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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. I remember passing bikes in the same lane when I was younger but I never flew passed them. The bike usually saw me, moved to the side of the lane and then I eased up next to them. Once i was next to them at about the same speed I nodded and eased off ahead of them. The CHiPpy's did it, so I figured I could too, lol. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSzEmPEnYxo]YouTube- Chips tv intro[/ame]
  2. I have been in about 9 bike wrecks with me on them, all 18 years old and younger. One time involved two of my bikes and a cage. 8 of those times it was my fault because I felt invincible and loved the thrill of pushing it harder and harder. Oh, and I had Mulholland drive & hwy and Angeles Crest. The 9th time was mostly all my fault. I was riding 2up with my step-sister on fully Vetter dressed XS Eleven Special (my dad's) and a bud of mine on my 400-4. We we cruising down sunset blvd, in the evening about 65 (I think the speed limit was 35). I was was talking to sis, radio loud, and didn't notice the 400-4 slowing down (he was gearing down not touching the brakes). Then I saw the brake light, I hit both brakes, tired locked, I hit the 400-4, I helped push the 400-4 into the back of the car. The 400-4 stood straight-up because the front wheel and fender wrapped around the the rear bumper of the car and the XS was still standing because the forks had turned the bike enough to squeeze between the frame and rear wheel. The bud went into the back window of the car, sis and I flew off to the left towards oncoming traffic. I clipped my knee on the handlebar on the way off, still have trouble with that knee. Sis still gets migraine headaches. Bud walked away without a scratch. Here is why I say it was mostly my fault and not all of my fault. That section of Sunset was very dark, there was a tree that the limbs and leaves came out over two lanes blocking any moonlight, the car was stopped there in the lane not moving with lights off like they were wanting an accident to happen and bud waited a long time to touch the brakes for the brake light on the bike to come on. You almost could not see the car there. What makes it mostly my fault was, I let bud ride my bike and I let him ride it carelessly. I followed behind way above the speed limit. I should have been paying more attention to know more of what was going on instead of talking to sis. I should have had more distance between the bikes but thought I had enough at the time. I should have had an OUT strategy (something I make a point to have now). And I should have been more considerate of the life I had behind me that trusted me with theirs. I still feel bad about the migraines sis still gets since then. I know this will get dissected but that is fine. That is the story I have stuck to and still will. I guess my point here is with most of y'all and it is not always the cagers fault, it could easily be the fault of a kid who feels invincible. When I ride, do I feel that cagers are out to get me? Heck yes I do, lol. Do cagers seem to pay less attention than those cagers of 30 years ago? I do believe they pay less attention now than they did 30 years ago. For those of you that may be concerned about my riding, I have not ridden like I did as a young lad since about 18. I know, I picked up a sport tourer in 94 but the, but the..but the bike is HOT (my VR). Carry on!
  3. He even uses the same chiq with the beer bottle.
  4. I found this 20% coupon at that printable coupons link. I wonder if they will take it since it has a one year validity date. Yea, I see the domain in the addy I just posted, I dunno. http://www.harborfreightusa.com/html/SingleMagLanders/americanprofile/images/20_c.jpg
  5. Here is a Gold WIng I would like to own!
  6. This thread is kinda biased, ya think????? There sure is not much to choose from though. I have looked. I like the new Concours but 2up riding would be as nice for momma.
  7. ...have any of you?
  8. It may not be actually official but some time ago this came up and it was decided that it is two fingers to make a "V" and then four fingers to make a "4". http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23664&highlight=venturerider+wave
  9. lol, i kicked that image up to 400% in IE and it looks brown to me.
  10. Thanks for the additional relief Jeff. Working for a major Internet/Network/Security company makes me paranoid of buying anything on the Internet or spilling my personal info in it. And I like to deal with reputable people/companies like we all do.
  11. My '85 says it is Gloriuos Maxi Brown and Marshall Gold. What they are calling Marshall Gold sure looks Gray to me! But then, it may have faded some to end up looking gray.
  12. Will this help? http://www.venturerider.org/paint/PaintChartRef___00001.html
  13. Thanks Gary for the input. I just ordered them.
  14. I installed hte free version. It works well. I have no need to post using it so the free version will do me for now. When and I really need it, I will purchase it and hope the price comes down a bit. Besides, out of all the forums I go into, VR.org is th eonly one they have. I did find one forum for the sick folks called Kink Talk. Yea, the name explains the content, lol.
  15. I do not know who was riding 2up in McKinney on Lake Forest and Eldorado on a black 2nd gen. I was in my cage and could not catch up to give the VR wave.
  16. I was recommended these. I was told that they are about a Proto and Craftsman pro quality. I will be ordering these. http://www.mcmaster.com/#53325a41/=7097aq I checked BBB ans saw no complaints towards the company.
  17. :rotf:
  18. Oh Oh...
  19. I spoke to MotionPro today and they are sending me out a repair kit at no charge. Nice people to talk to. Will see how that repair kit works out.
  20. Gross and funny at the same time. My mind went straight for the buffet, yuck!
  21. I am sure many of you know why he could read that. For those of you that do not know why, is because as long as the first and last letter are in the same place and you only mix up the middle letters, your brain will reconstruct the letters in the right place most of the time. This only works with words that have 4+ letters and words you are familiar with.
  22. I hvae cmoe to the clusoncion taht speinllg is auactlly ulesses buecase you can allctuay raed dran naer ervey wrod I jsut tepyd. Go frugie.
  23. Here is the FB site. It is not exactly VR.org but I think you will recognize the admin and officer of this group. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=21338336667&ref=ts
  24. Just click ignore, I won't mind!
  25. Depends on how big your head or Magnum is. That reminds me, I gotta go brush the horse and clean my six guns too!
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