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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. Each bit helps a little more but not enough. So, I will just keep it simple. I will just put an in-line fuse there and be done with it. Shoulda done that to begin with and I can handle that. Maybe try and sell the kit at a loss at MX day. Oh yea, and take a hammer to that motionpro carb sync and spend another $100 on a carbtune. Sorry if I sound frustrated. I just am lately with this bike.
  2. I knew someone would say something about that. That is why I am attempting the upgrade. It is really there to make up for the space between the fuse and the broken fuse holder. Also, this bike never gets ridden so it wont hurt, lol. Oh, that was the fix when it broke on me while I was stuck in traffic during rush hour traffic in Dallas. Damn near got run over a few times by cars driving in the emergency lane - where I was.
  3. This Caveman has Skydoc_17's fuse box upgrade and needs help. I must be pre-caveman cause I missed something in the instructions or just not getting it. I think I have more going on at the top of the fusebox (see attached image) than in the instructions. I might have a noise suppressor and the battery mod plugged into one of the screws at the top. This is where I am stuck and do not know what to do.
  4. The smaller plastic piece looks to go where the overflow tank is on the right side. This is when there is not a CB installed. The larger plastic piece looks to go on the right side for where there is no radio. They both look to fit an MKI but would prolly work on an MKII also. And also maybe not a Royale, just the Venture but do not quote me on that.
  5. Well, don't feel so left out there bud! Ride UGLY or Brown Sugar down here.
  6. Come to think of it, I had to lay her over slowly a couple times in '94 and '95. You figure it out better over time. Now getting the ole lady on the back while your trying to hold it up can be a treat!
  7. The jet fighter look of the helmet fits an MKI, lol.
  8. i will check out the FS model too. New Enough has the IS for cheaper than I am finding on the Internet. They are showing $137 to $144.
  9. I thought you had one but was not sure. Would you think I might have that anxiety thing like I do with those sunglasses i has on in that pic? That inner shield looks close. ya see, I do not know what about those sunglasses caused that. Normal sunglasses I am fine with. I think I may have heard it could have been the curvature of the lenses on the sunglasses that causes that. But then those sunglasses were right up on my face too. So, no distorion on the inner lens is good, lol.
  10. I have only started looking and found the HJC IS-16 interesting. Has anyone an opinion on one of these that had worn one? One thing is a I noticed a year ago while skiing is that I develop anxiety with those close fitting sunglasses after about 10 minutes. I am wondering if I will experience the same thing with this helmet. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31%2BqLIkovnL._SL500_AA300_.jpg The attached image will give you an idea of the glasses I had a problem with. Dunno if it has to do with the curvature of the lens or not.
  11. That is a good feeling. Nice bike!
  12. The '85 is the best looking year. Believe me, I KNOW!
  13. Did it rain really hard on the way home? It is a serious question, not messing with ya.
  14. Glad mine slipped in on that one. Now maybe I can finally get this CB I picked up installed. Sure wish I got to hang around more first gens than just mine.
  15. Now those Shop Manuals would be heaven to me, lol. That is a looong round trip though. I have the owners manual still.
  16. Spent some time on that site for sure. Both my engines were 2.7's.
  17. Yippee! Thanks Salty!
  18. Had two '04 Intrepids until recently. Glad they are gone! One had an issue similar to yours but it got traded in with that issue. The other was prolly the worst car I ever owned. If you get it right, get rid of it fast. Get ready for that $1k water pump change.
  19. The stock 6 guage cables do not seem to be quite enough when they get to be 20+ years old. The cable mod, bumped to 4 guage, coupled with an AGM battery will make a suprising difference when you tap that starter button. Then there is a mod in the starter as well where additional grounding is added. Lonestarmedic is the cable guy. Great guy to deal with too.
  20. Tons of threads on both subjects. The starting thing could be one or more of many things. More info may be needed to get closer to what is causing it. Like does it do this when it is warmed up and you have been riding for a bit... The temp thing can be normal. Sometimes not looking at the guage is the best idea, lol. The best suggestion I ever got was just put a piece of tape over the guage. It is not overheating so you are good. But seriously, more information would be helpful and burn up that search feature.
  21. Always do. Been a habit for as long as I can remember. I use the off switch on the controller when I park. Sometimes before I even actually stop.
  22. That sounds like MORE work that just pulling the two bolts through the headlight area. I use a wobble socket on a long extension - 1/4 inch drive. I put the bolts back the same way.
  23. That is fine with me to make a PDF out of it and post it. But I want the actual manual. I am much better with paper than PDF. Now If I could just get a good paper manual for the bike... Thanks again Lynn.
  24. If it is a large howl that seems to come out of the entire fairing, it is the speedo. Just changed mine. Take the cable out of the sleeve and it should be gone. Had to do that so I could ride.
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