fills that. The GPS tracking on the car pre fills the location. The officer can over ride and change any of these things but the computer tracks it all, so it can be down loaded later. An officer might get called in to explain any or all changes made. Of course this equipment cost money so not all police departments have it and many that do don't put it in all their cars. But it's out there...... While I'm on this rant.... a thing that came out of GPS tracking was they could go back and track where the car had been on the whole shift. They said when this 1st came out it was just for officer safety and would never be used for discipline. That lasted til the 1st guy screwed up. Well my personal feeling is don't do anything stupid and it won't matter. But what did bug me is the GPS tracks how fast your going and knows where you are and knows the posted speed limit. Soon as it records your doing more than 30 over the posted speed limit, it sends a speed notification to your boss. Now you HAVE to do a letter as to why you were doing more than 30 over..........Remember for us this is 30km/h that's 18MPH...... "Well the speeder that I clocked doing 28 over as he went by me and turned out to be a stolen car, was really hard to catch up to with me doing 29 over so I did 30 or a bit more."........."Well the robbery at gun point in progress call, I was going to, was just two blocks over, so I tryed to keep it at 29 & a half while I rushed to the call but I guess I hit 30 or a bit more over" And yes I did type these actual lines and some others that didn't go over to well..... It just killed me they knew you were justified but they still made you do a letter and waste your time. And I could spend the rest of my shift driving everywhere at 28-29 over and that was OK, even if it was to the donut shop, long as it wasn't 30. For the reason that is dumb cause you need to know context and the situation. Is the same reason 10 over in a school zone at noon with kids running around everywhere WILL get you a ticket........but 10 over on the highway in the middle of no where might not even get you stopped......unless I'm bored, then you get stopped, so we can chat and I can do some fishing.....never know what you might catch.......nothing......everything else is cool.....OK you can go but do me a favour be more carefull and slow down!
  10. Hey Ray Hope you have a great day!
  11. Let me say hello and welcome! I have a 2013 and had a 2005 the differences between my 2013 & 2005 were colour and some Chrome on the front end. The difference between my 2005 & your 1999 are very few just a couple of Tweeks Yamaha made. So the difference of your 1999 the 1st year for the RSV & the 2013 the last year for RSV is basically nothing. If you park your 1999 next to my 2013 no one would know the difference. So if the bike is in good shape with low miles you got a good deal and I paid to much! But my cassette deck is brand new cause it's never been used. (Come to thing of it I don't know if it even works?!) Check your rear break pads, the inside pad wears much more than the outside one. If the one is worn more than the other just flip them, you'll get more even wear and that way they last longer. If your doing your own work as everyone has said get a lift adaptor go to the "classifieds" and then the "member vendors" and you can find stuff there for your 2nd Gen.
  12. The Imperial & La Baron are the same car just different trim level models, so yes those tail lights fit both of them for 1961.
  13. Oh for sure Bobby! Not a doubt 1961 La Baron. They might be worth some money....they look like there in good shape and they were easy to damage on the cars cause they kind of stood out. Of course only to a guy that needs them!
  14. They look like a set of tail lights off a 1961 Chrysler La Baron.......
  15. No wonder your asking dumb questions.... Your drinking brake fluid!!!???? Oh! De-linking.....
  16. So, this is what this is about....Kevin lost his keys!? Anybody seen Kevin's keys?! Did you you look in the fridge? Dropped mine in there when I was putting groceries away once.....And my wife dropped her's in a snow bank in the driveway, we never did find those. I figured the snowblower tossed them in the neighbours garden someplace.
  17. I'm lucky "My Boss" loves IKEA........so most of the stuff I have to assemble. I can say, "No I didn't read the instructions!"........."There's nothing to read! It only comes with cartoons!"
  18. Questions have developed a range of uses that go beyond the simple eliciting of information from another party. rhetorical questions, for example, are used to make a point, and are not expected to be answered. I believe Trader's (Kevin's) rhetorical question is asked to make a point, and he does not expect an answer (often the answer is implied or obvious). Then again he did respond to his own question with, "DUH!" Never mind..........
  19. WHY?!
  20. This is what I used to see as well when it was on the right.....
  21. I could not see it when it was on the right with my iPad but I knew where it was right next to the search button and if I was very carefull, I could just catch the edge of it with my finger to make it open and get in. Now that you moved it to the left I can't see it at all on the iPad and I can't get in.....just an FYI Freebird. I can live without chat.
  22. After shovelling and blowing snow, digging myself out most of the day........it was nice to come into the house, sit down by the fireplace, relax and read your nice WARM story Puc......thanks. But why is there an old guy on Freebird's lawn with a snowmobile?
  23. Yes what you have ToyOdie are very nice LED HEADLIGHTS & driving lights and that is something I would consider. BUT.....they are not an adaptive LED headlight which is why the others are $800. Don't know if you really would need such a thing anyways on a touring bike, as your probably not leaning way over into corners at night on a RSV which is how you make the other LED's in this headlight come on, to light up the corners. Nice toy for $800. But not my $800!
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