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Everything posted by GigaWhiskey

  1. If you have Foxfire, you might have an issue. If you have FireFox, then you might be ok!
  2. I want a 1/4 mile time! I always thought rat bikes looked perty kewl in its own quirky way. To me, this is a way kewl rat bike mod. Wonder how it reacts with the four filters instead of the breather box? How does it handle with the bob? I think you made history here. I think we got a calender pic here Don. Did you think you would get the amount of yea's versus the nays? NEway, IMHO, :sign kewl:and to all newcomers, :2TEAL:
  3. The SuperBrace looks really nice. Goes very well with polished forks!
  4. I run mine hard, speedshift it, stand her on the rear wheel and she is still fine. She has 73k on her and I have had her about 14 years. The only thing I worry about is the plastic cracking when I bring her back on two wheels, lol.
  5. That is a good looking bike you picked up there! May need a carb cleaning and diaphrams. I am not sure but many will chime in after me too! I know mine acted similarly but cleaning he carbs (carb cleaner and compressed air) was the biggest thing and then the diaphram replacement fixed it even more.
  6. [ame=http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1967030880]MySpaceTV: why men have bikes... by Chad[/ame]
  7. This is way:sign kewl:! A video folder may be kewl too!
  8. That's a perty wild one! Never heard that before. Sounds like a short to me but what would I know.
  9. Hey Squid, You make great cables and lamp brackets, how 'bout some floorboards! Bet you can handle it!
  10. Squidley's bigger cables and a PC680MJ are a dreamy combination! I have no fear that she will have problems starting unless it is related to something completely unrelated. She spins over very fast!
  11. Look no further, you are here. If yer not skeered of turning a wrench, this club is the only place you need to go to find Excellent, Top Notch, Unfettered and Reliable Service. In fact, you just missed out on Maintenance Day. Well so did I but I couldn't take the time off to go! Prolly be another one next year!
  12. I pulled up to the gas station, turn the bike off and filled it up. Well, guess what, it would not start. I had a heck of a time getting this thing rolling, barely fast enough to get the engine to turn. I tried to jump on it and stopped midway and gave up. ried again, rolled, actually got on it, dropped her into first (dumb me), bike came to a stop. Tried again, it went rump rump and stopped. I am like, cannot call anyone, not gonna call a tow truck for a jump, wont let anyone help push me (cracked my trunk once before). I sat down, un-POed myself, took the gloves, helmet and jacket off. Ok, do or die, rolled it as hard as I could, dropped her in second and bam, she started. Bet you all though I was gonna drop it a few times in the story! Heh, if so, gotcha! NEway, I fixed that problem cause I was not gonna do that again - Squids cables and a PC680MJ.
  13. I can't remember which place but I got mine at O'Rielly's or AutoZone. Simple auto part stores should carry it.
  14. For some reason, it scratched mine up and made it blurry. Must be some ind of coating on it. I dunno. I do not want to be held responsible for someones windshield getting messed up, so, I said do not use it on the windshield. All else, what a shine it brings!
  15. and the ole lady will consider a nap an option while on the back! heh
  16. A while back I thought to purchase new lenses for the turn signals and taillight because they were dingy and they would not look good. Then I found Meguiars PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish. This stuff works very well with minimal elbow grease. Needless to say, I am not in the market for new lenses. These things are now very shiny This stuff works on the four turn signal lenses, taillight lense, the clear headlight cover, all of the reflectors, the clear dash plastic, the radio glass and the CLASS glass. I love this stuff and thought I would pass it on to all of you! PS. Do not use it on the windshield!
  17. There area man ythings to look into; Tire pressure, Tire age, Tire cupping, Possibly steering bearings, other items. Search the forums and you will find many posts on this subject and some in depth. What bike do you have? Other club members will jump in and help as usual.
  18. The Hillard page has plenty listed. Now I know where there are a few roads up by me. I have ran the three's, those were a lot of fun! Almost forgot I have a wife and three kids!
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