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  • Name
    Brian Cook


  • Location
    Cambridge, WI, United States


  • City
    Cambridge, WI


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model

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  1. The asking price is $6000. I am interested!
  2. Thanks for the reply. I really had no idea. You offer some very good advice, which I will heed. But overall I sense that 80K isn't as important as how it has been cared for. The owner bought the bike new, and has every service record . He is a long time, experienced rider, a member of this forum too. Thanks again!
  3. Hello again! This site is awesome! Y'all are VERY helpful. Thanks! Does pulling a trailer have any ill effects on the RSV? I know I always am doubtful about certain autos that have trailer hitches because the trannys aren't necessarily manufactured to pull loads. Is it the same for cycles? Thanks for your thoughts! Brian
  4. Hello friends! Thinking about purchasing a 2007 RSV with 80'000 miles and would like to know the number of miles some of you are getting or seeing on the Venture. What could one expect assuming the bike is well cared for and maintained. Thanks!! Brian
  5. bmccck


    Hello out there! I apologize for going about this in an awkward way, but I am really interested in buying a 2006-2207 RSV, and I was hoping that someone out there could assist me in how this forum could help me find one! I see the classified links, and I have checked it out. I also notice there is a way for me to "properly" request this kind of info, I just don't know how to go about posting my NEED for a RSV! Again, sorry for cluttering up the Watering Hole with this kind of request, but I really would like to find a great bike!
  6. Hello again! Spring can't come soon enough! About those antenna on the RSV . . . are they permanent fixtures or can they easily be removed and stored when I will not want to use them . . . like when I am riding around locally? Would appreciate knowing more about those things! Thanks!!
  7. Thanks everyone for your two bits worth. Getting feedback from experienced owners and riders is awesome! When the snow clears and the salt is washed off the roads, I'll be test driving that RSV. Sure hope it works out.
  8. Thanks for all the posts about the clutch whine. Sounds like enough of you are pretty annoyed with it. Is it a constant whine or just when the gears go through the 3K rpm range? Growing in my doubts about getting a bike that annoys a good number of its owners. Love the V-Four though.
  9. Thanks for all the posts about the clutch whine. Sounds like enough of you are pretty annoyed with it. Is it a constant whine or just when the gears go through the 3K rpm range? Growing in my doubts about getting a bike that annoys a good number of its owners. Love the V-Four though.
  10. Hello out there! I am new to the site as well as to the RSV. Am considering purchasing a 2007 Venture and I am afraid I am in need of some explanation of what the clutch whine is. Just how loud is it? Is it ony an issue with Yamahas? Is it something other people can hear as your bike approaches? I hear great things about the VEnture, yet am caused to hesitate because some of you have said you can't stand it any more and will or have sold your bikes for this reason. Please help me understand what to listen for and how bad it can get. Thanks!
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